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My Suggestion: A potential strategy for Kerry


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First, I'm neither Dem nor GOP, and have no intention of voting for Kerry. I also cannot in good conscience vote for Bush after watching him dismantle and destroy all of the fiscal reforms of the mid-90s while at the same time spending our money like a drunken 80s democrat.

Bush's disapproval rating looks like good news for Kerry, but I can't shake my gut instinct that Bush is gonna win the election. There is, however, one way Kerry could win my vote, and likely many others: he could run to the right of Bush on fiscal policies while promising more funds for stem cell research.

The GOP has fallen hopelessly captive to the Quayle/Buchanon Christian right, concentrating far too much energy on social issues which the courts have already taken out of the hands of politicians; all the while completely abandoning even the pretense of being for smaller gov't.

When Kerry's idol JFK ran in 1960, he accused Nixon of being soft on communism and allowing a missile gap to develop. (The charge was completely bogus because the US had developed a secret MERV technology that put them a decade in front of the Soviets, but JFK knew Nixon couldn't defend himself without divulging national secrets.) Kerry could pull the same kind of move on Bush, namely running to the right of Bush on deficit spending. He could remind people how the budget discipline of the 90s produced significant economic gains and lower interest rates (the last point will be particularly effective since the Fed is likely to start raising rates prior to the election). Rahter than playing the class warfare card which holds little water outside of the party faithful, he could stop talking about repealing tax cuts and emphasize bringing spending increases back to manageable levels (ie inflation rates).

Secondly, Kerry could harp over and over again about the potential benefits of stem cell research and the need to provide funds for it. I believe the overwhelming majority of Americans support this except for the fanatical right-wingers who would never vote for Kerry anyway. By harping on this rather than the tired abortion or affirmative action issues, Kerry would present himself as the more sensible mainstream candidate.

Admittedly, following this course of action risks invigorating the Nader campaign and losing the ultra-lefties, but I'd still like to see it happen. Hey, I can dream, can't I? :)

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It will never happen. And even if if does, you can be sure that he doesn't mean a word of it.

It is interesting, though... Perhaps it will take a Democratic administration to draw the ire of a Republican Congress, returning them to their fiscally conservative roots a la Newt Gingrich in the 90's.

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that was be funny.

The best move he could do....is just talk about topics like that people want to hear about, economy, Iraq......etc....and not really talk about Bush specifically. If you want to talk about change....talk about what you'd do differently (if he actually has any idea).....don't waste it on bad mouthing the past.

The President is shooting himself in the foot over and over....Kerry opening his mouth on helps Bush rebound quicker.

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Originally posted by Bufford 3.3

that was be funny.

The best move he could do....is just talk about topics like that people want to hear about, economy, Iraq......etc....and not really talk about Bush specifically. If you want to talk about change....talk about what you'd do differently (if he actually has any idea).....don't waste it on bad mouthing the past.

The President is shooting himself in the foot over and over....Kerry opening his mouth on helps Bush rebound quicker.

So Buff you are voting for Bush then :laugh:

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Kerry needs to keep Bush on the defensive. He doesn't have the image to take Bush in a popularity contest so he needs to force this campaign to stay on the issues and on administration weaknesses.

Bush surrounded himself with neo-conservatives and that is a weak point. Rumsfeld and company do not play well with traditional conservatives, encouraging the battle within the republican party is key. Force them to conitnue fighting eachother as much as possible to destroy the "uniter" image and label his administration extremists of the worst kind.

Kerry then needs to attack the center. Don't raise taxes but don't continue cutting them either. Don't pull out of Iraq but state that the right people will be put in control of the situation to put this worthy mission back on track. Make statements like "we need to make america proud again" and "Our nation will be restored to it's former glory"...... in light of all thats happened those types of indirect attacks will be very effective.

One word: accountability. Hammer the administration for failing to hold anyone responsible for the seemingly endless strings of mistakes. Bad intell, bad planning, Chalabi, etc etc. Bush thanked Rumsfeld and has tied his own reputation to that of his defense secretary, use that. Point to the generals and former admin officials coming forward with negative views on the planning and execution of the war. Bush's resistance to firing anyone is a big time weakness, if he decides to do it later it will not play well with fellow conservatives as it admits to failures. Win win.

