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Poll: Where will our defense rank overall?


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Just curious to know what you all think, since a lot of people are extremely high on the Taylor pick. While I was definitely on the "Draft a d-lineman!!!" team, I'm intrigued by the pick, but I'll admit that I don't know much about him.

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I think you are going to have to look at this in two different perspectives.

On one hand, the Skins D should be good against the pass. The only problem could be, how long will the DB's have to cover WR's, TE's, and RB's.

They should be weak against the run. Griffin, who appears to be the best DLineman you have is ok against the run. And he was only ok with Michael Strahan to play along side. Take him away and you don't know what you will get from him.

Now, I did say "should" because on paper, this is the way it looks. Who knows, they could suck against both. :D

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Originally posted by aREDSKIN

I'd say right now top 10. Now how do you define ranking? Points allowed? Yards allowed? etc.

Good question, I'd say "total defense", taking into account everything. Though it does appear that the defense will be able to capitalize on opponents' turnovers rather than limiting yards, I think.

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The way I see it we're going to give up a good bit of yards, which I believe is what total defense is ranked by, so I say 11-15

however, I feel that with our attacking style and speed, we will get A LOT of turnovers, possibly the most in the league.

As for you all who cant sleep at night b/c the D Line, Gibbs and Williams must think they can work with it, so it'll be fine.

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Well, we were a top 5 defense two years ago when we had a decent defensive co ordinator. We have another good D-coach now but we have also had a lot of change.

I think the D is going to be a heck of a lot better this year, but their ranking may also depend on some other things such as how quickly the offense gels. If we struggle early on on offense it's going to tell on our D. Of course, if they get on track quickly, it's going to make the D's life a heck of a lot easier.

Special teams could also really help our D this year, we have upgraded at punter (here's to no more 15 yard shanks:cheers: )and the coverage units should be better allowing us to gain an advantage in the field position battle.

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Originally posted by Higharolla ****amamie

we can give up yards all day as long as we stop them from scoring.

Exactly how Philly has ran their defense, and it's a good first step. Next step after not allowing the big plays? Complete shut down (like the old TB and Baltimore) and quick penetration (Carolina's D line).

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Gibbs' teams usually control time of possession. Based on that, our defense should be on the field less often and could have a decent ranking right there.

If we have big leads and teams throw more, it could knock down the stats a bit. If they are able to run against us, they'll chew the yards up slower and help our stats.

I predict we'll be somewhere in the middle of the pack but defensive rankings aren't always the best indicator. Teams with a lot of takeaways often have short fields to work with and give the ball back quicker after a score. Teams that spend a lot of time ahead have the other team throw more which chews up more yards.

If our defense is a "bend, don't break" kind of defense we could be VERY successful but not be in the top 10.

As long as we have a winning record, I'd be happy with #15 or 16.

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I am indeed a skins fan, and I hate the New York Giants with a passion. I am very pleased that Kerry Collins will be leaving the team soon ( I guess he's gonna line-up to do the next Bachelor). With Collins gone, this means that the whining, sniveling, son of a ***** Eli Manning with ultimately be a starter. I can only imagine what he'll be like on the field, something to the tune of a kid looking for his mommy after they get seperated at the local Wal Mart. The Giants are gonna be worse this year than last, Michael Strahan can do all the cheating he wants to get sacks, but it won't help.

Ok, i was WAY off of track with the above statement, but it needed to be said. The skins D will rank top 5 to top 10 i think. They have an impressive secondary with Springs, Smoot, Taylor, and Bowen. Their LB core is one of the best, and the additions of Phillip Daniels and Cornelious Griffith will only help the line.

:gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck

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Wynn, Noble, Griffin, and Daniels are all known as decent run stoppers, and william's schemes should help apply pressure on passing downs and our secondary will be just sick as far as field coverage. I bet our defense will be close to top 10 barring any major injuries.

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Unless we move to a 3-4, which would be unwize without a qualified nose tackle, and take advantage of our quality LB crew, I can't see us finishing in the top 10.

Without a serious upgrade to the defensive line and Noble's status in question (does anybody have any info on his rehab?), we won't be able to stop the run when we are behind in games.

