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CSPAN catches Mike Wallace dissing troops


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At a WW 2 celebration Mike Wallace decided to show his liberal stripes spewing the typical the US is is involve in an unjust war and the troops are dying for a cause like in WW2 and was immediately heckled and called traitorous.

Fellow liberal reporters told the linebaker sized vets to shut up and sit down and the response was stand up and make me.

M Wallace was on O'reilly saying he didnt expect CSPAN to be there and its a free country and everyone is entitled to their opinion. The rebroadcast will be on again at 11pm

I agree with that but his obvious far left leanings calls into question his reporting.

Heck there is going to be a one hour 60 minutes devoted to slick willie and they wonder why they are losing viewership.

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F Mike Wallace.

Why do leftists always have to turn EVERY occasion in which they open their mouths into a political platform? It's like the grad ceremonies where they are beginning to boo the speakers because they are trying to turn it into one big political rally.

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You mean like those grad ceremonies where Cheney is going off on Kerry? It works both ways, my friends.

Not that I'm defending Wallace. He's a self-important blowhard who thinks he's way smarter than he is -- see Michael Mann's "The Insider".

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Disagreeing with Kerry is one thing, even pointing out his weakness and spineless voting on the Senate floor.

Blaming America, and minimalizing the sacrifice of the boys of WWII is an act of treason.

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Originally posted by Hooper

You mean like those grad ceremonies where Cheney is going off on Kerry? It works both ways, my friends.

Not that I'm defending Wallace. He's a self-important blowhard who thinks he's way smarter than he is -- see Michael Mann's "The Insider".

Yes it does go both ways. I'd hope that unless Cheney was talking to a specific club's graduating members that he'd leave politics out of it.

And one can discuss certain issues without going way off on a tangent.

The fact is, most of the stuff that's getting reactions now isn't merely criticism of Bush, but of the entire military effort and many of us have friends in the military or fathers or brothers and will not take kindly to blanket condemnation from the likes of Doctorow or others.


Half of your posts are but one-liner Bush-bash rehashes. Why get mad at anyone else?

But I don't like Novak, either, if that helps.

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My favorite Part in Wallace's own words... (not exact) other people on the stage that agreed with Wallace told the audience to shut up basically and sit down.. They stood up like out of the wiener mobile and looked DOWN at the people on the stage saying...

Excuse me? would you like to come down here after that. And Wallace stepped in to break it up.

What he said was: It was the WRONG PLACE to make that comment.

If you can not make a comment in front of the Troops about the troops you are wrong on SEVERAL fronts...

Oh well, history will tell if its not re-worded...

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Originally posted by Cskin

Disagreeing with Kerry is one thing, even pointing out his weakness and spineless voting on the Senate floor.

Blaming America, and minimalizing the sacrifice of the boys of WWII is an act of treason.

Treason? you're talking about a guy who spent time in WWII and then MORE time in Vietnam than Bush. Just watch the clip tonight.

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Nice report ND.

1 -- reality was he was "immediately heckled" by only a handful of idiots that don't know how to behave. His show of opposition to the current war was no less politically motivated then the show of other speakers support for it. Had someone stood up and said "hey Dole why don't you stfu up about Iraq and stick to WWII" you Navy Dave would be in a uproar claiming liberals are hateful ****s. When your side shows it's inability to exhibit even a small amount of self control or respect for others opinions you applaud them.

2 -- I've never seen you worry about the obvious leanings of right wing reporters, nor wonder if their reporting should be called into question. If you want to take this route buddy your partisanship will discredit you everytime.

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Originally posted by Destino

Nice report ND.

1 -- reality was he was "immediately heckled" by only a handful of idiots that don't know how to behave. His show of opposition to the current war was no less politically motivated then the show of other speakers support for it. Had someone stood up and said "hey Dole why don't you stfu up about Iraq and stick to WWII" you Navy Dave would be in a uproar claiming liberals are hateful ****s. When your side shows it's inability to exhibit even a small amount of self control or respect for others opinions you applaud them.

