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New Time magazine poll: Bush 52%, Kerry 41%, Nader 3%..........


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Wow, I thought Bush would get a bounce, just not this big:



Campaign 2004: Bush Opens Double-Digit Lead

TIME Poll: Among likely voters, 52% would vote for President George Bush, while 41% would vote for John Kerry and 3% would vote for Ralph Nader

Friday, Sep. 03, 2004

New York: For the first time since the Presidential race became a two person contest last spring, there is a clear leader, the latest TIME poll shows. If the 2004 election for President were held today, 52% of likely voters surveyed would vote for President George W. Bush, 41% would vote for Democratic nominee John Kerry, and 3% would vote for Ralph Nader, according to a new TIME poll conducted from Aug. 31 to Sept. 2. Poll results are available on TIME.com and will appear in the upcoming issue of TIME magazine, on newsstands Monday, Sept. 6.

Most important issues: When asked what they consider are the most important issues, 25% of registered voters cited the economy as the top issue, followed by 24% who cited the war on terrorism as the top issue. The situation in Iraq was rated the top issue by 17% of registered voters, moral values issues such as gay marriage and abortion were the top issue for 16% of respondents, and health care was the most important issue for 11% of respondents.

Bush vs. Kerry:

The economy: 47% trust President Bush more to handle the economy, while 45% trust Kerry.

Health care: 48% trust Senator Kerry to handle health care issues, while 42% trust Bush.

Iraq: 53% trust Bush to handle the situation in Iraq, while 41% trust Kerry.

Terrorism: 57% trust Bush to handle the war on terrorism, while 36% trust Kerry.

Understanding the needs of people: 47% said they trust Kerry to understand the needs of people like themselves, while 44% trusted Bush to understand their needs.

Providing strong leadership: 56% said they trust Bush to provide strong leadership in difficult times, while 37% said they trust Kerry to provide leadership in difficult times.

Tax policy: 49% trust Bush to handle tax policy, while 40% trust Kerry.

Commanding the Armed Forces: 54% said they trust Bush to be commander-in-chief of the armed forces, while 39% said they trust Kerry.

Bush on the Issues:

Iraq: Half (50%) of those surveyed approve of the way President Bush is handling the situation in Iraq, while 46% disapprove. In last week’s TIME poll, 48% approved of the way Bush was handling the situation in Iraq and 48% disapproved.

Terrorism: Almost two thirds (59%) said they approve of how President Bush is handling the war on terrorism, while 38% disapprove. Last week’s TIME poll found 55% approved of Bush’s handling of the war on terrorism, while 40% disapproved.

The Economy: Survey respondents were split on the President’s handling of the economy. Almost half (48%) said the approved of Bush’s handling of the economy, while 48% said the disapproved.

Other results include:

Was U.S. Right Going to War with Iraq? Over half of those surveyed (52%) think the U.S. was right in going to war with Iraq, while 41% think the U.S. was wrong to go to war.

Have the United States’ actions in Iraq made the world safer? Almost half (45%) think the United States’ actions in Iraq have made the world safer, while 45% think the world is more dangerous. In a similar TIME poll taken Aug. 3 – 5, over half (52%) said the world was more dangerous, and 38% said the world was safer.

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This isn't a convention bump poll. It's just the recent upward trend Bush has been enjoying. He probably will only get a point or two on top of what he's already been getting of late. That will show up in polls taken over the next few days.

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The only polls that really matter are state by state polls so that we can see how the electoral college will shake out. Here's a link to one that I have been following:


That site also has a page where based on regression and trends they try to predict how the election will play out in each state:


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Come on CSkin, are you falling for the "he voted for it before voting against it" line?

This is the biggest farce going--clearly a stupid statement by Kerry, but really not all that outrageous. All those bills always have different amendments and riders on them that make each vote totally different from the one before it (I believe at one point there was an amendment that would have made the tax cuts permanent--what does that have to do with spending in Iraq?).

The bottom line on this is that Kerry voted against giving the president a $20 billion check to dole out as he saw fit (i.e. to Halliburton).

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Originally posted by atlantaskin

The bottom line on this is that Kerry voted against giving the president a $20 billion check to dole out as he saw fit (i.e. to Halliburton).

Again: did you say the same about President Clinton hiring Halliburton.. Your so silly...

Next you'll say that after the Kerry Convention the bump wasnt there because everyone had already decided.. But when President Bush hits 53% you'll say it's because of the convention...

I didnt see this coming until the swiftboat folks start getting credibility on some of their statements.... Then I knew it was definately a bad thing for the Kerry campaign... Its a shame we cant talk about the last 29years, but Kerry wont let us...

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Originally posted by atlantaskin The bottom line on this is that Kerry voted against giving the president a $20 billion check to dole out as he saw fit (i.e. to Halliburton).

Halliburton is one of the few companies that can do what it is doing in Iraq. I guess we could have gone with the #2 firm, Schlumberger which is a French owned company with former Clinton officials on the Board of Directors.

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A litle too early beside the media backlash toward bush hasnt came back from its 2 day vacation yet.

But it is amazing when you look at the GOP roster and Liberal roster you can tell who has those with backbones and those the girlie men and that there is no comparison even when it comes to style grace and class its a runaway.

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Most interesting quote:

Terrorism: Almost two thirds (59%) said they approve of how President Bush is handling the war on terrorism, while 38% disapprove. Last week’s TIME poll found 55% approved of Bush’s handling of the war on terrorism, while 40% disapproved.
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What I find very troubling about liberals is that they actually feel it is a negative for a politician to have a good relationship with private industry. Of course Halliburton has had no-bid government contracts for years. Before Bush and Cheney got into the White House. Yet, in a free market, capitalistic system, it seems once conservatives get in office, they should no longer operate government the same way as liberals did. Which means, of course, if a politician has a relationship with a business, that business should be excluded from actually performing the same work it has done for years when career politicians were in charge.

Liberals are a nutty bunch.

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