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Just wanted to say to all of you


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Originally posted by jbooma

For the dads have a good Father's Day, and don't forget to call your dad as well (if you can of course)


I hate Father's day. For those who don't, enjoy it. But for some of us who didn't have a father growing up, this day means nothing...at least until I have my own kids. Then that will change, but for now, I hate it. Always have.

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My dad's in friggin' Saipan, so all he gets is a phone call.:(

I'm trying to take him to a Cowboys game for his 60th birthday though!:wewantd:

I have no idea what my family has in store for me. All I really want is 12 hours in front of the TV in my underwear.

:bong: :munchout: :pint: :yawnee: :snore: :cloud9: :wish:

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ehh, my dad and I have never really had a close relationship, as it is I first got into the skins back in 1st/2nd grade as thats what he liked and I liked sunday afternoons with him.

In our family though, we never really made a big deal about mothers or fathers day, and we really dont do much giftgiving around bday's/christmas, just like 1 gift per person (feel its less stress that way). For Christmas, we love putting up the tree and decorating the house more.

Back to the original subject, I dont hate mothers/fathers day, but I do believe they are huge commercial jigs, you should appreciate and honor your parents everyday, why do you need a specific day? Tis even in the 10 Commandments for those who believe in that, im not Jewish or Christian but I still believe in the 10 Commandments. Just my thoughts really, didnt intend to offend anyone, just saying my pov.

PS, for my dads bday this year though I do plan on buying him some old redskins games, that wont be til december though.

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Thank you Jbooma, We are going to spend part of the day down the Jersey shore.:cool:

I got my Fathers day gift early. They got me a portable dvd player with a 7inch screen. Damn I love that little sucker. It has a battery that holds a charge for 3-6 hours and it plugs into the wall or and ashtray/ power port in my car or truck.:D

I wish all the Father's out there a Happy Father's Day.

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Thanks Booma. Man, I miss my dad...............

Originally posted by flashback

I have no idea what my family has in store for me. All I really want is 12 hours in front of the TV in my underwear.

:bong: :munchout: :pint: :yawnee: :snore: :cloud9: :wish:

My kind of Sunday.

Enjoy everybody:cheers:

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Happy Father's Day to the dads out here........and to the almost dads out here.

I lost my dad 10 years ago. Although he and I didn't see eye to eye on things all of the time, (he often asked my mom just who I did belong to) I would love to have one more day with him.

So, may the day be great for each of you and may your children be a blessing.


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Good call SFOKC. that's a good first step, ( tough to bypass the obvious pun there ; ) Dad's the one who came up with my nickname growing up. Double Trouble. As I've gotten older, ( and quickly I might add :doh), appreciate all the time we've had and will have. Here's to all the dads. :cheers:

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