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Skins.com:Ramsey: 'I'll be Prepared'


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Ramsey: 'I'll be Prepared'

By Gary Fitzgerald


August 30, 2004

Patrick Ramsey learned of the decision on Saturday after practice. Joe Gibbs pulled him aside and told him the team would start Mark Brunell in the regular season.

After the initial disappointment wore off, Ramsey immediately shifted his focus to his new role as backup.


Patrick Ramsey will back up Mark Brunell.

"It would be a bigger adjustment [becoming a backup] if I had been in this offense for a couple of years," he said. "At this point, I continue to learn, continue to watch and move on to try to become a better quarterback.

"Hopefully it will not happen, but if Mark gets hurt, I'll be ready to go in there and hopefully play well. I will prepare myself for that and do whatever I can do to help us win."

Ramsey, the Redskins' first-round draft pick in 2002, started 11 games last year, but his season was cut short due to a bone bruise in his right foot. Gibbs signed 11-year veteran Brunell and said the quarterback position would be an open competition.

Throughout the season, Ramsey earned league-wide praise for his toughness after numerous hard hits.

Gibbs reiterated that praise on Monday.

"We think the world of Patrick Ramsey," he said. "I looked at all of the films last year and I told him, 'I doubt I would be here if I didn't think he could play quarterback.' He was the guy I was looking at last year to see what kind of talent we had. I thought he played extremely well.

"He got knocked around quite a bit. I think he is smart and tough and we are looking forward to a long future with him."

Ramsey admitted he was disappointed that he didn't win the starting job.

"It's hard to really put into words," he said. "I can't really say I'm disappointed on a scale of one to 10. Obviously I am disappointed. I think there are things I could have done better in the preseason. This is the result of that and I think Mark played well. He deserves it and I fully support him. It's his job now and I hope he leads us to wins."

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Class Guy. I feel bad for him, but he was outplayed (not by much) and had some tough breaks in the preseason.

He will play before the end of the season, and play well.

Also, Brunell will probably not play much in the last preseason game so hopefully Ramsey can get a lot of time in the game and just work on his understanding of the offense. Might be easier for him now without the pressure of the competition :2cents: :2cents:

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"I looked at all of the films last year and I told him, 'I doubt I would be here if I didn't think he could play quarterback.' He was the guy I was looking at last year to see what kind of talent we had.

Last year? Hmmm.... I wonder just how on the money was ASF back on January 7th of this year when he posted this thread :Has Snyder been cooking this deal since October?. Also interesting is that on Jan. 9th, I had posted Gibbs: Player Evaluation May Start Next Week from redskins.com. So, just how long had Gibbs actually been watching from a distance?

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Paging BayouGator...

Exactly the reaction I would have expected from Ramsey - first class.

It's hard to say right now if this competition has been good for him or not, but time will certainly tell. It may be a blessing in disguise. Throwing him into a new offensive system while trying to recover from last year might have been too overwhelming. Time is key, especially for getting his confidence back. Here's hoping he rises to the occasion.

And I'm sure we will be seeing him again this season at some point.

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For those that listened to the Joe Gibbs show it was very interesting to hear Gibbs talk about Pat, seemed like he had to keep reinforcing that he was the future and not the present. He brought it up a couple of times, it was just wierd in a way. Curious if Pat feels that he was put in a no win situation for now.

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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

Last year? Hmmm.... I wonder just how on the money was ASF back on January 7th of this year when he posted this thread :Has Snyder been cooking this deal since October?. Also interesting is that on Jan. 9th, I had posted Gibbs: Player Evaluation May Start Next Week from redskins.com. So, just how long had Gibbs actually been watching from a distance?

I used to believe in that theory of Snyder and Gibbs working on a deal before last season ended, until I heard an interview with Bugel on NFL radio on Sirius. Buges said that when Gibbs called and said we're coming back, Bugel thought they were going to Atlanta until Gibbs told him Washington. So it seems that the talks between the Falcons and Gibbs got a lot further along than was reported and that the Skins didn't jump into the picture until around the time that Spurrier left.

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I think next year Ramsey will be turning heads. He's too smart to not get it going. And really pressuring Brunell.

I've thought all along that brunell was only likely to be a one or two year starter (stopgap). And a solid back-up afterward.

I wanted to see Ramsey win it but as long as Brunell does good and Ramsey improves and beats Brunell out later on, that's good.

It'd be nice to see a home grown QB.....

Mark Rypien is about the last "home grown" QB since, oh Sammy Baugh.

(thiesmann was drafted by the dolphins and went to canada to avoid being behind Griese. Sonny was a eagle first. Kilmer was a saint and ram. Williams was a Buc. Only Schroeder and Ryp were home grown.

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