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Winslow not making any friends at Browns camp

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Joe Milicia / Associated Press

Posted: 8 minutes ago

BEREA, Ohio (AP) - All the changes the Cleveland Browns made in the offseason - from their front office to their roster - didn't change the way they played in their first preseason game.

Quarterback Jeff Garcia looked like Tim Couch, getting sacked on two out of the first three plays. Penalties killed any momentum the Browns had on offense and the defense gave up big plays.

Just like last season.

"We know we stunk it up on Saturday. We have to get better," wide receiver Dennis Northcutt said.

Kellen Winslow Jr.'s most notable play in his debut was a personal foul for shoving Titans safety Lamont Thompson.

The fiery Winslow was at it again in practice Monday.

After catching a pass during a non-contact drill, Winslow turned upfield and lowered his left shoulder into defensive back Roosevelt Williams, slamming him to the ground.

"I think it was very unprofessional," Williams said. "Everybody has a passion for the game. They want to go hard and go fast. I do too. For him to lower his shoulder on me ... we're in Cover 2. I see him before he sees me. I just laid down and waited there."

The Browns would not make Winslow available to reporters after practice.

"I don't think he intentionally zeroed out Roosevelt Williams and attacked his manhood," Browns coach Butch Davis said. "I think he was just practicing fast and just surprised Roosevelt a little bit."

Northcutt said Winslow is young and just needs to learn how to practice.

Defensive lineman Gerard Warren also seemed to defend the rookie tight end.

"When I'm on the field, you're not going to see me get thrown on the ground and slammed down because somebody else is going harder than I am. ... In that case, I guess Roosevelt just might have been going through the motions," Warren said

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Sounds like much ado about nothing to me. So Winslow Two Sticks laid a hit in practice, big deal. That DB needs to man up.

Actually, I bet Roosevelt's just bummed cause he saw the Randy Starks footage and couldn't replicate the feat. Ka-POW!

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Originally posted by TheDane

Sounds like much ado about nothing to me. So Winslow Two Sticks laid a hit in practice, big deal. That DB needs to man up.

I agree. It seems like alot of people on here want to bash Winslow about every little thing he does. It's starting to seem like an obsession now. Winslow may become the best thing to happen for the Browns. The past few years that whole team has seemed to be playing scared. Hopefully he'll bring some intensity to that team, they sure do need it. Hitting some people in practice isn't a bad way to start.

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Originally posted by youngbuck

I agree. It seems like alot of people on here want to bash Winslow about every little thing he does. It's starting to seem like an obsession now. Winslow may become the best thing to happen for the Browns. The past few years that whole team has seemed to be playing scared. Hopefully he'll bring some intensity to that team, they sure do need it. Hitting some people in practice isn't a bad way to start.

Couldn't agree more.

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Intensity and desire are the staples of any successful competitive athlete’s diet.

However being reckless and self serving is not.

I am pretty sure Winslow did not make that hit thinking, "Gosh this team is going to really get fired up".

Training camp is hard enough trying to get through with no injuries.

Imagine if that hit would have knocked the player out for the season.

At that point has he really helped?

It’s hard to say who he really is.

His actions so far do not paint a nice picture.

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You guys amaze me sometimes. I'm sorry but if it's a no contact drill the DB isn't expecting contact. That just makes it a cheap shot if you ask me. Maybe Courtney Brown should try firing up the team by lighting up Gar-thee-ya in their next no contact drill and see if Davis comes to his defense.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Yusuf06

You guys amaze me sometimes. I'm sorry but if it's a no contact drill the DB isn't expecting contact. That just makes it a cheap shot if you ask me. Maybe Courtney Brown should try firing up the team by lighting up Gar-thee-ya in their next no contact drill and see if Davis comes to his defense.:rolleyes:

Exactly. "NO-CONTACT" drill. Its called no contact for a reason.

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Originally posted by Rypien11

Training camp is hard enough trying to get through with no injuries.

Imagine if that hit would have knocked the player out for the season.

At that point has he really helped?

I know what you mean, but that's just part of the territory in football. It's been stated by many other players in football & other sports, sometimes a cheapshot is needed in practice to get players to play in practice and games in full tempo. Of course there's the risk of injury but at times the positive may outweigh the negative.

Originally posted by sooner_rambo

He just another punk who thinks of himself. And is the NFL at war?

Intelligent imput. The whole subject of Kellen and his "war" rant has been beaten to death already. Sure the way he spoke of it didn't come out in the best way, but you're kidding yourself if you don't think other coaches & players in all sports make military references before, during and after games.

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So i guess we should give props to Cooley if lowers his shoulders and knocks Smoot out in a "Non Contact" drill? Oh better yet let LaVar spear Clinton in a non contact drill. OH yeah that would really hype up the team for the season.

Jesus christ people.

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I'm not going to get into an argument with anyone, everyone has their own opinions. Though you can't compare Winslow hitting Roosevelt Williams, someone who isn't a big name and not a big contributor. as to Lavar hitting CP, a superstar hitting a superstar. Hitting your superstar is a bigger risk than hitting someone who the offense or defense revoles around. Sometimes you have to start a scuffle to get the intensity going. Hell there's even a picture someone posted from training camp showing to players fighting. I don't see many people throwing fits over that. Wouldn't that be a risk of injury?

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Two words. Non-contact. I don't understand this giving props to Winslow for lower his shoulders in a non-contact drill. The guy wasn't ready but i see some people still can't differentiate from a contact and a non-contact drill. Non-contact: No HITTING!!! Contact: Hitting. There its easy. Winslow seems a little slow to grasp this concept.

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:laugh: you seem to be getting a little too emotional on this topic. You're acting like Kellen is the first person to ever hit someone in a non-contact drill. It happens in practices, by accident or intentionally. It's just that other media outlets don't make a big deal out of it. Cleveland just seems to have to make everything Kellen does a big deal. Soon they're probably going to put it in the front page if they ever seem him not flush the toilet.

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Originally posted by youngbuck

I'm not going to get into an argument with anyone, everyone has their own opinions. Though you can't compare Winslow hitting Roosevelt Williams, someone who isn't a big name and not a big contributor. as to Lavar hitting CP, a superstar hitting a superstar.

That is ridiculous. You should be ashamed for posting that.

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