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Assuming Taylor is chosen before #5 and we pick Winslow

Die Hard

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Would anyone be excited about that pick under the circumstances?

I sense people have come to "want" Taylor but "expect" Winslow. And I've never see so many people ambivalent to such a high pick.

Even Gardner at #15 seems to generate more excitement :)

So I ask, if Winslow doesn't say "I'm a solider", or he doesn't hire the Postons or the rumor that he showed up late for a meeting turns out to be false.....

would we be more happy? Did we acquire someone who's going to dramatically improve this football team?

Because quite frankly, all 3 of those are off-field incidents. And I'm more concerned about what happens between the sidelines on Sundays.

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"I have faith in Gibbs & company.

I would be happy with Winslow, Taylor, Harris, Wilfork , Gallery, or a trade down.

I would only be disappointed if we gave away Ramsey or Samuels, which I am pretty sure we will not do."

From BUBBA9497

I have problems with letting someone go also, so most of my posts have leans to keeping our guys and simply packaging to take NFLers already on rosters, who fit perfectly or FA.

I just don't want to see Gardner, Patrick or Chris in another uni.

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I'd certainly be happy with Winslow, I almost hope that the decision is made for us before we draft. Say, the #4 pick being Taylor. Less chance for all the fans to question the pick if we didn't have a choice. Either one will be a star and will be a very good Redskin when all is said and done.

About Winslow's comments...They certainly don't make him suspect in my eyes. Dude is 21 or something like that. I've said much worse when I was that age and lost a game. I also didn't have an annoying reporter in my face. People concerned with this should just let it go.

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The only real concern I have with the #5 pick is that he can contribute immediately. In my book right now, there are 2 guys who could do that. Winslow and Taylor.

I think for us, Taylor has a bigger upside then KW2 based on the way our coaching staff in the past has used personel.

That, of course, may be very different this year but with that in mind, Taylor is my guy.

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I like Taylor because of the more pressing need at the position. With that said Winslow is going to be the truth in the NFL. His soldier comment was blown out of proportion. Lets be honest many players from Miami have different types of personalities than the norm; When they get into the league they produce tremendously. The kid is going to be a star. Both he and Taylor will be stars in the league next year.

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Look, if we're even remotely considering Winslow at No. 5 you know the PFT fiction about Winslow being late to meetings is not at play here so you can't hold that against him. I actually like the soldier commentary he gave. My one worry is the agent thing. Though I do not think you can make decisions based on who a player's agent is, I do think you can make tiebreakers based on that, and when you break the tie, you can let people know that's why so you hurt those agents.

I actually thought people seemed awfully excited about this pick though.

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I do prefer Taylor, but either way we're going to get an immdeiate impact player. Something alot of teams will not be able to say after this draft.

Living in Florida, I've had the opportunity to watch K2, and he is simlply a freak of nature. I think his quote was inapropriate for the time in which we find ourselves. But if I may so, that is kind of how he plays, he will do whatever he needs to do to win the game. Just look at the catch he made at WVU, or when he leaped over that DB. The kid plays with emotion and I don't think he should be blamed for that.

And if his father has the repect for coach Gibbs that some of his other players do, he will slap the taste out of Jr.'s mouth the first time he gets out of line.

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I would be pumped to have KW2. He seems like the right type player to LOVE to hate Dallas, and be proud to wear the B & G. Just imagine the match-ups between him and Roy Williams for years to come. I also love Taylor and think he would be just as great on the other side of the ball. If we get KW2, have faith that Joe Gibbs & Williams have a plan for our D, as Doc Walker suggested in his interview.

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I would be happy. Though on the Canes board, from an insider it does appear that Winslow was late to the Gibbs meeting. (And they don't say negative things about their players so I believe it to be true at this point). But I think Winslow would add a lot to the offense so I'd walk away happy. And as I've said I like his competitiveness and intensity. But the immaturity concerns me.

PS: He was late because he was playing video games.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Would anyone be excited about that pick under the circumstances?

I sense people have come to "want" Taylor but "expect" Winslow. And I've never see so many people ambivalent to such a high pick.

Even Gardner at #15 seems to generate more excitement :)

So I ask, if Winslow doesn't say "I'm a solider", or he doesn't hire the Postons or the rumor that he showed up late for a meeting turns out to be false.....

would we be more happy? Did we acquire someone who's going to dramatically improve this football team?

Because quite frankly, all 3 of those are off-field incidents. And I'm more concerned about what happens between the sidelines on Sundays.

I think if Taylor is gone we need toseriously consider acquiring more picks, thru a trade of some sort. Out of all of the players in the draft if we were to draft one person, I think Taylor makes the biggest impact by far, however I would like to see the Skins trade down and try to acquire maybe a Wilfolk and Deangelo Hall some how. Somewhat realistic but we do have some nice trade bait.


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