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Which Receiver tandem will catch the most passes in 2004?  

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  1. 1. Which Receiver tandem will catch the most passes in 2004?

    • Glenn/Johnson
    • Pinkston/Owens
    • Hilliard/Toomer
    • Gardner/Coles

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showed up last night :)

Go Wolves!!!!

crushed them without cassell, sorry LA unlike SA they can hit their shots :laugh:

The first game was not a good indicator since Minny only had one day to prepare, game 2 is how this series is going to go.

I do think game 3 is very critical for both teams especially for the Lakers. Kobe may not play much of game 4 due to is court appearance and the game is starting earlier then the other games when he was in Colorado.

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The Lakers had better win it this year

They will not have Kobe(Jail or free agency will take him away), Malone is too old to go on another season, Payton is such a crybaby that he will bolt, and Phil Jackson's kids are begging him to quit coaching

All they will have left is "Fat Daddy" O'Neal, and he can't carry a team no matter how much he weighs

All of which will make it that much funnier if they don't win it all :D

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They are having the classic "too many chief too little indians" problem. When you overload a team with massive egos you create a me first enviroment where guys think they have it all figured out and need not listen to the coach or anyone else.

The stand out fool last night was the mail man. Malone's idiocy last night was epic, he should be suspended for one game just to stop his crazied behavior he's exhibited through out the playoffs this year.

Second in line has to be Shaq that let the physical Wolves get under his skin. He was angry and off his game.

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I disagree. The real Lakers will show up tomorrow night. They will go to LA and regroup. They were embarrassed last night and there are too many good players to let it go now. They are pissed and looking for blood now. LA wins easily the next 2 games.

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Originally posted by 5Arrington6

I disagree. The real Lakers will show up tomorrow night. They will go to LA and regroup. They were embarrassed last night and there are too many good players to let it go now. They are pissed and looking for blood now. LA wins easily the next 2 games.

Exactly, you have to remember that they were playing at Minnesota. They pretty muched dominated the Wolves in game 1 and then got dominated last night. However, when they are LA it's a totally different story. More than likely they will take both games at home and then go back to Minny to close out the series. In the end, the Lakers will have more starpower than the Wolves and they will end up winning the series.

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Originally posted by Bufford 3.3

The Lakers...as much as I hate them...are more like the team that won game 1....not last night.

But Minny is more like game 2 not 1. If Minny can win one in LA they will win the series.

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Throughout the playoffs, the Lakers have proven to be capable of winning games on the road, so if the T-Wolves were to win one in L.A., I would not be shocked to see the Lakers go to Minny and take another one.

Of course, I don't think Minny will win in L.A. :)

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The “true” Laker team was the team that dominated game 1 and the one you will see not lose a game at Staples Center in L.A.

Last night they were lazy and complacent after beating the Wolves in game 1 and stealing home court advantage from them.

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I hate them with a passionate, but there's one thing I've learned over the past few years. The Lakers don't die....even when they play like they're dead.

LA should still take this thing. I will be shocked if they don't.

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Hate to say it but I agree 100% with Booma.

If the Wolves were playing with Cassell, Troy Hudson, and Wally at 100% I don't really think this would be all that great of a series.

LA has a ton of star power but are very short on depth. D.Fish is fine comming off the bench but the rest of those guys are diminishing return type players.

If Shaq begins to have injury problems LA is in a world of hurt. Similarly, if in any of these games any of their big four gets in foul trouble it could get ugly.

Fortunately for LA the Wolves are extremely short handed.

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Guest J Dawg
Originally posted by jbooma

Karl Malone should have been suspended. David Aldrige nailed it when he said the reason he wasn't because Stern wants the lakers in the finals :puke:

Very true. The ratings for the finals last year sucked because the Lakers weren't in it. Its good for the NBA to have them in the finals. Everybody either loves them or hates them.


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