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If we can beat the Eagles this week at home we have a relistic shot at NFC EAST DIVISION CHAMPS, hard to believe after the slowwwww start but that was then and the future is now. We can take them if we can run THE BALL

DOWN THEIR THROATS. I live in philly suburbs and get eagle crap all week long but at the same time I know their weakness and so do Skins staff. They are not big on defensive side of ball our linemen should be able to control them just like the first game. POUND DAVIS, POUND DAVIS AT THEM and they will fold like the pretenders that they are.They were built to stop the pass they are fast and athletic but, are not big enough to stop a power running game...


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If the Redskins mirror their offensive gameplan from yesterday against Philly they will have a good chance to win the game.

Banks took some shots downfield between Davis runs and threw on third downs instead of giving up on the drives, running a draw to Carter and then punting it away.

One cautionary note: the Redskins will not beat the Eagles committing 13 penalties, 3 of which wiped out large gains by Davis. 2 of those were by the wide receivers. Not acceptable.

And Conway is the other factor. We NEED our kicker to stand up and make the 45 and in stuff. Brett had been flying along and made a couple from 48 in the sleet and from 55 that were career type kicks. But he really laid an egg yesterday and it could have cost the team dearly in a game that was closer.

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We're gonna need balance. We had 7 rushing and 7 passing first downs the last time we met.

Even on that 9 minute drive that we had to ice the last Philly game, we needed a 13 yd pass completion on 3rd and 9, plus another 9 yard reception, to keep that drive going.

We also need the same 3rd down efficiency (7-16) that we had last time.

Philly willl likely try again to stack the box. There are times when we gonna have to suck it up and run against it. But there are also gonna be times where we have to take advantage of it and make them pay with pass completions.

So yeah, run Davis. But the Eagles will commit everything they have to stopping that and then we have to burn them when they do.

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One thing the Redskins have not done is use the homefield to their advantage over the past couple of years.

This year we dropped that awful game to Dallas and lost to another sub. 500 team in Kansas City in perhaps the worst effort of the season.

You don't go to the playoffs going 3-2 at home. We have 3 home games left and have to win all of them.

Philly is not afraid to come in Fedex. In fact they won here last year.

This is a game where a solid effort from the team combined with an active game by the 12th man can result in a key victory toward the playoffs or toward securing a winning record, which psychologically may be the most important thing to achieve and to build on for next year.

To start out 0-5 and finish either 10-6 or 9-7 is a real accomplishment in a rebuilding year with a lot of turnover.

Philly, Tampa and New Orleans have the weight of lofty preseason expectations hanging around their necks. These teams were supposed to battle to be in the SB or at least give the Rams a run for their money.

To finish with the same record as these teams and beat them down the stretch is a good foundation for Marty.

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this year has been the year of the road team. Look at phillys record at home and they are unbeaten on the road. This weekend hopefully is good for them to come home again after a road win. God willing, the crowd will get all into it and limit the verbal signals from phillys O.


<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/or/morethanmeetstheeye/images/tf_spin.gif" border=0>

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I think this game is going to be a lot harder. I wouldn't be surprised if we lost, unfortunately. Philly will be prepared.

All we have to do to beat them is smash them in the mouth with our running game. They'll fold. Their pass defense is excellent, so Banks won't be able to throw.

Just run with Davis, throw a couple of screens here and there, and mix in some play action. We should be fine.

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What are your Skins gonna do when the team with the Eagle across their helmets shows up at your place on Sunday? Probably the same thing they did when the team with the Star showed up. LOSE. LoL. Prepare to get your skirts pulled down in front of the hometown fans boyz. I cant believe a team that lost 9 strait to the Cowboys beat us !!! But hey, any team can beat another on any givin Sunday? Right Skins???? WRONG.... We finish your pipedream this week. In the words from the movie HIGHLANDER..... THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE !!!

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This morning on WTEM "Doc" Walker was also talking about the importance of the 12th man and was unfavorably comparing FedEx with Lambeau, Arrowhead, and Rich (Ralph Wilson). Czaban facetiously asked Doc if they had any leather seats or cigar bars at RFK!! I sit in the club level and know a Cowboy fan who also sits in the club level and he told me that he watched the entire third quarter of the game last week from the concourse. Unbelievable!!

A fast start by us will definitely help the crowd get into it more. Last week when the Cowboys immediately marched down and scored, I really think it enormously deflated the crowd. On the other extreme, when we played Detroit in the playoffs a few years back, Greg Jones plowing Gus into the ground on the first play sent an already stoked crowd into a frenzy. Lets hope the latter atmosphere is the prevailing one Sunday.

