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Website design help needed


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During my interview process, I made the claim that I could make websites of higher quality than the current company site. I am now responsible for fulfilling my claim. I haven't made a website for at least five years.

Q: How do you make that sidebar stripe that is so common on websites? I don't want to use frames if possible. Also, I downloaded PaintShop Pro trial version, but I am really inept with that program, too.

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Originally posted by ShonyX

During my interview process, I made the claim that I could make websites of higher quality than the current company site. I am now responsible for fulfilling my claim. I haven't made a website for at least five years.

Q: How do you make that sidebar stripe that is so common on websites? I don't want to use frames if possible. Also, I downloaded PaintShop Pro trial version, but I am really inept with that program, too.

what do you mean? an image?

what is the current site look like?

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Originally posted by ShonyX

During my interview process, I made the claim that I could make websites of higher quality than the current company site. I am now responsible for fulfilling my claim. I haven't made a website for at least five years.

I hope your site is a spectacular disaster and the employer laughs when being shown it and fires you on the spot. That's what you deserve for lying during a job interview. You are taking a job away from someone who has real skills that could use the work.

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Originally posted by ShonyX

During my interview process, I made the claim that I could make websites of higher quality than the current company site. I am now responsible for fulfilling my claim. I haven't made a website for at least five years.

Q: How do you make that sidebar stripe that is so common on websites? I don't want to use frames if possible. Also, I downloaded PaintShop Pro trial version, but I am really inept with that program, too.

You really should take some basic tutorials to reacquaint yourself. Try webmonkey.com for that.

In terms of that sidebar, you can do that in two ways: 1) tables or 2) css

you probably don't want to use css unless you know what you're doing. tables are easier for a novice to deal with.

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I have about a thousand top level website designs that are "plug and play" in either Photoshop or html that you can just upload. No sense in building sites these days...

Best thing is to find a site you like and hit "save" on your browser. You can fix the links and graphics and voila you have a complete website exactly like what you want.

If you go to Kazaa or Bearshare P2B and search for "templates" you will be able to download thousands of websites that look professional in one .zip file. These are huge files 300mb sometimes, but you will find everything you need. Download Photoshop 7 from Kazaa too.

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Holy hell! Let me clarify: The current website is almost nonfunctional. It hasn't been updated in over two years. I CAN make a better website without any help. I just can't make a good website. I am NOT a web designer. That is NOT my job. I just said that I could touch up the website if they would like. I did NOT take away a job from anybody. If I do NOTHING with the website, it won't effect my job.

I apologize that my original message was not clear. I must say that I am disappointed with the responses that I received. I expected better from this group.

Thank you to those who did try to help.

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Originally posted by ShonyX

Holy hell! Let me clarify: The current website is almost nonfunctional. It hasn't been updated in over two years. I CAN make a better website without any help. I just can't make a good website. I am NOT a web designer. That is NOT my job. I just said that I could touch up the website if they would like. I did NOT take away a job from anybody. If I do NOTHING with the website, it won't effect my job.

I apologize that my original message was not clear. I must say that I am disappointed with the responses that I received. I expected better from this group.

Sh!t in, sh!t out.

Since you apologize about the lack of clarity in your original message, you can't possibly be disappointed with the responses you got. You got what the group gave you so don't vet the quality of their responses if you're not going to vet the quality of your post.

Bad web sites result in bad results. Your company should hire a professional to do it right or take the thing down. Don't make it your issue by trying to help because that's only going to lead to more responsibility, a change in your job roll and a pile of BS that you can't possibly predict.

Rule of thumb, if you have to ask how to do something you have no business attempting it with a production website.

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I see nothing wrong with this person's post. I dare say, this person isn't the first that learned on the job or may not have been completely honest about their capabilities. A few years, when I was a tech. support representative and my boss was fired, the managers approached me and asked if I could admin. the company's Win2K server as well as taking over the managerial position. I said yes, though I had a lot more experience with WinNT as opposed to Win2k server. I immediately did some research, consulted a friend, and spent a lot of time working on the server. Within a short time I was relatively versed with the server OS and eventually earned different certifications and made it a career. If I hadn't had a chance to get hands-on experience, then my career may not have ever developed. (Also, the friend I referred to had his start when he was hired to put together workstations, though he didn't know very much about hardware. He learned on the job, and now, many years later, does network security for the Federal Government as a consultant.)

Some of you guys, if you don't have much to offer as far as help, than maybe you should say nothing at all instead of being assanine. I swear, some people...

Anyways, trying to verify, are you referring to a side-bar navigation stripe? If you are, this could be accomplished by either a background image that has the stripe, or with a nested table cell that simply has the desired color. Also, it depends if the page will have a width of 100%, or some % width, or a static size, assuming you are using tables for the layout (though you can use CSS for the layout as well.)

Also, as someone mentioned, I would HIGHLY advise spending time learning about CSS, AKA Cascading Style Sheets. You can have much control using CSS, and many of the effects which previously would have been accomplished with Javascript, such as rollovers, are now done so with CSS. Once you start using CSS, you willl never go back. :-) And there are many free lessons if you want to do some study.

http://www.w3schools.com/ ***I highly recommend this site***


http://download.com.com/3150-2048-0.html?tag=dir ***Design progs.***

Also, I would advise avoiding Frontpage and, instead, try to code from the ground up when possible. (Though I tend to use WYSIWYG for tables and some layout.) I use Dreamweaver, but one free program you can get is HTML-Kit; I would advise this program if you cannot get Dreamweaver, which is a little spendy.

I hope this helps, good luck with your pursuits, and if you have any questions, let me know.


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Sorry but your first post DOES sound like you lied to get the job. I will take your word for it that you worded your post poorly and that you did not lie and you never claimed to be a web designer. But you can hardly blame anyone for defending their turf.

I constantly have to fight for jobs because "somone's cousin's brother" is a "web guy". Usualy a small business goes for the cheap labor and both the business and the real designers suffer. That kind of thing ticks you off after awhile. If somone asks me to do a job that I am not good at such as back-end programing, I thank them for the opportunity and direct them to someone who can better serve their needs. I'm funny like that.

And BTW, I can guarantee if it were not for the way you worded your first post I would have been happy to help and never would have responded the way I did.

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

Sorry but your first post DOES sound like you lied to get the job. I will take your word for it that you worded your post poorly and that you did not lie and you never claimed to be a web designer. But you can hardly blame anyone for defending their turf.

I constantly have to fight for jobs because "somone's cousin's brother" is a "web guy". Usualy a small business goes for the cheap labor and both the business and the real designers suffer. That kind of thing ticks you off after awhile. If somone asks me to do a job that I am not good at such as back-end programing, I thank them for the opportunity and direct them to someone who can better serve their needs. I'm funny like that.

And BTW, I can guarantee if it were not for the way you worded your first post I would have been happy to help and never would have responded the way I did.

I have to side with Mike on this one.

Mike appears to have been in the game for some time, while I am just getting my endeavors off the ground. i am taking some pretty sh*tty work for sh*tty pay right now. I was pretty p*ssed when i first read this thread.

That said, if your second post is true, well, youve got some great resources that have been posted as well as advice.

Read them thoroughly and I garuntee that you'll be able to make a pro website with the proper tools.

Furthermore, there are some consultants that lurk this board that can be called upon for help as long as it's honest.


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