2 -- I've never seen you worry about the obvious leanings of right wing reporters, nor wonder if their reporting should be called into question. If you want to take this route buddy your partisanship will discredit you everytime.

The last time I checked Destino people are allowed to respond to what you say...

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Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

The last time I checked Destino people are allowed to respond to what you say...

I never said anything about what people are allowed to do. Nor have I asked people not be allowed to respond to anything.

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not to mention how misleading this thread title is.

Dissing troops? how about Dissing the Admin by complaining about sending as he said "Our Kids" over there.

Sounds like he's not "dissing" the actual people there...just the guys who skipped wars and decided to send others instead.

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Originally posted by Destino

I never said anything about what people are allowed to do. Nor have I asked people not be allowed to respond to anything.

You must not read what you post....

When your side shows it's inability to exhibit even a small amount of self control or respect for others opinions you applaud them.

So why are you calling the people "idiots and don't know how to behave" who responded to Wallace?

They have ever right to stand up and tell him exactly what they think of his opinion. I love the double standard here. If liberals did this it would been a noble protest but conservatives are supposed to have "self control" and "respect others opinions."

What a load of bullcrap... :rolleyes:

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Totally agree, the title of this thread is very misleading, but maybe ND doesn't understand that.

You can disagree with a war and still be supportive of the guys fighting. The soldiers did not make the policy.

That being said, Wallace's comments were uncalled for in that setting if they were as reported. IMO, a reporter should keep their personal feelings separated from news. Just tell us what happend, we don't care what you think.

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I agree with Code.........it doesn't matter how true his statements might be. He shouldn't of said it.

However, ND left out the guy was getting pretty emotional over this. Couldn't tell if he was going to scream or cry......didn't look like a planned outburst.

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Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

You must not read what you post....

Actually it seems you read too much into my post, or you don't know what "allowed" means.

Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

So why are you calling the people "idiots and don't know how to behave" who responded to Wallace?

Because that is exactly what they are. They sit their grinning like idiots when peole say what they want to hear but have to do their very best to silence anyone they disagree with.

Having said that I'm still not saying they shouldn't be "allowed" to stand up and make asses of themselves.

Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

They have ever right to stand up and tell him exactly what they think of his opinion. I love the double standard here. If liberals did this it would been a noble protest but conservatives are supposed to have "self control" and "respect others opinions."

What a load of bullcrap... :rolleyes:

You do realize you just repeated exactly what I said, but swapped liberal and conservative? Also there is no double standard here at all, there is a difference between protest and being an assh*le. Marching to voice your opinion is a protest, it is also noble way to spread your cause and draw attention to a groups shared ideas.

Contrast that with attempting to stop someone else from speaking and then reverting into a child and saying "make me" when someone asks you to be quiet. I apply this standard equally to both parties. I have no problem with people opinions, I do have a big problem with jerks trying to stop others from speaking their mind because they are so damn convinced they are right and everyone else should be silent. Those folks didn't complain because their voices weren't heard, their intent was to stop someone elses from being heard.

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Actually it seems you read too much into my post, or you don't know what "allowed" means.

"When your side shows it's inability to exhibit even a small amount of self control or respect for others opinions you applaud them."

Remember this? I'm assuming you are saying they should have never said anything in reaction to Wallace.

Because that is exactly what they are. They sit their grinning like idiots when peole say what they want to hear but have to do their very best to silence anyone they disagree with.

and liberals don't sit there and grin like idiots when jackoffs like Al Franken talk about President Bush? Also, from what I remember it was other reporters or speakers telling people to "shut up."

Having said that I'm still not saying they shouldn't be "allowed" to stand up and make asses of themselves.

The only person I saw who was an a$$ that day was Wallace.

You do realize you just repeated exactly what I said, but swapped liberal and conservative? Also there is no double standard here at all, there is a difference between protest and being an assh*le. Marching to voice your opinion is a protest, it is also noble way to spread your cause and draw attention to a groups shared ideas.

