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Should Kerry Go to REagan's Funeral?


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Sept 2003

I'm not gong to characterize other people but while he (General Wesley Clark) was voting for Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan while I was fighting against both of their policies and frankly what they did to our average working persons and to some our hopes and dreams

Jan 2004

I fought all of my life for peace i fought against the war in vietnam when I came home and I fought against Reagan's illegal war in central america (You know the one where communists were finally ousted)

June 6 2004

We lost one of our great optimists President Reagan belief in america was infectious and because of the way he led he taught us that their was a difference between strong beliefs and bitter partisanship.

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So if you were writing for Kerry, should he have come out and blasted the recently dead? Lord knows I disagreed with many things Reagan did, but now is not the time to dwell on what we didn't like about the man...not the time. When a person dies, it's our cultures tradition to dwell only on the good accomplished in that person's lifetime. IN my eyes, what Kerry said was an appropriate comment directed at the legacy of a former president.

Of course you probably view it as a flip flop for him not to pick now for demonizing the man. Good grief. Pun intended

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Originally posted by Ignatius J.


What kerry is saying is that while he disagrees with reagan in many ways, he still respects him. Perhaps a few on this board could learn...

And we haven't seen that in the WH since :(

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Yeah right.

He bashed President Reagan every chance he got and pushed the bogus revised 80's.

Kerry came out sided with the communists in Central america and actually went there.

Its not difficult to see that the democrats plan is to ride the funeral out then do the Bush is no President Reagan

I dont care if he goes or not the point is it was more than disagreeing with president reagan and his full of BS commercial now showing that he sided with Reagan is laughable.

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If I were you I'd be pretty careful. Henry is trying to clean up this board, and your posting today is almost in line with the stuff he's banning people for. (at least in my estimation, you're not attacking people, but people are sensitive to politicizing reagan's death right now)

but back to what you were saying, what commercial? I haven't seen it. What does he say?

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I think every Senator, Governor, Congressman should go....at least to pay their respects.

Reagan is the guy who said after work was over, we weren't Dem's and Repub's...but American's. How many times do they need to play clips quoting this for people to get it?

Yeah....Kerry should go.

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Originally posted by Rock-Bufford

Reagan is the guy who said after work was over, we weren't Dem's and Repub's...but American's. How many times do they need to play clips quoting this for people to get it?

Good point and I agree...because while he disagreed with Reagan politically....personally he at least respected the man as a fellow American...even Ted Kennedy spoke well of him.


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Different families...

when your grandmother is a founder of the league of women voters...when your dad is libertarian and your mom is a liberal Dem...you hear politics from an early age around the dinner table. It's a family tradition. To my parents credit, these discussions were not held in a "children should be seen and not heard" atmosphere. I remember not believing the "I don't remember" answers. I remember wondering when the trickle down would get to us.

I'll grant you, I couldn't explain a laffer curve at 12, but don't kid yourself that 12 is too early to have an opinion on politics. Heck, I bet if you ask around in grade shcools, you'll find lots of students with opinions. Some might even be lucky enough to have parents who disagree on politics so they can hear more than one side.

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Not sure what you mean. Do you mean kids at 12 shouldn't be thinking about politics or who would care what they said?

For my family, I think they used it as a way of teaching me to make arguement and then support them. There were sides I now know neither of my parents supported, but they would play devils advocate just to make me think and to try and impress on me the importance of others views. Now the moment I switched positions, so did they. What can I say, at some point everybody in my family for the past 2 generations has been a gradeschool or highschool teacher and it shows sometimes.

Middleschool doesn't seem that young to me to be talking politics. Gradeschool...maybe, but that's my family. It wasn't like here with name calling and demonizing any who dared disagree. There was a lot of learning on my part. Heck, those conversations are probably the reason I like coming on here where few are as far left as I am. Learning from those we disagree with...there are worse values to instill in our kids.

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Originally posted by gbear

Not sure what you mean. Do you mean kids at 12 shouldn't be thinking about politics or who would care what they said?

For my family, I think they used it as a way of teaching me to make arguement and then support them. There were sides I now know neither of my parents supported, but they would play devils advocate just to make me think and to try and impress on me the importance of others views. Now the moment I switched positions, so did they. What can I say, at some point everybody in my family for the past 2 generations has been a gradeschool or highschool teacher and it shows sometimes.

I just think at that age they should know the basics and everything but don't think they should participate, meaning debating all the time, etc...

The only reason I say this is everyone is trying to make their children grow up before they have too. Sometimes it isn't a good ideal to force a kid at that age to think the same as adults. I wouldn't want my child debating if abortion is good or not, etc... Kids need to be kids and enjoy their life, not think to much and discuss the things that make their parents upset.

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My parents never got upset about politics (at least not when talking with me about politics). It's just politics, an intellectual exercise when used to teach a kid. My grandmother...now she still gets upset.

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Originally posted by gbear

My parents never got upset about politics (at least not when talking with me about politics). It's just politics, an intellectual exercise when used to teach a kid. My grandmother...now she still gets upset.

Now I am not a teacher but at 12 you are in 6th grade right?

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I know Kerry paid or will pay his respects today in Cali while he's out there for his daughters college graduation....and he'll be at the Service on friday along with most Senators I think.

Yesterday I saw a very Cali politicians and others who were out there roll over with the Governator (Arnie).....very cool of all those folks to do that.

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Poor kid corrupted by liberals at an early age

Fred read the darn post, I said I dont care if he goes though there are far left types that arent going.

And it was more than disagreeing on kerry's part.

Every Kerry conversation up til President Reagan's death has been either he served in Vietnam and how he had to rescue the nation from President Reagan yet the new political ad has him on the side of Reagan

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