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Kerry Gaff... misspoke...


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It's covered all the time by Bush, cause he's got quite a few..

Heres one on Kerry...

Kerry Flip-Flops on Taxes in Same Sentence

The establishment media point out every one of President Bush's verbal gaffes, but they usually give Sens. John Kerry and John Edwards a pass for similar goofs. Yet here's what a sharp-eyed reader noted in a story by the Associated Press about Kerry's speech in Philadelphia yesterday.

"The truth, which is what elections are all about, is that the tax burden of the middle class has gone up while the tax burden of the middle class has gone down," he said.

The story, posted on ABC's Web site, didn't point out the boo-boo.

Newsmax article.....

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Originally posted by atlhawksfan

It's very possible that the writer of the article made the mistake

Could be... but I would love to see the video of his speech. Might be as funny as Bush saying he works hard to harm the United States.


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