Without an effective pass rush, our defensive backs will have to be all-pro's to maintain pass coverage.

With that said, there is light. Last year the defense was poorly coached. On way too many plays, the defense was changing personnel late in the count and players were constantly looking to the sidelines trying to figure out what defense had been called. I think coaching and the players knowing their assignments before the ball is snapped will be the area of biggest improvement.

Even though we drafted defense, we never addressed the most critical need on the defensive line. In free agency we did upgrade, but not significantly enough to say that the defensive line was fixed.

Our defensive line certainly doesn't measure up well against the offensive lines of other NFC East teams. This will only make those teams who do not have the quality position players we have at QB, WR and RB look better than what they really are.

I also believe there won't be much to choose from after the June 1st cuts. What we have now is pretty much what we will go with in September.

I really hope my gut feel is wrong, but I refuse to drink the kool-aid.

I can only hope that Sonny was correct the other night when he inferred that we have another card up our sleve regarding the defensive line.

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I think we can have a good year on D, I say somewhere in the top 10-15. I've always noticed that when we had subpar D-coordinators we were horrid, but with the same guys and a good d-coord' we were in the top 10-15. I see the same thing happening.

BTW Jimbo, you say that if we have a big lead then teams are gonna have to throw more, and that'll make I'll rankings drop. I think it might be a different story, look at who we have in the backfield! I don't forsee too many teams being able to go "happy go jacky" with the passing game.

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Top 10 definitely. Gregg Williams' new aggressive scheme will make the most of Lavar Arrington, Marcus Washington, and Sean Taylor.

All bets are off if Smoot and Springs can't stay healthy. The Skins should be alright if one of them has injury problems, there is good depth with Harris, Bauman, and Brown behind them, but if both of them prove as brittle as they were last year the Skins might be in trouble.

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Originally posted by Chrisbob74

I think the D is going to be a heck of a lot better this year, but their ranking may also depend on some other things such as how quickly the offense gels. If we struggle early on on offense it's going to tell on our D. Of course, if they get on track quickly, it's going to make the D's life a heck of a lot easier.

word, when analyzing the D you gotta also look at the Offense. Last year we didn't control the ball and i would bet money that our D spent alot more time on the field than our offense. This causes teams to get out of sync and if you watched closely you would see upset defensive players after spending 5 minutes on the field only to watch the offense go three and out on the following offensive possession. When the offense controls the clock and the game, it keeps the D nice and fresh with plenty of gas in the tank to go out and play harder.

Gibbs likes to run a ball control offense with the running game, and I see us doing much better this season in time of possession, etc. This will do wonders for our defense.

I honestly think we have potential to be a top 5 D with Gibbs and Williams guidance.


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Williams is a lot like Pettibone, in setting up and preparing players so well, they have numerous options.

The initial year is the most difficult, with results having a good yield in the latter part of the season, even setting up for a possible run at the playoffs. That was Pettibone's retooling pattern and Williams in his 3 years, had 2 good defensive seasons and one mediocre- to- bad. That was because, although players liek Takeio Spikes was sold on it, others were saying "yes" but doing the opposite. Williams took the fall in spite of players admitting their attitudes. Those players knew they'd be exposed when Williams was gone. See, they didn't even realize they survived on D because of Williams. Their insubordination inside their own minds cost them their coach.

I take it the reason Williams had difficulty telling was the "pace" or speed of the player in diagnosing or executing a play. Some were doing just enough to get by and eventually he tried to at least keep control of the ST's and Offense.

The new life he has with the Redskins, is exactly what the doctor ordered. Gibbs knew to keep Williams from burning out he needed about a step away from Head Coach, but at least sharing some say and a subordinate on Defense - a Defensive Coordinator, instead of being one. That allowed Gibbs and Williams to spend enormous amounts of time together as Head Coaches and even allowed Bugle more input ( a former Head Coach also).

That's why this will be one of the most improved defenses, and teams in the league. It is NOT a "big name fluggy wagon". It IS the real deal! It will improve play in the NFL.

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