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"I cant believe a team that lost 9 strait to the Cowboys beat us !!!" - Eagle Louise

That just goes to show how bad your team is capable of playing. You're big and bad when you play the Cowboys, but you guys recently lost 8 or 9 in a row to the Giants who, other than the last half of last season, have hardly been a powerhouse team. Some match-ups are just funny like that.

Check your record over the last few years against playoff teams.

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You may want to consider your words a little more carefully this time around.nono.gif

You remember the first meeting, don't you? You huffed and puffed for the entire week before the game.

Then, you had to come back afterwards with your tail between your legs and lick our shoes.tongue1.gif

Don't make the case that Boys dominance over us means that the Eagles will have their way with us this time. It is completely and utterly irrelevant.

The match ups are totally different and if you haven't noticed, the Skins match up very well against the Birds and have for years.

It does suck, however, that since we've played you, we're 1-1 and you're 2-0. Tip of the hat to you for that.mad.gif

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Originally posted by RedskinFan4Life:

It does suck, however, that since we've played you, we're 1-1 and you're 2-0. Tip of the hat to you for that.mad.gif

Know whats really flashing in the back of my mind RedskinFan4Life? We beat you senseless on your field Sunday, go up 3 games, then go into a nose dive, with loses to SF, Giants, and Tampa Bay. While you win all of your games outright. Kind of spooky trying to figure out which 9-7 club would get the nod to the playoffs. Of course, I just think the first part will come true, not the second. But we shall both soon see right?

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This game is for the Washington Redskins Football Team.


If there is a player that wants to just play their contract out and see what's available for somewhere else, he can leave right now, and we'll close the door and get down to business!"

"Ok, close the door"

"Gentleman, take out your #2 pencils, pads and take these notes, Discipline, focus, attention to detail, communication, got your back buddy, what I do reflects the outcome of the game, even if it occurs 1 second after the game starts, I will wait on the "right" signal before execution on the line. When a big 350lb piece of trash falls on me, I will simply get up from the ground and tell the ref HE HATE ME, and patiently wait until the league office issues "that" player a fine, I will kindly hand the ball back the player that "sloppily" smears it on my "custom fit" jersey, I will not call a timeout if I can help it, I will, I must do exquisite checkdowns, and I will never, ever, complain to the ref, once he has made a call and leave it up to my coach to lose his voice"

Now let's go over our game plan. "WE RUN".

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Originally posted by indyskinsfan:

This game is for the Washington Redskins Football Team.

Now let's go over our game plan. "WE RUN".

First ya gotta get the ball in order to run with it. If Eagles hog it all day long, you can forget about running. You wont try passing, unless you like your toast burnt. Speaking of burnt toast, hows Champ Bailey doing these dayz? Burnt Toast. LoL.... Whats more faster than a speeding bullet? Stronger than a locomotive at full speed? Able to leap over over-rated defenses? THRASH... We Will Destroy you by the pass, and eat your time on the run, then will kick the pigskin right through the goal post, 1,,2,,,3,,,4,,,maybe 5 times. Make no secret about this game, we want to humiliate you in front of everyone who cares. We want your tails, on a freekin pole laddies.

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"more faster than a speeding bullet"

"we will eat your time"

Good try Eagle_Lue, but trash talk tends to be more effective when proper grammar is used.

And the Eagles haven't exactly shown much of a running game this season, other than one game against the Vikings, which is pretty much the norm when playing that team. Not only that, but Reid tends to become real pass-happy if the run is not working early.

The Eagles best chance of scoring is to force the Redskins into turnovers. Don't expect to see many long scoring drives the week for the Eagles, or really for either team for that matter.

And I wouldn't expect a huge game from Thrash this week. If you look at the stats you would see that Boston caught 6 balls for 132 yards, but if you would have watched the game you would have seen that a decent amount of that yardage came when Champ wasn't covering him. Don't expect to see Thrash running circles around Bailey!

[edited.gif by RySkins on December 10, 2001.]

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Reid's excuse for not using Staley (whom I suspect in this game he will try his best to stick to the run) has been using the passs, in order to make defenses fear McNabb's runs. Well this year Arrington is not being misused by the Defensive Coordinator, and Arrington remembers the "cheap" tricks that teams try to use to get him out of the game. Why, they DO fear him. End of story. If you didn't you'd just line up and play, not use gimmicks and tricks to get a player ejected or worse. How sad when a coach is clueless as to what to do, when the stress is on and resorts to allowing some of the most bonehead aggression. I know, the coach doesn't condone it. Is he in the helmet during the game, then he does.

