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Air America. WOOHOOO are they funny.


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My favorite example.-"Rock bottom came when she (talk show host Randi Rhodes) compared Bush and his family to the Corleones in the "Godfather" saga. "Like Fredo, somebody ought to take him out fishing and phuw," she said, imitating the sound of gunfire. "

What a great American. Calling for the assasination off the President. Boy, the Amercia hating Libs must be giddy.

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Any 'true' democrat that votes for Bush is a moron. Bush doesn't represent any of the issues a 'true' democrat supports.

As for Air America, Franken isn't bad but they go way over the line to appease the extremist left. Much like the right wingers call liberals terrorists, traitors, and even threats to america.....air america needs to shut their pie holes.

Truth is found in the rational center. Motivation is found in the radical extreme. That is why you see so many watching and reading the extreme crap and no one 'excited' about logical answers to real problems. Reality isn't as exciting as competition.

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Originally posted by GoSkins561

I believe this is the reason why alot of "true" democrats will be voting for Bush.

Come on now, you've got to be kidding me. Do you actually think this?

To promote an op ed piece on the Franken show has about as much validity as does Rush. Both sides have their wackos. I have mot listened to the show at all, nor do I plan to. I also don't listen to Limbaugh, but to try to use this as a basis for all liberals is the same as saying all conservatives have the same viewpoint as Rush.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Let me know when Rush calls for the assasination of Kerry.

He's too busy outdoing the sleeze of the OJ defense team by putting ads in the local paper attacking the prosecutor in his case. Not even Johnny '****Ring' tried that. I'll have to remember that next time I get a speeding ticket to trash the cop who wrote it in a full page ad.

But seriously I find very little difference in cracking jokes about murder and labeling a man a threat to the nation and worse then a terrorists which I've heard ol Hannity do several times. Both statements are irresponsible and inspire violence. And let's not forget Coulter wishing a terrorists had blown up the NYtimes building......

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ANY REAL democrat will vote for BUSH, so he will pass everything Hillary will run on in 2008.

ANY REAL republican will vote for Kerry, so he will pass everything Jeb Bush will run on in 2008.

You have to vote for the OTHER guy to get what YOU want!

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Maybe Tucker Carlson should join the Air America team. This is what he said on crossfire regarding the war in iraq.

"I think it’s a total nightmare and disaster, and I’m ashamed that I went against my own instincts in supporting it," he said. "It’s something I’ll never do again. Never. I got convinced by a friend of mine who’s smarter than I am, and I shouldn’t have done that. No. I want things to work out, but I’m enraged by it, actually."

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BTW - I should have written this earlier but, what Air America did in joking about harm coming to the President is disgusting. It's not funny and it's not right. As Kilmer and I have agreed upon in the past taking politics to the point of asking or wishing harm on another is wrong.

The Secret Service should pull these idiots out of their studios and question them like they would anyone else.

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"Come on now, you've got to be kidding me. Do you actually think this?

To promote an op ed piece on the Franken show has about as much validity as does Rush. Both sides have their wackos. I have mot listened to the show at all, nor do I plan to. I also don't listen to Limbaugh, but to try to use this as a basis for all liberals is the same as saying all conservatives have the same viewpoint as Rush."

Yes i do believe that democratic senetors and otehr democratic officials are going to vote for GW Bush. They are tired of all the ignorance, and their leaders making stupid comparisons bewteen Hitler and GW Bush, and people saying crap like Dick Cheney is not patriotic. I am sorry to say this but the democratic party is going to $hit.

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Originally posted by Hooper

Maybe Tucker Carlson should join the Air America team. This is what he said on crossfire regarding the war in iraq.

"I think it’s a total nightmare and disaster, and I’m ashamed that I went against my own instincts in supporting it," he said. "It’s something I’ll never do again. Never. I got convinced by a friend of mine who’s smarter than I am, and I shouldn’t have done that. No. I want things to work out, but I’m enraged by it, actually."

Carlson is a ****y.

I've NEVER paid attention to him. That he's even ON Cross Fire as their representative from the right, tells me all I need to know about CNN.

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Originally posted by GoSkins561

Yes i do believe that democratic senetors and otehr democratic officials are going to vote for GW Bush. They are tired of all the ignorance, and their leaders making stupid comparisons bewteen Hitler and GW Bush, and people saying crap like Dick Cheney is not patriotic. I am sorry to say this but the democratic party is going to $hit.

Ok first let's take away this nonsense of people questioning patriotism. If you are a member or supporter of the right wing you gave up your ability to take offense to this long ago unless you criticised your own party for doing this constantly following 9/11.

Now for the idea that people, leaders in particular, would vote against the party because it's going to far left is absurd. Not only do you fail to understand that politics is about issues, and that supporting the GOP is pretty much abandoning everything you believe in, in terms of goverment. But it also would serve to further push the party to the extreme, NOT somehow get it moving towards center.

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Originally posted by Destino

Ok first let's take away this nonsense of people questioning patriotism. If you are a member or supporter of the right wing you gave up your ability to take offense to this long ago unless you criticised your own party for doing this constantly following 9/11.

Now for the idea that people, leaders in particular, would vote against the party because it's going to far left is absurd. Not only do you fail to understand that politics is about issues, and that supporting the GOP is pretty much abandoning everything you believe in, in terms of goverment. But it also would serve to further push the party to the extreme, NOT somehow get it moving towards center.

No I think the Republican Party stands for morals, ethics, patriotism, and the foundation on which this country is founded. The democratic party is being fueled by a bunch of tree hugging whackos, that are out to condem and persecute everything that is right. A good example would be religion.


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Originally posted by GoSkins561

No I think the Republican Party stands for morals, ethics, patriotism, and the foundation on which this country is founded. The democratic party is being fueled by a bunch of tree hugging whackos, that are out to condem and persecute everything that is right. A good example would be religion.


I'm not going to get in the mud and wrestle with you. That type of binary thinking is laughable and not worthy of discussion.

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Originally posted by Destino

I'm not going to get in the mud and wrestle with you. That type of binary thinking is laughable and not worthy of discussion.

Thats fair enough, even though your obviously a lib, we wouold probably still have a hell of a time at a Redskins game.


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Originally posted by GoSkins561

Thats fair enough, even though your obviously a lib, we wouold probably still have a hell of a time at a Redskins game.


According to the crazies at DemocraticUnderground I'm an undercover Freeper pretending to be a moderate democrat. :D

But you are right at a skins game we would have a blast! Go skins!

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Originally posted by Destino

According to the crazies at DemocraticUnderground I'm an undercover Freeper pretending to be a moderate democrat. :D

But you are right at a skins game we would have a blast! Go skins!

Is there such a site as democratic underground? They would love me there what is the web address?

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Originally posted by GoSkins561

Is there such a site as democratic underground? They would love me there what is the web address?

It's DemocraticUnderground.com but you won't be able to do much damage. They'll ban you as soon as they see you are a republican. Hell if you say that you are a DNC fan they'll label you a sellout or a corporate whore.

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Originally posted by Destino

It's DemocraticUnderground.com but you won't be able to do much damage. They'll ban you as soon as they see you are a republican. Hell if you say that you are a DNC fan they'll label you a sellout or a corporate whore.

Will i at least get to see them cuss at me and get all upset?

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Originally posted by GoSkins561

Will i at least get to see them cuss at me and get all upset?

Pfft that's NOTHING! They will laugh, if you want to see them upset support conservative democrats. That makes them go ape****.

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