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It's raining...


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Is any as steamed as I am that is raining on July 4th? :mad: Last year it drizzeled a lil, I can live with that. Now it's like april showers ourside. Thunder and lighting, I just turned all the lights out its so weird 'round here. This is rediculous people, where do I file a complaint?


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Dude, I feel your pain.

There was supposed to be a big parade in my old neighborhood that I drove up here all the way from SC to be a part of and it's just pouring pigs and horses....

Hope it will let up, and there is no lightning or else they may cancel the mall fireworks... :( :cry:

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Originally posted by IAMBG

Dude, I feel your pain.

There was supposed to be a big parade in my old neighborhood that I drove up here all the way from SC to be a part of and it's just pouring pigs and horses....

Hope it will let up, and there is no lightning or else they may cancel the mall fireworks... :( :cry:

Lord, if I end up staying inside to watch "Independece Day" on Fox tonight... I feel your pain, man. As long as it isn't raining tonight or any lighting, it should be all good.

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Try SW Florida this time of the year..........thunder storms about every day. If were luckey, there will be the big fireworks show tonight, but it wont be the first time they had to have them on another night. It's already rumblin, and I had to get the kid out of the pool. Huge storm heading in as I type.........

No matter, I have 10 rounds for the two inch tube, and other asorted rockets to make some noise with tonight raining or not. As long as I don't blow a hole in the neighbors screen enclosure again, should be fun.

I've already sighted in the Owl nest across the street for a bottle rocket barage, and the ferrell cats are notice.;)

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Originally posted by Pete

Try SW Florida this time of the year..........thunder storms about every day. If were luckey, there will be the big fireworks show tonight, but it wont be the first time they had to have them on another night. It's already rumblin, and I had to get the kid out of the pool. Huge storm heading in as I type.........

No matter, I have 10 rounds for the two inch tube, and other asorted rockets to make some noise with tonight raining or not. As long as I don't blow a hole in the neighbors screen enclosure again, should be fun.

I've already sighted in the Owl nest across the street for a bottle rocket barage, and the ferrell cats are notice.;)

Sounds like a plan to me. :laugh:

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They had a small parade, I was too hungover to make the actual parade part of it, but apparently packed everything in when they reached the local rec center. I wanted to go up there and it just started p*ssing from the sky.

Moon bounces, crazy kids stuff, BBQ and old friends were all supposed to be there, but it was called off around 1pm because of the storms.


Going to a pre-game party in a bit here and we plan on metroing down to the mall at some point.

I still need to figure out how I will light my fireworks.

Also, given that I drank all my beer last night, what are the chances that I can find a twelve and a pack of smokes today in NW DC?

Any ideas would be awesome...

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Originally posted by IAMBG

I still need to figure out how I will light my fireworks.

I go full bore, and use a small propane tourch, but I also only buy stuff with safety fuses except for bottle rockets.

My daughter just questioned me on what I had for tonight. I didn't have any of the little helocoptors she likes and had to run up to the fireworks store. Wouldn't ya know.........buy one, get one free, and on the 4th no less. They normally stop doing that about a week before the holiday.

I shouldn't be alowed in that place with a master card:doh:


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Watching the Fourth Show from DC on TV.

Every time I think of the Fourth in DC, I remember (Earl?) Butz, Reagan's Sec of Ag, denying a permit to The Beach Boys for a (then-annual) free concert on the mall on the Fourth, because they perform rock music, and rock music attracts an undesirable crowd. (Butz booked Wayne Newton, instead.)

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