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Republicans are cracking me up right now, the irony of it all


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Republicans (and some conservative Dems) couldn't wait to charge Bill Clinton with all these crimes over Monica Lewinsky. He was called so many names and talked about like he was the most unethical person on Earth.

Then comes the RNC and Guiliani is one of the first speakers. A man who also went through an incident with public infidelity while he was running for Senate (with more than one woman). He only told the truth because he was backed into a wall.

Now ever since 9/11 it's like Guiliani never did anything wrong and his word and opinion should be respected. Yet Clinton is the scum of the Earth. The hypocrisy of it all. If it's one of their own there are a million excuses.

Sorry just felt like ranting.

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Originally posted by ghetto-smoove

Republicans (and some conservative Dems) couldn't wait to charge Bill Clinton with all these crimes over Monica Lewinsky. He was called so many names and talked about like he was the most unethical person on Earth.

Then comes the RNC and Guiliani is one of the first speakers. A man who also went through an incident with public infidelity while he was running for Senate (with more than one woman). He only told the truth because he was backed into a wall.

Now ever since 9/11 it's like Guiliani never did anything wrong and his word and opinion should be respected. Yet Clinton is the scum of the Earth. The hypocrisy of it all. If it's one of their own there are a million excuses.

Sorry just felt like ranting.

Guiliani wasn't the president and the lady wasn't 20 + years (she might have been, but don't remember) younger then him, there is a difference but then again ignorance is your specialty :D

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Originally posted by jbooma

Guiliani wasn't the president and the lady wasn't 20 + years (she might have been, but don't remember) younger then him, there is a difference but then again ignorance is your specialty :D

Like I said..if it is one of there own, they have a million excuses ...does it really matter how old she was ? He has no credibility as fas as Im concerned and is a hypocrite

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Call me when he lies about it under oath. I don't give a damn whether Clinton had sex with another woman or not, hell if I was married to Hillary I might have to as well. But lying under oath is completely unacceptable regardless of what the lie is.

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Originally posted by pr11fan

Call me when he lies about it under oath. I don't give a damn whether Clinton had sex with another woman or not, hell if I was married to Hillary I might have to as well. But lying under oath is completely unacceptable regardless of what the lie is.

Im not saying Clinton didnt do anything wrong...I thought he shouldve been impeached because he lied under oath...my problem is with Guiliani standing up there like he is a :halo:

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Like I said, I don't care about infidelity, Guiliani isn't an angel, but neither is any politician, right, left, or in the middle. If Clinton had told the truth, I doubt many would think he is the scum of the earth for the affair. I've got plenty of other reasons to think that about the Clinton and his family. An affair isn't one of them.

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Originally posted by ghetto-smoove

Im not saying Clinton didnt do anything wrong...I thought he shouldve been impeached because he lied under oath...my problem is with Guiliani standing up there like he is a :halo:

ghetto he never said he was a saint, unless you can find a quote to back up this thread, we will be waiting :doh:

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Originally posted by jbooma

Guiliani wasn't the president and the lady wasn't 20 + years (she might have been, but don't remember) younger then him, there is a difference but then again ignorance is your specialty :D

Yeah Booma there is a difference. Not only did ol Rudy have a mistress, he tried to move her into the mayors house before his wifes side of the bed was even cold. Funny how quickly people forget, but Rudy's ex wife got a court order banning his mistress from the mayors house. Rudy, in a rage over this FIRED HIS EX WIFE, from the duties he had given her!


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Originally posted by Destino

Yeah Booma there is a difference. Not only did ol Rudy have a mistress, he tried to move her into the mayors house before his wifes side of the bed was even cold. Funny how quickly people forget, but Rudy's ex wife got a court order banning his mistress from the mayors house.


he still wasn't president and the girl wasn't an intern and only 20 some years old :laugh:

plus wasn't rudy's wife with another guy at the time??

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Originally posted by jbooma

he still wasn't president and the girl wasn't an intern and only 20 some years old :laugh:

plus wasn't rudy's wife with another guy at the time??

Yeah never mind that he tried to replace his wife before she was gone. The other woman wasn't twenty so it's all good.

Is that one of those rules like "not in the same zip code so it's ok" or is that a JBooma original?

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Originally posted by ghetto-smoove

Like I said..if it is one of there own, they have a million excuses ...does it really matter how old she was ? He has no credibility as fas as Im concerned and is a hypocrite

Do you feel the same way about Clinton? If not, then you are the hypocrite, right? (No offense intended, really. Just making a point.)

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Originally posted by skinsfan51

Do you feel the same way about Clinton? If not, then you are the hypocrite, right? (No offense intended, really. Just making a point.)

Actually no that wouldn't make him a hypocrite. He never caimed to care, he only pointed out that those that DID don't when its one of their own. Don't know how he feels about it, just think this tactic is meant to shift the focus.

Big difference.

