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MSNBC: Bush calls for halt to Swift Boat vets' ads


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I think they’re bad for the system,' president says

CRAWFORD, Texas - President Bush says a veterans’ group should stop television ads criticizing John Kerry’s war record.

The president's criticism of the ads by Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth came as Bush denounced all TV ads by outside groups attacking both Kerry and himself on Monday and called for a halt to all such political efforts.

“I think they’re bad for the system,” he said.

When asked specifically whether the ads by the group "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" should be halted, Bush said: "All of them. That means that ad, every other ad. Absolutely."

"I can't be more plain about it," Bush said. "I hope my opponent joins me in condemning these activities of the 527s (political groups that sponsor to ads). I think they're bad for the system."


On one hand, Bush's remarks fulfilled one request made by the Kerry campaign and voiced by Kerry running mate, Sen. John Edwards, on Saturday. "This is a moment of truth for George W. Bush," Edwards said at a Democratic rally. "We're going to see what kind of man he is and what kind of leader he is. ... We want to hear three words: Stop these ads."

But Bush's comments did not satisfy a broader demand from the Kerry camp and Sen. John McCain, one of Bush's own key supporters, that "the Bush campaign should specifically condemn the ad.''

Meanwhile, the Kerry campaign continued to battle the charges made in the ad — that the Democratic senator had lied about wartime events in Vietnam for which he received five medals.

In a conference call with reporters arranged by aides to the Democratic presidential candidate, Navy Swift Boat officers Rich McCann, Jim Russell and Rich Baker said Kerry acted honorably and bravely and was well-qualified to be the nation’s commander in chief.

“He was the most aggressive officer in charge of swift boats,” Baker said.

Additionally, crewmate Del Sandusky said at a news conference in Harrisburg, Pa., that he personally witnessed the battle action for which Kerry received Silver and Bronze stars and two of his three Purple Hearts.

“He deserved every one of his medals,” Sandusky, a retired computer repairman who drove Kerry’s boat for nearly three months.

The attack on Kerry’s war record has dominated the presidential campaign in the days since Swift Boat Veterans For Truth began airing its commercial in three states.

With polls suggesting Kerry’s standing was beginning to slip — at least among veterans — the Democrat last week called on Bush to call for the ads to be pulled from the air. He also accused Bush of allowing front groups to “do his dirty work.”

Bush’s campaign heatedly denied any connection with the anti-Kerry group, and called on the Democratic challenger to join the president in a call for all outside groups to pull their ads.

Bush has himself been subjected to a multimillion-dollar barrage of attack ads aired by groups seeking to help Kerry win the White House.

Earlier Monday, Kerry accused Bush of standing silent just as he did four years ago when supporters waged a campaign of “lies” to destroy the White House hopes of McCain when Bush and McCain were foes in the 2000 Republican primary campaign.

Kerry's charges of a "smear" by the Bush campaign followed a number of charges and countercharges about the matter on television talk shows and elsewhere Sunday.

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth says Kerry didn’t deserve his Purple Hearts, lied to get his Bronze Star and Silver Star, wasn’t fighting in neutral Cambodia as he said he was and that he unfairly branded all veterans with his 1971 congressional testimony about atrocities in Vietnam.

A new Kerry campaign ad says Bush smeared McCain four years ago and “Now, he’s doing it to John Kerry.”

A former Vietnam prisoner of war, McCain lost the South Carolina Republican primary in 2000 after Bush supporters accused him of opposing legislation to help military veterans. McCain never recovered from that primary loss.

No proof

One of Kerry’s accusers acknowledged he had no documentary proof for his allegation that Kerry fabricated reports in an incident for which the Massachusetts senator received a Bronze Star. The reports say Kerry was under enemy fire when he rescued a fellow crewman.

“I do not have a single document,” Van Odell said on “Fox News Sunday.” “I have the fact that I wasn’t wounded in that 5,000 meters of fire that he wrote about. ... There was no enemy fire from either bank.” He said he had seven eyewitness backing up his version of events. Other witnesses say there was enemy fire at the time Kerry made the rescue.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Good for Bush.

Too bad Kerry wont have the stones to do the same thing.

What ads are Kerry's people running that are similar?

(I'm asking seriously, I don't watch much TV so I haven't seen any of the ads, I only know about the swiftboat ads from this site)

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Good for Bush.

Too bad Kerry wont have the stones to do the same thing.

Actually Kilmer, Bush didn't have the "stones" to do it either. As is par for him, he almost did the right thing.


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Originally posted by Kilmer17

He didnt? So what was it he just did?

Code, the equivalent of Swift Boat..... is MoveOn.

Kerry should come out and call for them to stop. But he wont.

I think he wanted an example of a specific ad because Kerry already denounced the Move-On ads.

Mt. Lebanon, Pa.: Is MoveOn a 527 or a PAC? What's the difference? It's just bundling money or other forms of support to your guy.