Now as far as what won't work and what will work. In any sport, you go with the folks that give you the best chance of winning. What works for the Skins is run the football, with play-action and overall better than average defense. A kicking game that overcomes adversity doesn't hurt and a much more improved special teams.

Doesn't sound like the pushover and patsy you want it to be does it. Let's face it, the Skins are going to keep running the football as long as they have chance of winning with it and will pass when they see the availability. No there won't be a lot of throwing on the Skins side of the ball.

I really think that McNabb's "uped" pass attempts is used just in case he can run, instead pass first. You will run interferance plays on pass routes to free up Thrash, but that only works in zone. We plan man, just like you do, and we make the plays in the backfield (yours) now. So YOU wait and see.

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on December 11, 2001.]

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Originally posted by Eagle_Lou:

Whats more faster than a speeding bullet? Stronger than a locomotive at full speed? Able to leap over over-rated defenses? THRASH...

If Thrash was still on the Redskins, he'd be in a dogfight with Lockett for playing time as the #3 WR. He was absolutely shut down by Bailey the last time they met, and Bailey had no help. He didn't need it. McNabb's on his own . . . at least until the moment Lavar collides with him. grim.gif


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor


"I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."

- Japanese Imperial Admiral Yamamoto, after hearing that the Japanese declaration of war failed to reach the U.S. government before the attack upon Pearl Harbor

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Indy I have to disagree with your opinion that what Thomas did was a cheap trick. To me that sounds like it was pre-meditated. Although I don't like the spear you cannot leave a player such as Lavar go after such a hit. He has the speed to pursue. Also when you hit someone like that your instinct is to keep him down, don't let him up.

McNabb I think was too aware of Lavar the first time. I think the Eagles coaches brought that up in film because the following week McNabb ran. I think Lavar can keep him in check for the most part but McNabb will win on occassion. As far as Lavar putting a lick on McNabb, besides sacks I can't remember McNabb getting hit hard.

Rumor up here(just fans opinions) is that McNabb/Reid are afraid to take chances at the Vet. Don't want the Boo Birds. Whatever the reason the Eagles offense does seem to play better on the road. I'm a realist, 9 out of 10 times your CB's will stop our WR's, but you only need that one break.(Slip, Penalty) They can't give up on the midium to long passes. I think the Eagles could use Brian Mitchell more vs the Redskins. I wouldn't be surprised to see him pass to Thrash. Also with Lavar watching McNabb I don't see why the Eagles don't use Lewis more. The Eagles know the Redskins can beat them. Another loss and the wheels could fall off. (SF,NYG,TB)

The Eagles need this in a big way.

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You can say what you want, but the play was already whisteled dead when Lavar was on the ground. Thomas should have been flagged for a personal foul and there is no way to argue otherwise.

I guess the leagues front office made it pretty clear that this was nowhere from legit and for you to come here and act as if it was is just plain stupid.


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Do I understand that you folks are gonna shut down Davis by keeping the ball away from us? How many other team have you seen, with less than 20:00 posession in a game?

So far as who's gonna have the best passing game, I think the last game saw both teams play a lot of man-cover-and-stack-the-box, and I don't think either is gonna change that. (Looks like NFC East football, to me).

The big difference I saw in the two defenses last time was that our cover corners were up on the line, while yours were 8 yards deep at the snap. But that couldn't possibly be because our recievers are faster than your corners.

OTOH, ain't it nice to see an NFC East playoff picture with two, maybe three teams with a shot, and none of them are in Dallas?

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Eagle_Lou how do you expect to hold on to it all day, your running game starts with the O-Line breaking down and McNugget running for his life, only against the Skins LA will be waiting on McNugget and that will end the running game. I don't think you guys can play ball control with Staley back there.

Hail Skins

[<IMG SRC="http://www.extremeskins.com/ubb/edited.gif" border=0> by Skins57 on December 11, 2001.]

[edited.gif by Skins57 on December 11, 2001.]

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Eagle Lou two things.

First where can I purchase those amnesia pills you are obviously taking?

Second after Sunday if you are using AOL, type in the Keyword "food" to get recipes for Crow and Humble pie.

You'll need themcaveman.gif


Take A Sip of the Marty KoolAid and Believe.

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