BTW - for the record, I thought what Clinton did was a disgrace, I also thought the partisan reaction lead by a Henry Hyde, who engaged in his own affair with a younger woman while in office, showed just how far down the rabbit hole we as a nation have fallen.

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Originally posted by Destino

Yeah never mind that he tried to replace his wife before she was gone. The other woman wasn't twenty so it's all good.

Is that one of those rules like "not in the same zip code so it's ok" or is that a JBooma original?

no it is you DON'T lie about it while in office, in that case didn't Kerry do something similar, you know cheated on his wife :D

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Originally posted by ghetto-smoove

Republicans (and some conservative Dems) couldn't wait to charge Bill Clinton with all these crimes over Monica Lewinsky. He was called so many names and talked about like he was the most unethical person on Earth.

Then comes the RNC and Guiliani is one of the first speakers. A man who also went through an incident with public infidelity while he was running for Senate (with more than one woman). He only told the truth because he was backed into a wall.

Now ever since 9/11 it's like Guiliani never did anything wrong and his word and opinion should be respected. Yet Clinton is the scum of the Earth. The hypocrisy of it all. If it's one of their own there are a million excuses.

Sorry just felt like ranting.

Infidelity, sure. Clinton has done it, Guiliani has done it. I ve done it. Since human kind was first discovered , it has been done. its done everywhere in every country. adultery, is it wrong? I myself think so in some degree but its not a crime.

Its not that we dont act like guiliani hasnt done anything wrong since the 9/11. thats pretty dumb actually because we all know Guiliani was one of many mnay brave men and women that day.

waht u dont realize is taht guiliani was never in court. he never lied under OATH. Thats right buddy under OATH.

I dont give a **** what you are on trial for, if u lie under oath , that is a crime and a crime is a crime and i dont care who you are.

Fat boy clinton committed perjury and he should have paid for it.

Does this mean that i think clinton was a bad president? NO

all he had to do was not lie under oath and just tell the truth and people in general wouldve been more lienient.

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As someone who didn't give a f*ck about Clinton's sexual life, I damn sure don't give a f*ck about RG's...

RG was separated. He and his wife admitted that much.

I don't ever recall hearing Rudy call Clinton out on his sexual mistakes. I can't prove that though...

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Originally posted by IAMBG

As someone who didn't give a f*ck about Clinton's sexual life, I damn sure don't give a f*ck about RG's...

RG was separated. He and his wife admitted that much.

I don't ever recall hearing Rudy call Clinton out on his sexual mistakes. I can't prove that though...

Totally agree with you, however, the average conservative was totally sickened by Clinton's private life, yet doesn't care when a fellow conservative has a similar situation.

I could care less either way, it doesn't affect me. Politicians have been misbehaving for a really long time, but the media has only recently become involved in spreading the dirt.

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Who's a hypocrit..

The biggest issue with Clinton was it was an intern that worked for him.. (big Sexual Harassment no-no). And it was in the Oval Office..

His wife was not on the way out with her side of the bed no yet cold... His wife was still in it..

Both were wrong but to compare the two is just rediculous..

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Who's a hypocrit..

The biggest issue with Clinton was it was an intern that worked for him.. (big Sexual Harassment no-no). And it was in the Oval Office..

His wife was not on the way out with her side of the bed no yet cold... His wife was still in it..

Both were wrong but to compare the two is just rediculous..

Comparing specifics is ridiculous, but the bottom line is that both were severely morally damaging incidents and the GOP is the "morals" party, if anything, they should be harder on their own people.

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Sexual harassment and a Sexual affair are quite a bit different...

There are strict rules in the Military about that and people get kicked out all of the time for Officer / subordinate relationships... adulterous ones are even worse...

As the Commander in Chief i hold them no matter what R or D to a high level just like we were...

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So, the gist of the argument if I'm getting it right is. It's an acceptable lapse in morality for persons below the rank of President. Lying about affairs if you are Mayor, Governor, or Congressmen is cool. Or what I'm hearing that the affair itself is irrelevent... what's important is lying under oath and thus the Ten Commandments should be viewed as being completely irrelevent to the qualities we hope for in our political leaders.

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ghetto smoove wrote: Like I said..if it is one of there own, they have a million excuses ...does it really matter how old she was ? He has no credibility as fas as Im concerned and is a hypocrite

The true hypocrite in all this is Hillary. She portrays herself as a strong woman for being able to forgive her husbands indiscretions. If she were truly strong, she would have dumped him years ago. The only reason she didn't was because she knew it would jeopardize he career. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Burgold

So, the gist of the argument if I'm getting it right is. It's an acceptable lapse in morality for persons below the rank of President. Lying about affairs if you are Mayor, Governor, or Congressmen is cool. Or what I'm hearing that the affair itself is irrelevent... what's important is lying under oath and thus the Ten Commandments should be viewed as being completely irrelevent to the qualities we hope for in our political leaders.

you got it :cheers::D

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