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The Safest Place 'FROM" terrorism?


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Pick the safest Place: From Terrorism?

The U.S., Britian, Australia, Japan and a bunch of other lil countries like Honduras and others are fighting terrorism right now.

France, Germany, Russia, China, etc.. are not. Or at least not our version of it.

Where is the safest place from terrorism outside of the State Sponsored Terror countries like Iran, N Korea, Syria?

example France chose not to fight and they are constantly under attack because of their dress code...

My choice right now would be: Mexico ;)

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Denmark. ;)

Actually, Denmark was highly involved in the war in Iraq and, generally speaking, in the war on terrorism. However, we're so small it's easy to forget about us. I'll set up shop in a small town in the south of Denmark, tend some pigs, grow some crops, forget all about terrorism.

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Yeah that Khadr guy and his sons just LOVED Canadians. So much that they even went to Afghanistan to kill some of their fellow citizens.

And for some reason Canada is letting the mother and son(wounded while FIGHTING AGAINST the US, Canada,etc) back into the country. Canada is soft on monitoring and expelling terrorist elements, which might earn them a pass, but then Bin Laden mentioned them in his last(well, whoever did the voice lol) taped address.

As for Denmark, theDane, I would have to look them up, but there are a couple of articles about how you guys have to deal with non-assimilating Muslims and how 95 percent of rapes(almost all of Danes and other Euros) are committed by 5 percent of the population. And how you guys are actually maybe starting to crack down on terrorist imams advocating jihad.

but then, almost no country in Europe is safe from that--except maybe Liechtenstein or Andorra.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Joe Bibbs


As for Denmark, theDane, I would have to look them up, but there are a couple of articles about how you guys have to deal with non-assimilating Muslims and how 95 percent of rapes(almost all of Danes and other Euros) are committed by 5 percent of the population. And how you guys are actually maybe starting to crack down on terrorist imams advocating jihad.

I'm not sure on the rapes issue, but the rest of it is very true. But it's unfortunately that a small number of the muslim community make for a bad reputation among the remainder. There is a very (proportionally) large community of immigrant muslims that do just fine in the Danish culture.

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Thanks, that's interesting reading. The clerics issue I had heard about; the crime issue is new to me. Again, I'd like to see more basis in fact for the crime article.

Although it does always amaze me to see that 200,000 people reflect 4% of a total population. :laugh: The equivalent number would be 10 to 11 million here in the U.S.

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Originally posted by TheDane

Thanks, that's interesting reading. The clerics issue I had heard about; the crime issue is new to me. Again, I'd like to see more basis in fact for the crime article.

Although it does always amaze me to see that 200,000 people reflect 4% of a total population. :laugh: The equivalent number would be 10 to 11 million here in the U.S.

Yes America is huge and I think that's one reason why Americans don't seem as "up" on international news as other countries.

If you live in Belgium, you damn well better keep up on what's happening around the world, because you have very little influence or power as a nation.

As for the crime stuff, you'll just have to trust that these numbers represent a reality. If it were just Denmark, I'd be a bit more skeptical, but the other Scandinavian nations, Holland and France definitely suffer from many of the same problems.

That's not to say that all of that population is hostile. But the level of hostility is purposefully underestimated to cater to the politically correct sensibilities of the elites. But the tide is changing.

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