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I was under the impression they were already tried, convicted and booted from the service.

Originally posted by atlhawksfan

But still, we gotta "support our troops" never forget that.

Don't let the actions of a few dictate your opinion of the majority...


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Originally posted by webnarc

That's ridiculous, it looks like old school fraternity hazing. The soldiers there, they aren't heroes.

The military is investigating. And BTW, don't think that they're going to "get away with it." Military justice is quick and brutal, and these guys and gals will get jailtime in such federally funded gardenspots like Leavenworth Penitentiary in KS.
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Originally posted by atlhawksfan

I saw these on a different message board, pretty disturbing. But still, we gotta "support our troops" never forget that.

You'd rather we assume the worst of all soldiers and perhaps support people who were involved in the slaughter and oppression of civilians, cut off heads, shoot hostages and use ambulances as troop and ammo transports?

I'm disgusted by it too, but your post is absurd. Because some evil men like Lt. William Calley will exist(as they do in society, as they will inevitably appear in inhuman circumstances involving war and conflict) does not mean anything unless it becomes routine or accepted or part of directive.

Just come right out and say what you want to say. Don't be indirect about it.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Joe Bibbs

Because some evil men like Lt. William Calley will exist(as they do in society, as they will inevitably appear in inhuman circumstances involving war and conflict) does not mean anything unless it becomes routine or accepted or part of directive.

Just come right out and say what you want to say. Don't be indirect about it.

So you now agree that it isn't EVERYONE on one side that is like this, it's just a few on each side? E.g. you wouldn't do this so people in Iraq would be wrong to say that this it typical of American behavior. Much like those four American workers who were killed last month, they weren't killed by EVERYONE in Falluja, they were killed by evil men like Lt. Calley.

That's why what the coalition did in Falluja was regarded as collective punishment; clearly 300000 people were not involved in the murder of those four contractors but 300000 people were made to suffer for it.

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Originally posted by redman

The military is investigating. And BTW, don't think that they're going to "get away with it." Military justice is quick and brutal, and these guys and gals will get jailtime in such federally funded gardenspots like Leavenworth Penitentiary in KS.

I sure hope that when this happens, the governing powers over in Iraq give that information to the people to show them that the few morons in the US military that are maltreating the Iraqi prisoners WILL be punished and be punished severely - that this behavior is not tolerated and does not represent anything about the US except that we have some idiots in the family... :(

The pictures disgust me, as I know they disgust many of you too. I wonder what possessed these people to think that this was a good idea?


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Originally posted by webnarc

So you now agree that it isn't EVERYONE on one side that is like this, it's just a few on each side? E.g. you wouldn't do this so people in Iraq would be wrong to say that this it typical of American behavior. Much like those four American workers who were killed last month, they weren't killed by EVERYONE in Falluja, they were killed by evil men like Lt. Calley.

That's why what the coalition did in Falluja was regarded as collective punishment; clearly 300000 people were not involved in the murder of those four contractors but 300000 people were made to suffer for it.

My, what a strawman we've built for ourselves!

No reasonable person supporting this war in Iraq that I'm aware of has ever said what you accuse them of saying - that everyone there is our enemy. Think about it - if that were the case, then why would we be spending so much time, effort and money rebuilding that country?

Unlike you, however, I and many others here don't subscribe to the weak, egalitarian notion that all cultures/religions etc. are morally equivalent. They aren't, and so I happen to think that your position is simply a cop-out, to avoid making a decision. Right now, one of the most dysfunctional religions in the world is Islam, particularly in the Middle East. You want to seriously dispute that?

With regards to Fallujah, you're ignoring the tribal aspect of this. I don't recall any reports of fighters being turned over to our forces by these peaceful residents of Fallujah who you purport to speak on behalf of. That's a Sunni town and we took down a Sunni regime. Do the math.

Moreoever, do you have a better wayto have gotten rid of those violent men in Fallujah, or is it that you've just subjected us to your self-gratifying hand-wringing with cries of, "Oh the humanity!"

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These pictures remind me of the stories from Vietnam. People coming back saying some of the awful things they saw fellow soldiers doing. Then another group calling them dirty liars.....why? because either they have a hard time really believing it? maybe they were the ones who did it.....maybe they just don't want to admit it to themselves because they couldn't do anything to help.

Who knows. This stuff is awful and its been going on for as long as War. The best we can hope for is that these type of people are weeded out before they are in action.....or if they do make it through the screening process and do these things. Time for Jail jerk.

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Originally posted by redman

My, what a strawman we've built for ourselves!

No reasonable person supporting this war in Iraq that I'm aware of has ever said what you accuse them of saying - that everyone there is our enemy. Think about it - if that were the case, then why would we be spending so much time, effort and money rebuilding that country?

Unlike you, however, I and many others here don't subscribe to the weak, egalitarian notion that all cultures/religions etc. are morally equivalent. They aren't, and so I happen to think that your position is simply a cop-out, to avoid making a decision. Right now, one of the most dysfunctional religions in the world is Islam, particularly in the Middle East. You want to seriously dispute that?

With regards to Fallujah, you're ignoring the tribal aspect of this. I don't recall any reports of fighters being turned over to our forces by these peaceful residents of Fallujah who you purport to speak on behalf of. That's a Sunni town and we took down a Sunni regime. Do the math.

Moreoever, do you have a better wayto have gotten rid of those violent men in Fallujah, or is it that you've just subjected us to your self-gratifying hand-wringing with cries of, "Oh the humanity!"

Okay, thanks redman. There are some people on the other side who feel EXACTLY the same way you do here, but about American's - that the actions of one DO represent the intent of ALL. You can read into my comments as deeply as you need to make your argument, I'd like to think my words help you reach your point, but keep in mind that I didn't say any of what you are suggesting I said.

I was asking Ghost if he can see that the *atrocities* that are being witnessed by on both sides are being committed by a few on each side and do not represent the intent of ALL on that side.

If I had been asking you, I'd now know that you do not agree with it. Your post was good, it just didn't have anything to do with me.

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Guest 979guy

A) The pictures are grotesque, humiliating, pretty damn terrible. Soldiers deserve to be thrown in jail themselves.

B) As horrible as the pictures are, I haven't noticed any Iraqi die there.

Is Fallujah, then, the exact equivalent?

Another question that should be asked is, do the majority of Iraqis think the Falluhah lynching is grotesque, humiliating and pretty damn horrible, just as the majority of Americans no doubt feel about these pictures?

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