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Im Worried!!!


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I know its only been two preseason games but damn.....we cant run the ball. I just got back from the game and let me tell you....no push upfront to move the ball on the ground....first team, second team, whatever. We could not run and if we cant run we are in deep do do. I hope Buges will do something about this !!!! Both games our running game looked very, well, i guess the best word would be non-existent. I probaly spelled that wrong but Im drunk and dont care. Somebody give me some encouragement about our ground game!!!! It doesent look good

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I wouldn't get too worried about the lack of a running game. Though disappointing, you have to realize the Redskins are running basically only three different running plays, and the defense tends to have an advantage against the offense this early in the season.

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Everyone acknowledges Joe Gibbs' style and approach with preseason.

And yet, the next play after kickoff, people consciously forget.

Never fails.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Everyone acknowledges Joe Gibbs' style and approach with preseason.

And yet, the next play after kickoff, people consciously forget.

Never fails.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

So, what are you trying to say? :D

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Everyone acknowledges Joe Gibbs' style and approach with preseason.

And yet, the next play after kickoff, people consciously forget.

Never fails.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Can I get an Amen? What do you want?

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Everyone acknowledges Joe Gibbs' style and approach with preseason.

And yet, the next play after kickoff, people consciously forget.

Never fails.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Quit reading into preseason.

Thank you Die Hard for being the voice of reason

Over and over again.........

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I was at the game too and the biggest thing I take from it is how vanilla the offense is. Also, Gibbs is not setting up plays either, like he will do in the regular season. Ramsey was terrible and the two Coles catches were great adjustments by Coles. He definitely doesn't look like he has command either. However, both he and Brunnell overthrew wide open receivers. I have to believe that will come together with more reps. Coles is hobbling after every catch. Man, I hope he can make it threw the season. They didn't throw to Gardner too much or Thrash. In other words, they are not mixing it up. They are not keeping the defense off balance. Gibbs will do that in the regular season. I thought the special teams did well. The defense did not do that bad and will be better once Taylor gets on the first team. you don't hear Lavar's name being called too often, because Williams is not showing what he is going to do with him yet.

Bottom line is we played two playoff teams from last year and at least held our own while both first teams were in. If you compare what we do to other preseason games, for example, Eagles and Cowboys getting blown out, then we are doing ok, considering the circumstances.

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It's going to take a little time for this team to catch up with the coaching, as well as we are not running anything that the defenses aren't aware of, the game plan is very simple, it's designed to see what player's are capable of doing, and essentially try to win a game with a handicap, Gibb's alway's came out of the pre-season looking like we had a lot of hole's to fill, the struggles may hurt us early on, but once everyone get's on the same page look out, Gibb's first year he did nothing through pre-season and the first 6 games of the regular season, he has inheirited the same problem again, there are no veteran Gibb's player's to help the rook's, and the new comer's along, everyone is a new comer this year, the only difference is he has been through it before, and should get this thing going forward sooner than he did in '82, as for the line? I think it will be fine, but the O- line takes longer than any other part of the team to develope cohesivness, these player's are still thinking out there, once they can stop thinking, and start reacting, they will jell.

We can see certain player's gradually taking that step.


Mcant's [i wonder if their favorite restaurant is Mcdonald's?]:D

Cooley- who Gibb's in his press confrence sounded like he was impressed with Cooley

We will see more and more start to step up and shine as we progress, remember this team was together 1 week before the first game, and then had time off before the second one, which was only 5 day's apart.

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Originally posted by Parcells-Wallows

I know its only been two preseason games but damn.....we cant run the ball. I just got back from the game and let me tell you....no push upfront to move the ball on the ground....first team, second team, whatever. We could not run and if we cant run we are in deep do do. I hope Buges will do something about this !!!! Both games our running game looked very, well, i guess the best word would be non-existent. I probaly spelled that wrong but Im drunk and dont care. Somebody give me some encouragement about our ground game!!!! It doesent look good

C'mon, man. Get on the emotional high of reality for a second. Gibbs isn't trying to win the preseason. Let alone show any juicy plays. Why bother wasting his time, he's only seeing what he has on his roster, and nothing more. Enough of the overreacting already. Sheesh. :doh:

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