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Why is it that....


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When the media doesnt show great favortism toward the skins that they are knocking them, or showing us disrespect. I more and more I read from people on this board, the more I see people get really upset over the fact that "espn didnt cover taylor enough" or "Lenny P. didnt talk about Taylor and his opinion is totally wrong". I just dont get it, or maybe its just me?

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Originally posted by bubba9497

It is only human to want others to feel like you do

I know what you mean, I love the skins with all my heart, I just wish people would look at everything thru subjective eyes. When we wake up, we think about Redskins football. When the media wakes up, they think about NFL

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Originally posted by DjTj

Extremeskins is a place where we can come and everyone shares our same burgundy and gold view of the world. That's why we love it here, even if I am stuck with this crappy avatar ;)


Yes, thats whats great about this place, but that has nothing to do with some people thinking that everyone has it in for the skins.... but again its just my :2cents:
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From an older point of view..............the Skins have been a media punching bag for a long time now. Don't know why............We have gotten less coverage on equal or bigger signings then other teams. We make solid moves that any league execc would aplaud, yet the media generally downplays what we do, while other make similar moves, and their leading the way.

IMO, there is a bias against the Skins...............for a long time:cheers:

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It was obvious: IT was also obvious that the Eli / Rivers trade that happened right before it was mostly the reason.

The top 5 in any draft should get good coverage but when 1 / 4 are traded with San Diego getting the number 3 pick overall ( :) ) next year its a big deal...

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MeNoRevs - you're right to an extent, of course there's a lot of subjectivity that goes on. It's the nature of fans. There are some reporters, however, that have a bias against the Redskins.

For example, if you take a look through Len Pasquarelli's archived articles, you can see a clear bias against the Redskins.


Even this article, which doesn't mention the 'Skins, takes a not so subtle jab at them and, specifically, Clinton Portis.


For runner-up on offense, we're choosing tailback Tatum Bell (Denver), because he'll be playing in a system that turns even modestly talented backs into 1,500-yard rushers.

In any event. I encourage you to decide for yourself.

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Maybe there's bias.

But it also seemed as though once the draft was over, folk were desperately looking for media articles on our pick and on Sean Taylor.

What do you expect them to say? What new info about Taylor will have come to light since he was drafted that you don't already know?

Sometimes it seems like fans are looking for media affirmation, or a stamp of approval - often from the same media sources that those same fans dis when they aren't flattering to the team.

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the fact of the matter is ST should of gotten as much coverage as the 1-4 picks being in the top 5 and didn't . everyone new that the giants and the bolts were going to do this trade.

even though i knew everything that ST has done in college

and how good he's going to be . he should of gotten his due at that time. it was just bad timing for that trade annoucement.

ST will get plenty of coverage for the skins this year and for many more :thumbsup: as will the rest of the redskins and then we will be the ones cheering and laughing the loudest. :cheers:

:ravensuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck

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The Skins have only been a national story in recent years for their sometimes spectular and seemingly always predictable failures. Seriously ... what has there been besides offseason hype and then in-season disaster for the national media to latch on to?

If and when we start winning, they will just as quickly start to hyperventilate over us again. Remember when we went from 0-5 to 5-5 under Marty? We ended up the media darling du jour and on the cover of S-freakin'-I just like that:


We were just "victims" of timing on Saturday. The Skins picked Taylor, and then almost immediately---before the ESPN windbags could do their requisite gushing and show their prepackaged highlights---the Commissioner announced the Chargers/Giants trade. That was clearly the hottest news item surrounding this years' draft, so I really wasn't surprised that they went off on it for as long as they did.

Once they had made the rounds of Talking Heads Over America on the SD/NY deal, they eventually got to Taylor. They just didn't have as long to dwell on it, as I'm sure they would have for the #5 overall, because by the time they got done with all the QB trade talk, the #6 was on the way.

We're a bit sensitive these days to bad press. Well, the truth is, we've earned it. When we earn the good press again, I'm sure we'll enjoy it (and ***** about the "bandwaggoners"). I just hope that at the end of the day we all recognize both for the reactionary imposters they really are.

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Lets see, seems like first of all Taylor did not have much to say. He was chilling, and literally 'chillin' at home. If he was at the Garden that day, im sure we woulda gotten more coverage out of him, and then probably Gibbs as well. Also, look at our past 4 offseasons, filled with big moves for a mediocre 8-8 or less record. First it was the Bruce Smith, Deion, Carrier, plus Arrington and Samuels, 8-8 record. Then it was bring in Schottenheimer, lose some players, 8-8 record. Then it was Spurrier and the other Gators, 7-9 record, finally it was Spurrier again with a wild free agency filled with only 3 good pickups in Coles, Thomas, and Hall, 5-11 record. There has been a bias against our skins for a while, and a lot of people hate the way Snyder operates, and his way of always having a big offseason to lure more people and money, only to not perform well. I hope this changes next year, even w/o Gibbs the acquisitions we got this year were pretty huge, Portis, Griffin, Springs, Washington, Brunell, its better than some of those no-name d-line aquisitions last year. Im sure once we start winning, things will totally change again.

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