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(MERGED 3X) Smarty Jones.. winning one for the gipper?


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I'm really hoping he takes the triple crown today. He's a special horse, not the tallest or biggest horse... just full of heart and an ability to outlast his competitors. We'll see today.

Watch for Imperialism or Rock Hard Ten as his tests. Imperialism is a closer... and the extra distance could help him. Rock Hard Ten is the purest athlete, the most talented, but just hasn't put it all together. Inconsistent.... and a bit of a temper.

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I was really rooting for him, but in the back of my mind, I thought, "21 years and counting." :)

*Just a note, I'm a Flyers, Phillies, and Sixers fan, but I wasn't born here so I'm not a born and raised Philly fan. Sure if my teams lose I might be sad for a day or two, but it's really fun seeing other Philly fans suffer these losses. Evil, huh?

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I think Birdstone coming up on the outside surprised Smarty Jones' jockey. Didn't look like he was pushing him all out at the end until Birdstone came into view.

I watched it with my mom, who is a huge Big-3 horse racing fan, and I told her in the middle of the last corner to look out for Birdstone. I kept seeing Stewart looking in to check on Hard Rock Ten and Eddinger, which were both broken.... and not looking outside at Birdstone closing and looking incredibly "settled". Amazing....

Well... 26 years and counting on a Triple Crown winner. Maybe next year we can root for a house bred other than Philthydelphia.

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Great Race

And I was cheering for Smarty Jones with the rest of the fans til the final furlough.

I was surprised that Rock Hard Ten petered out at the end because I thought, as Mrs ND usually does, that Rock Hard Ten could go the distance :rolleyes:

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Rock hard 10 chocked out early just like the last race.

Smarty had that race untill the final stretch.

If you watch the replay notice how Smarty turns his head just a little to the outside of the track in the final stretch,that was enough to slow him down enough to let Birdcrap catch up.

A very big letdown but only truly great horses win a triple

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Originally posted by JJredskins00

*Just a note, I'm a Flyers, Phillies, and Sixers fan, but I wasn't born here so I'm not a born and raised Philly fan. Sure if my teams lose I might be sad for a day or two, but it's really fun seeing other Philly fans suffer these losses. Evil, huh?


I don't really understand this sentiment. Are you a casual fan of the Phils, Flyers and Sixers? Or is this an indictment of all but Philly fans? If you only hurt for a day or two, you are simply a casual fan.

I'm still fuming from the Phils blowing the playoff run last season and from getting swept twice by the Marlins this season, not to mention the Mets. I'm over last year to a point, but this years' futility can only be overcome by smacking the Fish around for the rest of the season. Otherwise, they are at best a wild card team and that's not good enough considering the roster they have. 1993 still ticks me off as well, but that's another story.

As far as the Flyers go, while I'm not livid, I'm still frustrated with them and will be until they play again, if ever. They accomplished a lot and did lose to a slightly better team. Heck, I'm probably more pi$$ed at them for losing a 3-1 series lead to the Devils in 2000 - that was their best shot at winning the Cup.

Don't even get me started on the Eagles. ;)

Maybe Philly fans have long memories of the continuing misery?

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