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The real reason the Redskins are disliked by some


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NOW,NOW...You guys are missing the entire point of why the Redskins are hated by many.

But alot of the points that were mentioned are correct. Like money(Revenue) bringing in and putting up big bucks for FA's and yes Danny Snyder. But before all this began, The FA's, the Snyder and the revenue. There was still one common denominator that played a major part of the Redskins being somewhat disliked as it stands today.

The Yankees have New York and bright Stars....

The lakers have star power...it's LA....

The Cowboys, well, was the hated Cowboys and used to be America's team. Notice I said used to be, I think the fan base and America's title has diminished.

The Redskins represent the Nations Capitol. Where Politics, politicians and the President reside. It's the city of all power within the power (get my drift).It's the Nations Captiol, "Hello" ruler of the entire government and the U.S itself.

This overall is why the Redskins are disliked. The general public will and has always had opions about their National government, and unfortunately, this is where it all starts. Other than fame, sports, the judicial system and the bright movie lights. One of the most sort after professions are professions of power (Politics). As a matter of fact, the judicial system falls under this prestiges power as well.

But than you have taxes to throw in with this equation (Uncle Sam) resides in your nations capitol.

You have movie stars becoming Politicians after their careers dwindle. And you have young ambitious men and women pursuing the ranks of power. It May be through prestiges colleges or it may be through your Armed forces.

As a matter of fact, that was one of the reasons Jack Kent Cooke left the bright lights of L.A to be in the limelight and power of the National Government and the U.S president. Next to L.A and New York, the Nations Capitol is next in line when it comes to limelight. But unfortunately, it's the limelight where the general public doesn't really get that fuzzy feeling like they do when it comes to L.A and New York and movie stars:laugh: . It's that fuzzy feeling you get when the National Government and Uncle Sam is taking all your money and taxing the hell outta everything. Better yet! it's the place where all the major decisions are made to run this wonderful Country.

I could go on and on, but these are the main reasons why the Redskins are hated. This along with the spending spree's that go on at Redskin park buying FA's. As a matter of fact, the general public probably thinks the Redskins get away with spending on all these FA's because their using their U.S tax dollar to help out with the contracts:laugh: .

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Because the Wizards never became a major Sports Icon in the older days like the Washington Redskins. Next to baseball, Football is the next major sport that people watch and watched in the older days. It's the major Universities main bread winner and erupted into major sports after these super stars from Universities reached the NFL/AFL's.

Also, the Wizards/Bullets really never made any noise. Yes! they won a World Champioship and almost another. But they really never made peolple head turns year-in and year-out like the Celtics and Lakers. They never really had any superstar's to excite the public. And usually when they got them (Superstar) they were most likely on the downside of their careers. The Elvin Hayes's and the Bernard Kings.

And in all likely Hood, the biggest Icon in Basketball history recognized this. The mishaps and the failings of a NBA team in a City next in line to the L.A's and the New Yorks of the world. Michael Jordan thought he could do wonders with a team like the Wizards that resides in your Nations Captiol. And he did as far as star power, limelight and T.V play. But where he failed at was the winning category and the Owner didn't like it and didn't won't to sell his beloved franchise to an outsider like Jordan (could you blame him).

But IMO, with time, I think Micheal would've gotten this team alot further than what we're seeing now, IMO. Yes! things may look promising now with gilbert and all. And Jordan did make some bad moves to try and help a struggling franchise that was starved for some playoff action. But I just don't see this team getting any where without real superstars in the future. Superstars like Kobe, Garnett, T-mac, Duncan and others. And unfortunately, the NBA draft is now a joke. A draft without any real franchise players like the older days. And without any real winning seasons or some star player to entice others. FA's are gonna be real reluctant to sign here. Especially any real players. Gilbert took a chance, and hopefully he won't get discourage over poor play from players that are nothing but mediocre until proven diffrent.

Sorry Guys, I know this isn't the wizards forum. Just got caught up in the moment:D

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Your correct slinginsammy. I kinda figured that, but thought I try my luck with the past results instead of checking the correct ones. I guess you can call it being a little lazy in checking my facts when needed at times :rolleyes: .


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People wish that their team's owner would do what Snyder does. This is why I don't understand some 'Skins fans talking trash about Snyder. The man gets who his coach wants, and now he has the coach that he and all of us wanted. Love the man, he's brought the king back. For the rest of the league, they can hate us all they want. Let Art Monk in the Hall.

