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Don't look now, but unemployment dropped to 5.4%

Zen-like Todd

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Originally posted by Liberty

Yes I am, at least not enough, don't know why but I know that it can improve. It is either that or the kids refuse to listen for some reason.

i dissagree i think parents try their best but their are a lot of single parent households where the parent works till late at night or even household with both parents that work and some parents arnt educated themselves and dont know the first thing about motivating their child in school and some parents do a good job but their kid dousnt listen or gets raped up in streetlife

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Originally posted by Brooklynskinsfan

i dissagree i think parents try their best but their are a lot of single parent households where the parent works till late at night or even household with both parents that work and some parents arnt educated themselves and dont know the first thing about motivating their child in school and some parents do a good job but their kid dousnt listen or gets raped up in streetlife

i agree that single parent homes can lead to kids not being pushed enough so that can be a problem. According to one poll I heard (Bill O'Reilly said it so I am taking it with a grain of salt) close to 70% of Black kids are born out of wedlock. That has to change, but who can you blame other than the Black community?

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there was a rise in jobless claims last week, but mroe than half of that was from the last hurricane that blew through Florida. With Frances bearing down on the mainland right now, and looking like a monster storm, its something to keep an eye on.


Hurricane Charley, which struck Florida on Aug. 13, had ``no discernible'' effect on August's payrolls, the department said.

Nice spin. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by Liberty

i agree that single parent homes can lead to kids not being pushed enough so that can be a problem. According to one poll I heard (Bill O'Reilly said it so I am taking it with a grain of salt) close to 70% of Black kids are born out of wedlock. That has to change, but who can you blame other than the Black community?

I think what is to blame is that poor people in general are treated like second class citizeans they get second class education second class healthcare if any and second class housing

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Originally posted by Jackson's Ward


there was a rise in jobless claims last week, but mroe than half of that was from the last hurricane that blew through Florida. With Frances bearing down on the mainland right now, and looking like a monster storm, its something to keep an eye on.


Hurricane Charley, which struck Florida on Aug. 13, had ``no discernible'' effect on August's payrolls, the department said.

Nice spin. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Not particularly well read, are you?


New claims for unemployment benefits rose for the second week in a row, reflecting the lingering effects of Hurricane Charley. For the week ending Aug. 28, new applications rose by a seasonally adjusted 19,000 to 362,000.


A lot of investors -- and U.S. Federal Reserve Board officials -- will be looking to today's U.S. employment report for direction. They may instead get misdirection.

Hurricane Charley, which whipped through the southeastern United States in mid-August, didn't just wreak havoc on Floridians. Experts believe it also tossed the U.S. economy around, which means that several key economic indicators, including the August jobs numbers, have been substantially distorted by its winds.


Washington - With Hurricane Frances poised to strike Florida as early as Friday, business leaders and political candidates will be watching how the huge storm affects the economy of a key swing state in the presidential race.

Hurricanes typically boost Florida's economy once the rebuilding effort kicks into high gear. Homeowners upgrade damaged structures, putting in bigger baths and better roofs than before. Construction jobs soar, and tourists eventually return to see the new sights.

But in the short run - and that's all that's left before the Nov. 2 election - hurricanes can cause enormous economic damage, shutting down many businesses and driving up unemployment.

Hurricane Frances could worsen that perception. On Thursday, the Labor Department said seasonally adjusted jobless claims rose to 362,000 from 343,000 the previous week. Nearly half the increase was attributed to job cuts stemming from disruptions caused by Hurricane Charley, which slammed into Florida on Aug. 13 and caused an estimated $7 billion in insured damages.

That's ok, we won't laugh too hard at you.

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Explain the state of education in DC, where per pupil spending is among the highest in the nation.

The truth is the link between funding and school/student performance is tenious at best. Funding for public education has skyrocketed since the 60's, the lack of funding argument is really getting old.

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I just read all of the posts.

All I can say is ..........

I have no respose to the absolutely unfounded, incorrect and racially slanted opinions that are written within.

Do people really buy in to some of this nonsense that society is unfair because some people are so unmotivated and lazy that instead of working hard to improve their circumstances, they opt to whine and complain while not doing a single thing it takes to succeed?

again, we really need to add a short bus smiley, because it's obvious thats what we are dealing with here.

This makes no sense!

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Then why did you post the article in here that disputes your claims?

It is funny that what you say DIRECTLY contradicted the link you provided, and only 3 paragraphs apart. :laugh:

Don't take it personal. I know people are just struggling and grasping to find good economic numbers for this president's disastrous policies.

