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Whos got the hangover cure?


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A hangover is a devestating illness that we all suffer from time to time. In an effort to cure this deadly and intoxicating disease I call on all to share their info on how best to cure this ugly nasty virus.

I heard sipping warm coke for an hour just before acutally getting out of bed works wonders. Only worked for me once, but then again I only tried it once.:cheers:

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There is no surefire way to get rid of hangovers. Everyone is different and the amount and type of alcohol plays a part. First you should use preventive measures like eating a good full meal and continue to eat throughout the festivities. Maybe take a couple of excedrin. Drink some water to get hydrated. I heard those hangover pills work. What works for some won't work for others.

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Also, switch back and forth between booze and water. For every drink you have, have 8-10 oz of H2O.

Also, dont use carbonated mixers.

My dad always says "If you're man enough to drink hard liquor, you should be man enough to drink it with nothing but ice and a splash of water"

Makes sense. The sugar in mixers exagerates the hangover.

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The symptoms of a hangover are caused by the body's hydration level. Alchohol pulls the water from your body.... so in the morning you're dehydrated and the headache and upset stomach is the result.

Whenever you drink...try to drink as much water as you can while doing so. Additionally, drink a liter of water before you go to bed and pop a couple of pain relievers.

The increased water consumption will help in making your body less dehydrated in the morning. First thing in the morning, knock back another liter of water.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

3 tylanol and a 32 oz gatorade before bed.

When you wake up in the middle of the night guzzle as much h2o or gatorade as you can stand.

Wake up and have a complex breakfast. Not just greasy foods.

Sounds exactly like mine, but add in a Chili and Cheese Big Bite from 7-11 before bed.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

3 tylanol and a 32 oz gatorade before bed.

When you wake up in the middle of the night guzzle as much h2o or gatorade as you can stand.

Wake up and have a complex breakfast. Not just greasy foods.

Bad idea about the Tylenol (especially if you drink alot, not that I'd know :D ) Acetaminophen harms the liver a great deal, and if you take it while you have alcohol in your system it only enhances the effect.

Hangovers are caused mainly from dehydration so like Kilmer said above drink plenty of water as often as you can. It's good to have a glass of water with every beer you drink, it won't mess up your buzz and you already have to pee alot any way.

I've also tried the "Chaser" pills. They are a preventive thing that you can buy at GNC, pretty expensive but they work surprisingly well.

Also beer will give you more of a hangover than liquor so pick your poison wisely.

Other than that, hair of the dog is my favorite cure! :laugh:

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Also, switch back and forth between booze and water. For every drink you have, have 8-10 oz of H2O.

Also, dont use carbonated mixers.

My dad always says "If you're man enough to drink hard liquor, you should be man enough to drink it with nothing but ice and a splash of water"


Splash of water? nah. Straight over ice works for me. :refill:

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If you've already got one, it's too late.

You needed to drink water before going to bed- at least a litre.

The only thing that can be done after the fact is hydration and perhaps analgesics. Gatorade is good because it's absorbed into your system faster than straight water. However, you need to dilute it with equal parts water to get the proper effect (it's made sweeter than ideal so that people will drink it like pop- sorry that's soda to you guys).

In terms of analgesics, tylenol is all bad because it's a double hit to the liver with the alcohol it's overloaded with already. The one I like is ibuprofen- maybe it's just mental, but I like the fact that it also works as an anti-inflammatory. It does give a hit to your kidneys, but hey, they can take up some slack at the moment. Aspirin is OK, but it hits the stomach, and you probably don't want that if you're trying to eat.

Beyond that, just consign yourself to sleeping the day away...

By the way, this comes from a guy who lived through a 2 day hangover from drinking the night BEFORE his birthday. Yes, a hangover on my birthday- no fun.

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Spicey Bite at 7-11 cures what ails ya...

Load it up with jalapenos and onions and you'll only concentrate on the pain in your grill...

Seriously double digit gulps of H2O before, during and after the night is the best I've found. If your eyes are on fire in the am you're behind the power curve.

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