Thanks much.

Howard Kurtz: MoveOn PAC, an affiliate of the group, is the one putting on these anti-Bush ads.

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Kerry doesn't have the character to take the high road and call for them to stop.

In fact, he's never shown a history of the type of character and integrity we'd all prefer in a President. He's a career politician who has filled his resume with anything he thinks can help him win in November... purple hearts and all.

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Originally posted by Cskin

Kerry doesn't have the character to take the high road and call for them to stop.

In fact, he's never shown a history of the type of character and integrity we'd all prefer in a President. He's a career politician who has filled his resume with anything he thinks can help him win in November... purple hearts and all.

meanwhile...............a week earlier.


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Kerry doesn't have the character but Bush does. What drugs are you on. The man lied to the nation about weapons of mass destruction, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has been given everything his whole career on top of being the most poorly spoken political leader in US history- that is character?

Meanwhile, Kerry stopped the similar attack ads ads already and has taken the high road i.e put out no negative ads against Bush until Bush had already put out his FOURTH negative ad against Kerry.

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Well said, Cskin. Kerry is going to do whatever it takes to gain power...much like the Democratic party. What I think is the funniest thing is watching the Dems critisize the Swift Vets while staying convieniently silent on the Move on.org ppl. "It's not fair that people say mean things about us..." Word to the wise, people in glass houses should not build their whole campaign on a questionable war record. Soon the GOP will turn the conversation to the real problem for the Kerry ppl...his voting record in the Senate. Not to mention, the ticking media time bomb that is Teresa Hines Kerry.

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Originally posted by Bucaro

Kerry doesn't have the character but Bush does. What drugs are you on. The man lied to the nation about weapons of mass destruction, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has been given everything his whole career on top of being the most poorly spoken political leader in US history- that is character?

Meanwhile, Kerry stopped the similar attack ads ads already and has taken the high road i.e put out no negative ads against Bush until Bush had already put out his FOURTH negative ad against Kerry.

That is absolutely insane.

Nevertheless, it is BS that these loopholes exist. Wish the ads could have been halted months ago. They will likely still run for a while, so any denouncement doesn't mean much.

The problem with MoveOn as opposed to the S.B.V.F.T. is most don't associate MoveOn with Kerry. GOP'ers do, but the general public doesn't.

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Originally posted by Bucaro

Kerry doesn't have the character but Bush does. What drugs are you on. The man lied to the nation about weapons of mass destruction, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has been given everything his whole career on top of being the most poorly spoken political leader in US history- that is character?

Sorry but you are a fool if you think he lied on purpose, he told us what his advisors told him.

I didn't know someone's speech is a part of character :doh:

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Originally posted by ross3909

Well said, Cskin. Kerry is going to do whatever it takes to gain power...much like the Democratic party. What I think is the funniest thing is watching the Dems critisize the Swift Vets while staying convieniently silent on the Move on.org ppl. "It's not fair that people say mean things about us..." Word to the wise, people in glass houses should not build their whole campaign on a questionable war record. Soon the GOP will turn the conversation to the real problem for the Kerry ppl...his voting record in the Senate. Not to mention, the ticking media time bomb that is Teresa Hines Kerry.

Not true. I doubt if Kerry will bring up W's coke habit or drunk driving or failures in running businesses or desertion from his unit in the Texas Air National Guard or his failure to catch Osama Bin Laden after 3 years or his failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, etc.

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Kerry made it an issue when he made lies the centerpiece of his campaign.

I'd much rather see a debate about recent history (ie his Senate Record and his vision for the future), but he's terrified to fight that campaign because he knows what the result would be.

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Originally posted by Bucaro

If you believe that Bush had no idea you are the FOOL

No it is quite obvious you don't have a clue on how this country is run, you do know that Kerry agreed with him right and he saw the same intell :doh:

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First, Bucaro, please list one lie that Bush has willingly told lies for personal gain? By the way, if he believed it to be accurate information, it is not a lie. Just because Democrates keep saying Bush lied does not make it so. Also, if I got a link to Kerry saying that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction... http://www.jrwhipple.com/war/wmd.html ...wouldn't he be guilty of the same deception and lies that you accuse the President of? How can you vote for such a liar like Kerry? I have seen nothing of Kerry denouncing the 521's on his side only the ones attacking him. Personally I want all of this Vietnam stuff to end also so we can talk about Kerry's voting record in the senate, or lack there of.

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I am actually well versed on these issues and the congress and senate only see what the Pres. chooses to show them because all of the documentation has securtiy clearences that are controled by Mr. Bush so take a lesson on how the country is really run. What are the lies at the centerpiece of the campaign? Are you too myopic to see the amount of misinformation that is at the forefront of Bush's Presidency stop watching comercials and your local fox affiliate and pick up a book, research congressional minutes and learn to read between the lines if life was black and white I would be on your side

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