There is no link you can provide that claims that Bush has a net gain in jobs.


Still waiting for the trickle down...

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Originally posted by skin-n-vegas

I just read all of the posts.

All I can say is ..........

I have no respose to the absolutely unfounded, incorrect and racially slanted opinions that are written within.

Do people really buy in to some of this nonsense that society is unfair because some people are so unmotivated and lazy that instead of working hard to improve their circumstances, they opt to whine and complain while not doing a single thing it takes to succeed?

again, we really need to add a short bus smiley, because it's obvious thats what we are dealing with here.

This makes no sense!

did u attend an inercity public school?

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Originally posted by Jackson's Ward

Then why did you post the article in here that disputes your claims?

It is funny that what you say DIRECTLY contradicted the link you provided, and only 3 paragraphs apart. :laugh:

Don't take it personal. I know people are just struggling and grasping to find good economic numbers for this president's disastrous policies.

There is no link you can provide that claims that Bush has a net gain in jobs.


Still waiting for the trickle down...

Mind boggling. You're digging yourself deeper and deeper. Read my first post. Read the article. Understand the concept of a four week moving average, employment reports, and timelines. Everything is absolutely consistent. You're not comprehending the statements correctly. Read more carefully. You are embarassingly wrong.

We know you're full of hate. Its ok. You'll probably outgrow it at some point. I used to be far angrier and less objective than I am today. But making specious statements and throwing out words like spin aren't going to make anyone take you seriously.

And here's the thing about your last statement. You are simply wrong. The numbers are good. The unemployment rate is not bad. GDP growth is very solid. And far more importantly, productivity has been climbing rapidly. And since we all know our economics, the two long run determinants of the future wealth of the country are the size of the labor force and productivity, thats absolutely fantastic. Perhaps you should sit down and learn something about economics before you spew.

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"Arlington, VA: As you have pointed out in one of your columns, the federal government's contribution to public education is small relative to total spending. It seems that the education system's reliance on local property taxes to fund local schools guarantees that schools in poor areas will continue to be underfunded. Do you think it will ever be politically feasible for the proportion of costs paid by federal funds to increase substantially?

Diane Ravitch: The federal share of spending for education is now about 7%, and much of that goes to special programs (like special education, bilingual education, and other targeted uses) that has little bearing on the average child. It is likely that we will see increases in federal spending--both candidates are now promising increases--but don't forget that new federal dollars always comes with strings and regulations. "

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Originally posted by Brooklynskinsfan

did u attend an inercity public school?

I went to a very rural high school that was extremely poor. My town consisted of mostly struggling farmers. We experienced much of the same as inner city schools in that the budgeted funding dollars always seemed to dissappear when it hit the local level. I don't think demographics of schools has as big of an impact as perceptions lead us to believe. I think the onus lies on local governments to hold the parties that are responsible for funding allottment to ensure that all of the money makes it to the kids.

I get angry when there are complaints on No child left behind and on the flase statements that the GOP doesnt fund education.

The current money spent on education far exceeds the levels provided by any previous administration. The fact that people are scared becuase NCLB instills accountability on the teachers and school staff is silly. What is wrong with demanding excellence no matter what school they are in?

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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

Mind boggling. You're digging yourself deeper and deeper. Read my first post. Read the article. Understand the concept of a four week moving average, employment reports, and timelines. Everything is absolutely consistent. You're not comprehending the statements correctly. Read more carefully. You are embarassingly wrong.

We know you're full of hate. Its ok. You'll probably outgrow it at some point. I used to be far angrier and less objective than I am today. But making specious statements and throwing out words like spin aren't going to make anyone take you seriously.

And here's the thing about your last statement. You are simply wrong. The numbers are good. The unemployment rate is not bad. GDP growth is very solid. And far more importantly, productivity has been climbing rapidly. And since we all know our economics, the two long run determinants of the future wealth of the country are the size of the labor force and productivity, thats absolutely fantastic. Perhaps you should sit down and learn something about economics before you spew.

Son, you should try to be less condescending. :D

Some people can contradict themselves and find a way to spin out of it. Nice job.

Question: How is it good to create 140k when 140k leave the workforce?

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Originally posted by Jackson's Ward

Son, you should try to be less condescending. :D

Some people can contradict themselves and find a way to spin out of it. Nice job.

I'll be less condescending when you get a grip on reality. Since you still haven't shown the ability to read, I'll but the quote right back in front of your face.

It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next month or two. Apparently there was a rise in jobless claims last week, but more than half of that was from the last hurricane that blew through Florida. With Frances bearing down on the mainland right now, and looking like a monster storm, its something to keep an eye on.

