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Gibbs 1st Season...What do we expect?


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Again, thanks for everyone's welcoming to this great site. It really is very nice and I feel I'll be up on the Skins very soon.

I didn't get to experience life without Papa Joe, and I'm glad I didn't. Joe is the best coach ever to grace sidelines simply because he wanted to win and knew how to do it. I remember watching him season after season with those big eye glasses just staring down the players on the field. That, in and of itself, had to be very intimidating. Glad to have you back, Papa!

So what is everyone expecting? Fast start out of the gates, a slow start but exciting finish, a dominating season, or a year to feel things out for 2005?

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  • I expect that, in preseason, we won't be pointing at a final score of 35-14, in order to hide from the halftime score of 0-14. (I expect us to lose, on the scoreboard, and I won't care.)
  • I expect fewer false starts.
  • I expect, when I see the QB begin to audible, that we'll get the play off. (And, in most cases, the play we audibled to will work.)
  • I expect the team to behave with class, like professionals.

Now, as to a final record, I'd say anywhere from 12-4 to 8-8. Gibbs teams win by being very prepared, professional, and virtually mistake-free, and he may not be able to achieve that right away. I'd say the odds say that he will (achieve that right away), but it's not guaranteed.

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With all the turnover in the NFC (B)East, its really hard to project how any of the teams will do this season, especially since they will be beating on each other all season.

This is what I think the Redskins and the other 3 teams will do in respect to momentum this season:

Dallas Cowboys: Will start off stumbling and bumbling the first quarter of the season, but will steadily improve each week and be a force to be reckoned with by seasons end. Projected finish: 8-8

New York Giants: Will start off terribly. They won't start to show improvements until close to mid-season, then slowly start to get their act together. They will be a 'respectable' opponent by seasons end. Projected finish: 6-10

Philadelphia Eagles: Though it remains to be seen how their latest acquisitions will work out, the Eagles are a proven commodity and should play strong all season, with very little drop off in performance. This is the team to beat! Projected finish: 12-4

Washington Redskins: I agree with others that the 'Skins are likely to start fast out of the box, and then slow down through mid-season, only to regroup and finish strong. Projected finish: 10-6

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Originally posted by Ray_Sanchez

harry, thanks for the link. Looks like we got the better end of that trade.

Do you guys think that Shawn Springs is as good as advertised? I've look up his stats also. He's done pretty well.

The biggest concern with Springs is injuries. Also his play seems to have slipped a bit from when he first entered the league. But supposedly the coaching staff viewed hours of film on the guy and they feel very confident is his abilities.

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i think the key for the skins this year is health (of course) and stopping the run consistantly on a weekly basis. right now when you look at the personnel you don't necessarily feel confident that we will be able to do it. our offense has the potential to be strong but we must not let other teams control the clock and the ball. i think that Greg Williams will find a way to create at least 'respectable' pass pressure but the run defense is key.

if somehow you could guarantee right now that we would be in the top 10 against the run (and consistant about it), i would say we could win 10 games which would likely put us in post-season.


a while back when we were still signing players , i saw the name Walt Harris and it stuck in my mind as someone we should try to sign. a couple weeks later we did. right now the name Chad Eaton (DT) sticks in my mind for some reason (its not like i know much about him - cause i don't).

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I think with Gibbs running the helm we won't see stupid penalties, (especially the false starts with Buges taking care of the newly nicknamed "Dirtbags"), and I definitely do not expect to see players out of position, (see naked bootleg pass to the TE or fullback in OT of the first Skins/Giants game, and 3, yes count 'em, THREE times we got burned for TD's on that same play during last year's Skins/Bucs game).

But I think the key will be how we do in the division, one win over NFC East opponents this season just ain't gonna cut it, as proved last season. Sir Joe knows that this will be a key, and will prepare accordingly.....thank God Gibbs is back!!!


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no stupid penalties, better discipline, more controlled and pressured plays, especially on defense. Im worried about Coles slightly, im sure it wont be bad since he played on that toe most of last year anyways. As long as Coles and Portis can stay healthy, as well as our o-line, we should be fine. We have 2 proven qb's who need to stay healthy also. Also have to hope that the secondary stays good also. Would suck to lose any of those guys back there. If we stay relatively healthy, we could easily go 10-6 or higher and make the playoffs.

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I am not so sure that we will get out of the gate strong and then taper off ... Gibbs was 0-5 in his first stint and then turned things around and won the SB in his second year. I think Gibbs is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, head coach when it comes to psychological motivation and preparedness. We may win the first game based on the other teams lack of film to prepare against Gibbs, but otherwise I look for most of our losses to come as the team is still learning together.

If our past several years with the coaching carousel has shown anything, it is that our team (at least defense) has usually played much better in the second half of the year. We can't look at last year because the team essentially quit and Gibbs won't let that happen. If you look at the regime under Marvin Lewis on Defense, Marty Shottenheimer, and Ray Rhodes ... all of those defenses were much better in the mid and later portion of the season.

We will be prepared and never give up, so I don't expect any major blowouts like we saw last year with Dallas and Philly.

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With gibbs at the helm we will always be in the game. at the absolute worse we will be 8-8 and that will be due to lots of injuries, although we do have lots of depth so they should keep us intact for a nice solid 10-6 finish, 12-4 at best.(watch us go 15-1 and all of us will be creaming our pants and we can **** talk for the next 100 years)

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I'd guess we'll win 9 or 10 games. What I'm more sure of is this.

If we get a big lead the team won't start relaxing.

If were behind in a game the team won't give up.

If we lose a game it will be because we got beat rather than knucklehead play calling and undisciplined play.

In other words. When a Gibbs coach team loses you won't feel as bitter about it.

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this team will ALWAYS be well prepared for gameday. this team will also show discipline which will result in way less penalties, especially stupid ones. as far as wins and losses, to be honest this year i dont care. dont get me wrong playoffs would be great, but i really just want to see this team be the redskins again. its been awhile. take this year to build, win the super bowl next year!

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I Agree with Trevor because with springs injuries are an issue but when springs is healthy he can get it going and be a shut-down corner and really play up to any expectation and even raise the bar alittle bit.:point2sky

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck


REDSKINS RULE!!!:logo: :helmet:


AND ALWAYS HAIL TO THE SKINS!!!!!!!!:notworthy

:cheers: TRUE TRUE

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