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Joe Gibbs-Speed Demon


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Ok so I went to camp today, couldn't really see much of the practice but managed to get an autograph from Ramsey and Gibbs, could have got Portis/Coles but security guys made them stop signing at the fence of the players parking lot. Anyway we left late, there were only like 15 people left hanging out near the exit waiting for LaVar to come out (we thought he was the last one left, turned out to just be a woman and a kid in his Hummer) anyway after security made us exit the premisis we left, my brother driving, on the one lane gravel road. We were behind a slow moving SUV, when all the sudden a large car (I think it was a Caddie) came flying up and passed both of us. My brother looked over and Joe Gibbs was waving to us as he flew past. We would have been mad had it been anyone else, anyway we decide to pass the SUV as well and try to catch Joe. We end up goign about 70MPH on the gravel one lane road trying to catch Joe Gibbs, we gained a little, not much before he got to the red light. We were sure we would catch him there and just yell stuff to him like welcome back etc., but it wasn't to be as he decided to just run the red light.

I just thought it was kind of odd to see him going 70 passing cars on a one lane road and running red lights.

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I know that light ... it is Route 7 and Loudoun County Parkway. Basically it is wide open, so I am not worried about the idea that he could have been hit because I am sure that he stopped to look before darting into the intersection.

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