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Who watched Sopranos last night


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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

Vito is gonna kill that guy. It was hilarious though. Good move on his part to propose

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Well imagine if he tells Tony about Vido :doh:

You know he wanted to bang that girl at the construction site though, she was hot!!

I like the angle they have the show going with the two cousins starting to get jealous of one another. It is getting very interesting :cheers:

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Originally posted by jbooma

Well imagine if he tells Tony about Vido :doh:

You know he wanted to bang that girl at the construction site though, she was hot!!

I like the angle they have the show going with the two cousins starting to get jealous of one another. It is getting very interesting :cheers:

If he was smart he would go the 3-way route.

Chris is a paranoid freak. Besides with Adianna talking the FBI chick he has bigger problems right under his nose. I have a feeling Johnny Sack will do something in secret. Then he and Tony will sit in a limo, together, similar to what they did in this episode. Tony will have to "take it", because it is business.

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Hmmmn, I didn't think Vito was planning on killing Fin. I think he was trying to give him some hush money or get him to promise to keep it quiet, why choose a crowded stadium?

Buscemi saved this show for me....


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Is Vito's buddy the same?? Remember that guy that just went off when the other guy made the homosexual joke, he took that bottle and just busted his face. When I saw that I was thinking he was gay, curious if there is more then one.

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What the hell is the deal with the bear man??

Finn saved his own ass by proposing. Looked like on the previews that someone is getting wacked next week. Then again they can fool you. Just looked as though a body was being thrown off a bridge. Looks like Tony and Chris are about ready to have a little disagreement.

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

jbooma - You really need to keep an eye on Vito - especially if you keep wearing that dress!!!!

Nah a man in dress isn't his style, he likes the manly man, you know rent a cops :laugh:

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I never thought of the bear in that way, but it does make sense. But poor Carmella!! She can't get an attorney or accountant in Jersey or New York!!! Tony has them all scared. And now with Meadow being engaged she just can't run off to Italy to find Furio.

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Originally posted by smashmowf

The bear is a symbol?....thats deep I never thought of it that way. Do you work with Dr. Melfi or something?

:laugh: I definitely could be wrong. That's just my interpretation of it. Physically, Tony kinda resembles a bear. Plus, they both always show up at the house stir up trouble and eventually leave.

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Originally posted by panel

What would you do if you were in that kids situation? Man, Blowing off the baseball game with Vito may have been bad for him.

It may have been bad not going to the ball game, but he recovered quite nicely proposing to Meadow.

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