Which was absolutely correct. You incorrectly attributted that very clear, straightforward statement to the monthly employment report. You were wrong, and rude at the same time. Thats why your ignorant statements were returned with rudeness. Its very, very simple. Lets see if you can admit it.

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Originally posted by Jackson's Ward

Son, you should try to be less condescending. :D

Some people can contradict themselves and find a way to spin out of it. Nice job.

Question: How is it good to create 140k when 140k leave the workforce?

I don't want to be inappropriate here, but I am embarrassed for you.

I'm not bashing you, only feel sorry for you. Please stop posting entirely until you learn a little more about facts.

It's tough love, but I'm only saying it because I care.

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Originally posted by Jackson's Ward

I wish we lived in the days when people would duel. :laugh:

Hehehe... I know that was a Zell Miller reference, but when you said that it made me think of the Charlie Murphhay sketch on Chappelle Show when he was talked about getting slapped in the face and how back in the day you'd challenge him to a duel. :silly:

Seriously man, it might sound harsh, but I'm not really looking to trash you, so much as to push you to actually be serious about your opinions. There's nothing wrong with having a different point of view, you just have to express yourself in the right way, and do the legwork. Learn about the issues. Have background data. Real background data. Understand what it means before you post. Look at Destino, for example (oh my god, I can't believe I just said that.... :) ).

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"The unemployment rate, measured through a separate survey of households, fell as more people stopped looking for jobs. The survey of about 60,000 households showed a 21,000 increase in employment and a 152,000 drop in the labor force. Through most of the year, job gains in the household survey outstripped increases shown in the survey of businesses that determines payroll gains."

I was thinking about this some more (slow day). I wonder if this is from the same time period. IF it is recent, it could also be reflecting the end of the summer season. College and highschool students would have been looking for a break before school. Anyway, I was just curious if this was a seasonally adjusted number.

Also, reports for the past few years have shown the past few summer to be reasonably hard on summer jobs...wouldn't this affect the seasonal adjustment (which way?).

Anyway, this could just be a sign of a banner summer for summer jobs (more good news for Bush).

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I've read the posts here... people trying to identify the "smoking gun" behind failing public school systems with inner city schools.

I think it's impossible to place a finger on one overall reason for the poor public education and subsequent ill-prepared students.

Here are a few:

a)Poor parenting, a cause of many of our social ills. If parents aren't actively involved in their children's education than the students take the opinion that it's not important.

Some may say that single parents can't spend the time to become actively involved. I disagree, alot can be done that doesn't require a major shift in their lives. How about parents making it a point to stress the importance of school... and suggest that eventhough mommie and daddy have to work and won't necessarily have the time to concentrate on their child's public education... they still feel it's important for their children to do their very best. There should be concequences for their child's failure and attitude toward school. More importantly, is mommie and daddy's work more important than their child's future? How about a shift in priorities? How about sacrificing that job they love for one that better helps them take and active role in their children's education.

B) Bureacracy. There are far to many school administrations who don't care about their students. They care about the money given to the schools... but not in creating a condusive enviroment for excelled learning within the school. Art has pointed out that many public schools systems have been admonished for hording billions of dollars. How can school systems justify hording money and keeping kids from their very best? This should be illegal and those involved prosecuted. These are our kids for god's sake.

c) Poor teachers. Although there are many excellent teachers in school systems throughout the nation, many administrations allow poor teachers to remain on the payrolls. The National Teacher's Union is responsible for many school administrations having teachers either unqualified or incapable of providing a solid education to students. They should be evaluated and reviewed by their peers and those found incompetent should be released immediately. Instead... below average teachers are protected by unions. These are our kids for god's sake.

Along the lines of poor teachers is the lack of salary that attracts them. Many people extremely qualified and perceived to be excellent teachers ignore the profession due to it's lack of pay. Hoping to attract the upper crust of teachers based on the perception of it's "noble profession" is ridiculous. This is the real world, people don't want to scrape paycheck to paycheck and use their own funds to help supplement their curriculum. How can teachers teach kids to excel and far outpace the poverty line when they themselves are living at the poverty line? I say that the billions of dollars spent in public education is wasted or stolen by crooked administrators. Teachers and front-line school personnel need better pay so that their own lives can improve and that should spur a more condusive classroom enviroment.

Folks.. it isn't one problem that's producing poorly prepared students. It's a number of factors creating a "perfect storm" effect.

Better parenting, more administration accountability, more targeted funding with checks and balances.

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