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Whether it's deserved or not, we are hated because of Snyder. Washington has been the Nation's Capital for a lot longer than the late 90's, but noone disrespected Cooke, Allen, Bethard, or even Cooke Jr, Casserly and Turner the way they do now.

It's Snyder, and maybe Spurrier when he was here. Hopefully Gibbs will bring some respectability back tot he franchise. But I think Snyder will be reviled for a long, long time.

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I disagree. I do not think our team is hated because of politics. Why in the world would somebody think there is a tie between the political bozo's and our team. They have nothing to do with one another. Do we also believe that the seahawks are full of grunge-rockers or that all the Lions work at car munufacturing plants? Certain teams do not like us becuase of rivalries either among the teams themselves or between particular players. I think you will find that most other teams fans don't give a rats ass about us. They love their own team and either have a neutral stance or a dislike for every other team.

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Politics has nothing to do with why people hate the skins. People hate the skins, for the same reason why so many hate the Yankess.....they feel like the owner tries to BUY championships. People didn't "hate" the Redskins, until after Synder went out and got Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders, and Jeff George, and the rest. Thats when people turned against us, and Snyder.

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no politics or government involved. We were only started to be hated I think once Snyder came. Even more when he started pursuing free agents and somehow getting everything he wanted over other teams wanting some of those guys. Also, his coaching carousel has not been favorable either, players like stability and when our longest tenured players have seen soo many coaches go by, its disheartening, a reason why Champ wanted to leave. An Eagle fan I knew did not question the redskins ability, he questioned the coaching and ownership, saying how is it that Snyder had 3 LB's who were in the pro bowl the year before and suddenly they all just had good, not great seasons. Its mainly our owner and how he carries himself, the skins have never done well ever since Snyder came, yet we have always been at the center of the offseason every year, and all that attention does not lead to anything good in the season.

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I don't believe we're as hated as we're led to believe. We are, afterall, the most profitable team in the NFL and we sell a lot of merchandise. But for those who do hate us these days, it is not because of politics. If this were the case, people would hate DC and it would not be one of the top tourist destinations in the world. Folks that hate the Skins do so because of Dan Snyder, or the traditional rivalries.

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The biggest problem people have with the Redskins is Dan Snyder.

Boo hoo we have an owner who is willing to invest money back into the team. Every other fan wishes they had a similar owner.

The media hates the Redskins, specifically Dan Snyder, as he's not some old school owner like Wellington Mara. He's trying new ways to get things done, and most of the media believe in the sanctity of football; ie as if what he's doing (signing bonuses, free agent signings etc) is somehow desecrating their Temple to Football.

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Dan Snyder is becoming more and more looked upon as the George Steinbrenner of the NFL. He's spearheadding the amount of money being spent on teams. Naturally there will be jealousy, and hatred towards the rich.

On the flip side, the Redskins are not a team that is naturally hated around the league. The tradition and positive message that our fans display has always been respected.

So if you aren't one of the teams that almost "has" to hate us. ie Eagles, Giants, Cows...then usually you'll be on our good side. We're the good ole fun bunch and Hogs after all!!!! What's not to like about that?

:point2sky :logo:

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I agree with slinginsammy. I grew up in Oklahoma and only the cowboy fans had any real hatred for Washington as a sports fan. There were lots of other people that didn't like the Washington team for non-football reasons.

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The real reason is because they hate Snyder for doing whatever it takes to win. They love the fact that snyder has failed at it. I know these haters would love to see their owners spend like snyder does. sure snyder had made mistakes and he is learning from it.

They also hate the redskins because we get all the hype and the attention win or lose. They cant stand the fact that all media does is talk about redskins during off-season.

They cant stand the fact that redskins get at least minimum 2 prime time games per yr. 4 this yr including the hall of fame game.

They hate their mothers because redskins is the richest team in the NFL.

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That's silly. I've been in the Midwest, West Coast and other cities in the Northeast and when I told people I was a Redskins fan back in the 80s and early 90s nobody had a problem with the Skins. Nobody said anything relating politics and DC to the football team. In fact they had nothing but praise for the likes of Gibbs and Riggins. It wasn't until Dan Snyder went on his spending ways that fans started hating on our beloved Skins. Politics was never an issue.

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Eh, I don't buy it. I don't think the Skins are hated as much as you'd apparently like them to be. People hate dynasties. The Skins are a solid franchise, but I think you're jumping the gun on comparing them to the Yankees et al.

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I think people hate us, cause we are that wildcard team, not expected to win, but we find a way to win big games, at least back in the past,; I am just waiting till we return to that top form and see how many co workers start saying " Da Skins ain't that bad"

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