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Wait List Fee?

Dan T.

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I heard that the Redskins are contemplating charging a "modest" yearly fee to get on or remain on the season ticket waiting list. With thousands already on the list, Snyder sees this as a potential untapped revenue source.

Has anyone else heard this? And what do you think of it?

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I think it's a good idea.

It's surely a pain in the ass for the consumer, but you have to remember that if you are on a waiting list and there are people in front of you that signed up who do not have the money for tickets, it's just prolonging the process.

I think either a small fee to make sure people are semi-serious, or a larger annual fee that is fully refunded (team keeps interest for their time) when your number comes up would be ideal for the serious buyers.

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Originally posted by f_dallas

I think it's a good idea.

It's surely a pain in the ass for the consumer, but you have to remember that if you are on a waiting list and there are people in front of you that signed up who do not have the money for tickets, it's just prolonging the process.

I think either a small fee to make sure people are semi-serious, or a larger annual fee that is fully refunded (team keeps interest for their time) when your number comes up would be ideal for the serious buyers.

If it is an annual fee that is refunded once you get your tickets (or is applied to your ticket purchase) then fine. Otherwise it just seems like a way to squeeze out more money. Really, how much does it cost to maintain a waiting list?

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This would piss me off. A lot of people get out on the waiting list here at a very young age, hoping that they might get tickets when they are older and a little more established. I know that I put myself on when I was in high school and I just got tickets this year (I'm 26 now). There seems to be no point other than to make money.

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I guess the big stink was made when the Jets came up witht his idea for this year.

I can see some positives, like $50 per name, one time charge, and once your name comes up, that money will be put towards a deposit.

Might pare down the list a little from the people who just stumbled across the website one day and put their name on the list for the heck of it.

Big question, what happens if your name never comes off the list????

Or you suddenly lose interest in becoming a season ticket holder, what happens to the money???



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I think its a crock of SH@T.

Thank god I already have my tickets because they could keep the waiting list if that was the case.

A $50 "deposit" doesnt make you anymore serious than you would be if you didnt have a deposit. I was on the list for years, including my high school years, and just got tickets last season.

If there was a fee to be on the list, I would have never done signed up.

Not to even mention the fact that the Redskins dont need that money to keep revenues rolling along... they are one of the richest sports franchises in the world!

Its ridiculous and unnecessary. Period.

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I posted this with the hope that it isn't true. If it is true, it would cement Snyder's reputation as a blood sucking leech. The chutzpah to charge people who are WAITING to PURCHASE your product to me is incredible.

With $7 beers and $25 parking fees, he's pushed me past the point of feeling soaked, and it's only my passion for the Redskins that allows me to bite my tongue and pay the outrageous costs of following the team.

But it's easy to follow the team from afar, via television only. And I suspect many have already decided to take that route, beaten down by the notion of being robbed by a billionaire holding their team hostage. And if this waiting list fee really happens, many more will follow suit. I think that's one reason it's so easy for fans of other teams to buy 'Skins tickets and take over the stadium at times.

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What does "insure the intent of" mean, Mike? What difference does it make anyway? If the person's turn comes up and they don't buy the tickets - NEXT!

In the meantime, Snyder's got a database of 120,000 people who have, by signing up, said they're interested in his team, that he can use to market and sell to. That's worth something to him in itself.

Don't charge the suckers for waiting to buy tickets. That would suck BIG TIME, imo.

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How can anyone ever get an idea of when they can expect their number to come up if 5,000 people (or more) in front of them put their name on the list to get a freebie of some kind? If they have your $50 and apply it to your tickets when you get them, there is really not much harm in the fee. Snyder will use it now to purchase the FAs and draft picks we need/want. I, however, am against the idea of charging to be on the list. That is why I said I can see why they would CONSIDERthe idea. I also said he gets use (valuable) out of the list already.

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I heard they're considering charging a modest yearly fee, not a deposit. So it would not be applied to the tickets you ultimately get some years later.

I guess some people would fork over the money for this scheme. Bless 'em.

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From everything I've heard, there will be no charge for being on the waitlist. If this ever comes up it will most likely be forwarded to the price of your tickets when you come off. If you "suddenly lose interest in becoming a season ticket holder" you will lose any money I'm sure. But you shouldn't have signed up in the first place.

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I don't like it at all. I could see deducting whatever you already paid from the cost of the tickets, though. Then you are essentially just paying a deposit ahead of time, which isn't particularly unreasonable.

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I am on the waiting list and I will not pay a waiting list fee. The list is filled 10 years in advance of each season. I will not pay any fee in anticipation of a good or service that is 10 years from delivery. For all I know, the team could fold before the seats become available. I love the skins and I support almost all of Snyder's moves, but this is one that I can control by choosing not to pay the fee and watching the games on Direct-TV instead. Hell, at the level of seating I can afford, the TV set is a much better view anyway.......lol

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For all I know, the team could fold before the seats become available.

If the Skins fold, wouldn't you be mad about a whole bunch of other things before your small deposit?

I know if the Eagles just went out of business, I'd have to find another way to spend about 1/3 of my year in entertainment...that would really piss me off.

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How much does Snyder need to milk us for?

We've constantly been told that he's driven by his love for the Redskins, but who's to say that's not just another ploy to make money?

We've all learned that he's the savviest of savvy businessmen, and I wouldn't put it past him. This whole diehard Redskins fan thing could be pure bull$hit. If he's making a profit, that's all he cares about.

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If memory serves me correctly (and sometimes it doesn't), when the Jets introduced this it was a one time fee that would not be refunded or applied to your tickets when you do come up on the list. You gave them $50 for the "privilege" of being on the list...

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Originally posted by skins0128

Kinda like charging to view camp, people still paid it. If you can do it, why not? This is in fact a business right, and you make money when you can.

If the people don't like, don't get on the list.

It's not like charging to view camp. It's being forced to pay to wait for a product. With training camp, you at least got something for your money.

Snyder always talks about the 'Skins having the greatest fans in the world. Why not show them a little respect, instead of squeezing them for every last dime.

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Hey something stinks here! :fart:

I could be on that list (especially since Gibbs is back) for about 5 years! That's some smack gone before I knew what happened. From a revenue standpoint, muliply 50 X 5 = 250

now mulity about 5,000 X 250 = UH HUH see what um sayin' ;)

So this will help with the computer's database to maintain the paltry 5,000 names ( must be a TR computer from 1976) and this will help with the personnel to maintain the list and their "WARDROBES!".

Come on, the ticket prices already wanted to make you run before Gibbs came back!

This is a weed and seed move, but I have the money, let me bend over and unloosen my belt and............

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