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please rate my fantasy team


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QB: steve mcnair and matt hasselbeck

RB'S: ahman green, willis mcgahee, quentin griffin

WR'S: isaac bruce, roy williams, kellen winslow, david terrell,

antonio bryant

DEFENSE: miami and washington

KICKERS: sebastian janikowski, doug brien

IR: derrius thompson

okay, i'm a man, i can take it.....does my team suck hind titty or what?

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Originally posted by JJredskins00

Other than McNair and Ahman Green, not too good. Try using Hasselbeck as trade bait for some receivers.

I agree...your recievers are horrible...and your running backs beyond Green could be a problem...Griffin has a lot of competition and McGahee probably won't touch the field much. Try to grab someone like Moe Williams...with the Michael Bennett injury he could be the man the first couple of weeks...if he is still available.

One question...where you drinking during this draft???...j/k!

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Originally posted by jaydean

QB: steve mcnair and matt hasselbeck

RB'S: ahman green, willis mcgahee, quentin griffin

WR'S: isaac bruce, roy williams, kellen winslow, david terrell,

antonio bryant

DEFENSE: miami and washington

KICKERS: sebastian janikowski, doug brien

IR: derrius thompson

okay, i'm a man, i can take it.....does my team suck hind titty or what?

How many teams in your league?

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Originally posted by jaydean

we have 14 teams in our league.

Well, for a 14 team league it's not as bad as it could be in a smaller league. You have a LOT riding on Winslow breaking out for you though. I would look to move McNair. I think Hasselbeck will score more from a fantasy perspective but McNair could fetch a greater amount.

Try to land a TOP receiver and you will probably be ok, especially if you can get a quality backup QB in the same deal.

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Originally posted by jaydean

QB: steve mcnair and matt hasselbeck

RB'S: ahman green, willis mcgahee, quentin griffin

WR'S: isaac bruce, roy williams, kellen winslow, david terrell,

antonio bryant

DEFENSE: miami and washington

KICKERS: sebastian janikowski, doug brien

IR: derrius thompson

okay, i'm a man, i can take it.....does my team suck hind titty or what?

QBs... Two great QBs although you probably wasted a high pick. You only need one great QB, one average. Use McNair as trade bait.

RBs: Solid although your betting McGahee will take more meaningful snaps than Henry, we'll see. It's a gamble. Griffin still hasn't proved nothing but has upside.

WRs: Your WRs are horrible. Too many #2s, rookies, and unreliables.

Defense: Washington's D has some stars but it remains to be seen how high we'll rank / do fantasy wise. But still an okay pick. Miami's D won't be any good cause they are old and their offense won't give them time to rest.

K: Okay.

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Originally posted by jaydean

we have 14 teams in our league.

That's a pretty decent size league. The biggest league I've ever done had 10 teams.

QB's McNair and Hasselbeck are decent QB pickups.

RB's Green is a great pick. McGahee and Griffin are potentially decent backs, but unproven. You will need some luck here.

WR's Your weakest position. If this was 1999, or 2000 the Bruce pick would have been a great one, but he's slacked off a lot on the production the last 3 years or so. I have Winslow as my Tight End on my fantasy team, and I think he will do pretty good this year. Roy Williams could be decent. The rest are basically throw aways. Did anybody draft Thrash or McCants? They would be better than Terrell.

Kickers, You did fine. Janikowski will be your starter all year, and he's very consistent (but a head case)

Thompson's a decent pick up. Now with Ricky Williams not supplying Miami's running game, they will probably throw the ball more.

All in all a C-. Your Wide outs are really going to give you fits all year. I agree that you should try to trade McNair or Hasselbeck for a better WR. Then you could pick up another QB that wasn't drafted. Somebody always emerges to be better than people thought they were going to after the season starts. If you keep up with trades and drops in your league, and your principals have real good years, you might be competitive.

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What are the point differences for the positions? That would decide it.

And not so fast with those Qb's. See how the season starts because Mcnair is always dinged up and his stats suffer.

Watch for rookies rb's these guys can come out of nowhere and have the biggest impact as far as rookies go in fantasy.

your darkhorse. With Chambers the only threat and Boston hurt Miami Wr Thompson could step up and have a solid season.

Good Luck:point2sky

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