Support the troops, the cops, and the fireman. They are hero's now and the american people are paying more attention to them then before. Taking away key unions will be huge.

Welcome debate concerning military service record. Kerry's vietnam record no matter what you think of it will play better in the media then Bush's dubious one. As a interesting side effect the lack of military service by so many high ranking members of this administration will also play into Kerry's favor.

If Kerry does the above and avoids making stupid comments or horrible mistakes the election is his to lose.

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As a leftist, I have to agree with your advice for Kerry. I'd want him to do the following:

1) Examine social programs very critically; ensure they pass a cost-benefit analysis;

2) Put forward a clear plan for gaining international support in Iraq;

3) Tackle the problem of Social Security head on;

4) Put forth a plan to eliminate outdated entitlements (like any president is going to do this, ever);

5) Move towards a free-trade platform

(many others, but that's a start)

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black


As a leftist, I have to agree with your advice for Kerry. I'd want him to do the following:

1) Examine social programs very critically; ensure they pass a cost-benefit analysis;

2) Put forward a clear plan for gaining international support in Iraq;

3) Tackle the problem of Social Security head on;

4) Put forth a plan to eliminate outdated entitlements (like any president is going to do this, ever);

5) Move towards a free-trade platform

(many others, but that's a start)


If that's a leftist platform, maybe I'm more of a leftist than I thought. Or maybe you're a bit more conservative than you'd imagine. Either way, interesting... because they are extremely reasonable points.

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black


As a leftist, I have to agree with your advice for Kerry. I'd want him to do the following:

1) Examine social programs very critically; ensure they pass a cost-benefit analysis;

2) Put forward a clear plan for gaining international support in Iraq;

3) Tackle the problem of Social Security head on;

4) Put forth a plan to eliminate outdated entitlements (like any president is going to do this, ever);

5) Move towards a free-trade platform

(many others, but that's a start)

*channeling Bill Murray*

This is a leftist we're talking about, right?

(Points to whoever knows the movie in which he uttered the line I'm paraphrasing)

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48


If that's a leftist platform, maybe I'm more of a leftist than I thought. Or maybe you're a bit more conservative than you'd imagine. Either way, interesting... because they are extremely reasonable points.

I identify with the left because I believe in the idea that a democratic government is able to effect positive change, both in the protection of rights AND in the promotion of the general welfare. In addition, I believe that governments are philosophically justified in promoting the general welfare.

HOWEVER, I agree with many conservatives that the contemporary left is dominated by emotion and empty rhetoric. The Left needs a renewal, and the renewal should start with reason.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

ATB is the smartest leftist ever ;)

I agree with Destino. GWB spoke of accountability in his first campaign. John Kerry can hit a nerve there with speaking about accountability in the intel and in the prison disaster.

Although Destino the whole "we need to make our nation proud again" sounds a little too Regan doesn't it? ;) Because it was clearly morning again when Ronald came into office in 1981

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If I was running Kerry's campaign, he would win a landslide.

1- Put Gephart in the number 2 slot. It delivers Missouri and solidifies Michigan, Iowa, and MIGHT deliver Kentucky.

2- Announce over and over and over how he will have a complete bipartisan cabinet. Announce that he will BEG( if need be) McCain to be Secretary of Defense. This delivers AZ and solidifies NM. Lots of other GOP names he can throw out to help in certain states.

3- Spend at least 1/3 of my ad budget on abortion. Scare the soccer moms into believing that Bush is going to make abortion illegal. It will hurt in some demographics, but the overall NET gain of voters will help in the electoral vote count. It may well deliver FLA.

4- State at the convention that he will not wait, or consult with any country, or delay a response if we are attacked. Come right out and say that ALL of our defense arsenal will be considered if the US is attacked again. AND that we will continue to hold nations responsible for the actions of their people if they could have stopped them. Empty promises for certain, but it will play BIGTIME in the South. He still wont win a state there, but it might make Bush spend money there that he could spend elsewhere.

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