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Why I became a 'Skins Fan


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I just joined the forum so bear with me.

When I was seven years old I moved to the United States. I remember the first time I watched an American Football Game it was the 'Skins vs. the Cowboys. At the time, I rooted for the Cowboys because they were 'America's team'. I didn't know any better. The 'Skins crushed em that day and I took notice.

In the next few weeks I watched the 'Skins and found them easy to remember from their helmet. Soon I began to understand that while I didn't understand the rules I knew that if they gave it to that big fella they called Diesel he would always move the pile.

I think the reason I became a 'Skins fan is because of Gibbs. Remember his halftime adjustments? Remember his class? Remember Gary Clark frolicking through opponents' secondary(with towels flapping) like an antelope in the Spring? Remember RFK rocking as the 'Skins ran Countertray successfully for another rushing TD? Remember John Madden going to a commercial with Hail to the Redskins playing so appropriately in the background, with his words trailing "Pat you can feel this place movin. They love their Redskins". Remember Dave Butz taking up two blockers? Remember Monk converting yet another third down? God ...it gives me goosebumps.

Yeah....me too.....I remember those days....and my friends....my brothers....they are back. I am not sure I will be able to handle the first play this September when we run Counter Trey with Portis for 6 yards.

Welcome back Lord Gibbs. We know hold our heads high again.

God Bless America!!

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The football knowledge and 'Skins knowledge is intense. I thought I was fan with a problem heading to a folding seat once a week introducing myself to strangers and drinking cheap coffee until I met you People. You make me look normal and I you thank you.:cheers:

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Originally posted by Paleriders

I thought I was fan with a problem heading to a folding seat once a week introducing myself to strangers and drinking cheap coffee until I met you People. You make me look normal and I you thank you.:cheers:

My name is Dan T. and I'm a 'Skins addict. ;)

Welcome Paleriders. Great first post.

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i grew up a skins fan before i knew much about football,my father ,grandmother got me started but by the time i got old enough to understand the game gibbs was on the scene and i really fell in love with the skins.you could count on them,more often than not.when gibbs left,times got hard but i'd never give up hope that we'd be great again.i could never change teams,even though i no longer live in oxon hill,md. i won't root for the panthers or any other team(unless they play dallas).we need some more trophies.gibbs will be the first coach to win a superbowl in 3 different decades

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Welcome to the board!

Actually, I'm a fairly recent 'Skins fan. I knew of them, and of the Hogs, but I didn't really become a fan until around 1993. I've missed seeing personally the great games and players of the first Gibbs era, but I've stayed true to the team through thick and thin and hope to see another era of great Redskins football.

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geez, you're making me all nostalgic. I was only 7 when the redskins won super bowl 26, and that's the first NFL game I remember watching.

Actually, I do remember the week before the NFC championship where the Lions just won the divisional playoffs and were saying "Redskins, Redskins" assuming they were gonna beat them.

Anyways, yeh, I still have memories, despite being pretty young to remember the glory days well, and I wish FedEx field could rock the way RFK did, that place jsut seems to have heart do it, FedEx doesnt yet, hopefully it soon will.

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BRAVO. I grew up in Dale City, Va watching "Redskin Sidlines" at 7:30 on Monday nights when I was 6 or 7. I can barely remember watching the news about George Allen leaving, and then the comming of Jack Pardee. And then it was Joe Gibbs. In his 2nd year in Washington I moved away but he kept me faithful to this team. I can't wait till the 1st preseason game this year. Sorry if this bored anyone but I had to put it out there.


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Getting me all misty eyed. LOL.

Welcome to the Best Board in all of Sports.

Your post made me think of my Dad taking me to the SB Parades.

Man those were good times. One year we were sitting on top of a bus with about 30 other Redskins fans that was the best.

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Recently I have had a goal of watching every Simpsons episode ever made and am currently on Season 3 (starting from 15).

I don't know if any of you have seen the one where Lisa is a football betting machine and tells Homer that the Redskins would dominate the Bills in the Super Bowl if she loved him.

Watching that made me think...damn, if only we could get back to that level.



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I started liking them in either 1979 or 80 when I got a Joe Theismann mini poster from a quarter machine. Liked the colors and began watching the team. We were able to see the Skins here in the midwest pretty frequently because the Cardinals were the regional game so I saw them twice a year against the Cards, Cowboys and a few other games per year. BTW, I still have that mini poster.

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I was born and bred, simple as that. I knew the words to Hail to the Redskins before I ever really understood what a touchdown was.

Eventually, once I started playing in the front yard - age 6-7 - I started really watching the games with my Dad. I'd run in and out of the house at half time with my buddies and play catch or 2 on 2 during half time. I used to get SO wrapped up in the game, in wins and losses, and "what ifs", kinda like I still do.

It was a classic case while I was in High School. Basically the only civil conversations I could have with my Dad was on Sundays.

Basically, it's been a lifetime obsession. It's a tribal society in which we live. Afghanistan ain't got nothin on us!

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