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*(This burns me with a passion) When people squeeze the toothpaste from the middle and then they have the audasity to leave the top off. My ex and I fought all the time over that mess. That burns me worse than leaving the damn toilet seat up.

:doh: Guilty. I guess I'd burn you with a passion then. I am in RTA, though-

Retarded Toothpasters Anonymous. So at least I'm getting help. :silly:

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Oh MAN! My brother!!

AND THE WORST: When it is a Redskins game, and they switch it at commercials and at halftime to some dumb-*** movie we've both seen 100 times, and miss 1:45 of the third quarter!!!

:laugh: Yeah, that sucks. Channel surfing is only cool if you are the one doing the surfing. Otherwise, it royally sucks.

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:laugh: Yeah, that sucks. Channel surfing is only cool if you are the one doing the surfing. Otherwise, it royally sucks.

And NEVER, EVER, during a Redskins game. I threatened my brother with his life, as if I had a gun pointing at him, and relentlessly, as if he were giving up his last breath, he handed over the weapon, that dastardly switcher.

To this day, this coming season, if he ever picks it up again (like it's a drink for an alcoholic), I will leave the room and go upstairs and watch the rest of the game. I can't believe I didn't think of this WORST pet peeve of all time first! So far above the rest!

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And NEVER, EVER, during a Redskins game. I threatened my brother with his life, as if I had a gun pointing at him, and relentlessly, as if he were giving up his last breath, he handed over the weapon, that dastardly switcher.

To this day, this coming season, if he ever picks it up again (like it's a drink for an alcoholic), I will leave the room and go upstairs and watch the rest of the game. I can't believe I didn't think of this WORST pet peeve of all time first! So far above the rest!

Switching between games is okay...as long as its very brief!! :)

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Switching between games is okay...as long as its very brief!! :)

That's the problem. With my brother, it is never brief enough. (like an alcoholic cannot have just one drink. He canNOT be a brief channel surfer). It's search, and search, and click, and click, until he senselessly fills this hole in his soul that is only filled by even more clicks. Until a couple downs have passed, only then he switches back. The old '3 minute' rule for commercials is out these days. Like as life gets quicker the older we get, so do the commercials.

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I also hate run amok kids in supermarkets, however, I have devised a plan.

Whenever a parent allows their undisciplined child to run around inside a supermarket, I zero in on them and 'accidently' have the child run flat out in to my trolley. Works best when trolly is almost full. 'Hey, it's not my fault you can't control your child.'

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I can just envision the scene. Child: "Scream, scream, fight, waaaaah" going batty, then SLAM!!! doooing. Problem solved. :D

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I don't even watch the Skins games with anyone who doesn't know when to cheer and when to shut up. Someone may ask me a question but if it's not a commercial, I completely ignore them. Is it so much to ask for 3 hours every Sunday? Hey, I'll volunteer commercials but I have to draw the line somewhere. Then again, everyone knows to get out of the way when I go screaming through the house when we score a TD or an INT.

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lol...That bothers me and I dont know why. Why do you squeeze it from the middle and leave the top off?? That's crazy!

Starts with an L, ends with an 'aziness'.

Which is unexcusable, and rather unusual, because I do not deem myself lazy in ANY other aspect of my life. :)

But I'm working on it, okay! Must you know, that my problem diminishes (not disappears yet) when a significant other is around. Just now that they aren't, the capital L in Laziness re-appears. :doh:

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Starts with an L, ends with an 'aziness'.

Which is unexcusable, and rather unusual, because I do not deem myself lazy in ANY other aspect of my life. :)

But I'm working on it, okay! Must you know, that my problem diminishes (not disappears yet) when a significant other is around. Just now that they aren't, the capital L in Laziness re-appears. :doh:

I hope you dont piss on the toilet seat cause that bothers me too...lol

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I don't even watch the Skins games with anyone who doesn't know when to cheer and when to shut up. Someone may ask me a question but if it's not a commercial, I completely ignore them. Is it so much to ask for 3 hours every Sunday? Hey, I'll volunteer commercials but I have to draw the line somewhere. Then again, everyone knows to get out of the way when I go screaming through the house when we score a TD or an INT.

Yeah, my biggest mistake was watching the first Dallas game of the year with a second date. They asked "So am I going to get to talk to you at all during this game or not?" I was like DUH!!!! The first thing you learned about me was I am a die-hard Redskins fan. You are lucky to get 5 seconds during the commercials, because my adrenaline does not subside during the commercials even. And that is HARDLY a time to talk to get to know each other!! Needless to say, that was the last date with them. :cool:

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When someone touches the stereo in my car. I don't care if you have a rousing story, or you're getting a phone call; ask. I'll do it. Touch my CD player and I destroy you.

Whole-heartedly agree. Or when you tell someone (either the passenger who is controlling like my brother) or if you are the passenger, "PLEASE don't change it, that is my FAVORITE song!!!" and then they mercilessly change it without conscience. That hurts.

Man, I never realized how many things are pet peeves of mine. This thread is depressing me! No wonder I scored 56% picky on that picky thread. :doh:

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