There is a double standard but your either too naive to see it or you want to deny that it exists. No one is talk about marching either. We are talking about heckling someone and being disruptive while someone is talking. Both of which liberals have down to a science so you can save the "self control" crap for someone dumb enough to believe it.

Contrast that with attempting to stop someone else from speaking and then reverting into a child and saying "make me" when someone asks you to be quiet. I apply this standard equally to both parties. I have no problem with people opinions, I do have a big problem with jerks trying to stop others from speaking their mind because they are so damn convinced they are right and everyone else should be silent. Those folks didn't complain because their voices weren't heard, their intent was to stop someone else's from being heard.

Again liberals have been doing the exact same thing for as long as I can remember. Now when someone does this to a lib it's all about not being an assh*le and you shouldn't try and stop people from being heard.

The hypocrisy is stunning!!!

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Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

"When your side shows it's inability to exhibit even a small amount of self control or respect for others opinions you applaud them."

Remember this? I'm assuming you are saying they should have never said anything in reaction to Wallace.

Once again do you know what allowed means? I'm saying I disagree with it not that it shouldn't be allowed. Where the hell have I asked for anyone to force them to be quiet? Stop repeating yourself and pick up a frickin dictionary.

Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

There is a double standard but your either too naive to see it or you want to deny that it exists. No one is talk about marching either. We are talking about heckling someone and being disruptive while someone is talking. Both of which liberals have down to a science so you can save the "self control" crap for someone dumb enough to believe it.

For there to be a double standard coming from me you'd have to show that I support this crap when liberals do it, I don't. But if you want to keep swinging at the liberal boogyman your mind has made up go for it. If you want to address me however try to keep your arguements based on my behavior becasue I can't, nor do I want, to control what others do. I'm also not claiming to speak for "liberals".

Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

Again liberals have been doing the exact same thing for as long as I can remember. Now when someone does this to a lib it's all about not being an assh*le and you shouldn't try and stop people from being heard.

The hypocrisy is stunning!!!

Once again you attack the liberal boogyman. I'm right here smart guy, telling you in simple language so you can understand - I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS BEHAVIOR FROM EITHER SIDE. Keep repeating yourself if you want but it seems your fight is with the imagined liberal in your head as you refuse to acknowledge anything I am writing.

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Once again do you know what allowed means? I'm saying I disagree with it not that it shouldn't be allowed. Where the hell have I asked for anyone to force them to be quiet? Stop repeating yourself and pick up a frickin dictionary.

Did I ever say you said they should be forced to be quiet? NO!! You did say from your OWN words that they lacked self control and respect for others opinions which sound like to me and I'm sure most people that you though they should have never said anything. How about you picking up some frickin' reading comprehension skills!

For there to be a double standard coming from me you'd have to show that I support this crap when liberals do it, I don't. But if you want to keep swinging at the liberal boogyman your mind has made up go for it. If you want to address me however try to keep your arguements based on my behavior becasue I can't, nor do I want, to control what others do. I'm also not claiming to speak for "liberals".

So your not a liberal?

Once again you attack the liberal boogyman. I'm right here smart guy, telling you in simple language so you can understand - I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS BEHAVIOR FROM EITHER SIDE. Keep repeating yourself if you want but it seems your fight is with the imagined liberal in your head as you refuse to acknowledge anything I am writing.

Had someone stood up and said "hey Dole why don't you stfu up about Iraq and stick to WWII" you Navy Dave would be in a uproar claiming liberals are hateful ****s.

Remember this?

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Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

Did I ever say you said they should be forced to be quiet? NO!!

This is why I was asking you to look up the term "allow" which implies some sort of authority granting permission. I stated that I disagreed with it and that's all, I do and I'll stand by that statement.

Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

So your not a liberal?

Depends on the issue, but that besides the point.

Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

Had someone stood up and said "hey Dole why don't you stfu up about Iraq and stick to WWII" you Navy Dave would be in a uproar claiming liberals are hateful ****s.

Remember this?

Yes I remember that now show me where it says that I would support it? No where. Give up buddy you are trying to tell me what I think, that's not going to work.

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