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Did we go to war in Iraq or Kuwait for oil?


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Bottomline: The US imports only 27% of our oil annualy from Persian Gulf states. Check it out: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/pgulf.html

So why is this still dredged up as an ulterior motive by those who were against either of these wars?

[Hey, I haven't had a beer in 10 days since I had my hernia surgery -- gotta find something to keep me entertained]

:40oz: :doh: :puke:

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Glad your surgery went well. :cheers:

27% is a very large number. What other vital import comes close?

My opinion is that we went to war to defend Kuwait because of oil--and we were right to (we were defending not only Kuwait but Saudi Arabia against Saddam, who wanted an oil monopoly). If those nations primarily exported rattan furniture, we wouldn't have given a crap.

This Iraq war is not about oil.

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Oil is dredged up for the simple reason, that some people always have to look for the ulterior motive. Even when it's not there. It's easy to say Bush went to Iraq for oil, same as it is he went there because Saddam attempted to whack his dad. People who consistently make this argument do so, because they are unaware of the real facts, and they find it impossible to believe that somebody, especially a politician could actually be telling the truth. I honestly believe that Bush is doing what he believes is best, and his motives are honorable.

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Originally posted by jpillian

Bottomline: The US imports only 27% of our oil annualy from Persian Gulf states. Check it out: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/pgulf.html

So why is this still dredged up as an ulterior motive by those who were against either of these wars?

[Hey, I haven't had a beer in 10 days since I had my hernia surgery -- gotta find something to keep me entertained]

:40oz: :doh: :puke:

I wish we had, I'm tired of paying 2.05 for gas!

Good luck wth the recovery. I'm sitting at home on convalesant(sp) leave myself.

But as for the saying itself, it's just a tired slogan of weenies that are against the war and can't think for themselves

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

Glad your surgery went well. :cheers:

27% is a very large number. What other vital import comes close?

My opinion is that we went to war to defend Kuwait because of oil--and we were right to (we were defending not only Kuwait but Saudi Arabia against Saddam, who wanted an oil monopoly). If those nations primarily exported rattan furniture, we wouldn't have given a crap.

This Iraq war is not about oil.

I don't think the Iraq war is about oil either. However, did anyone hear anything about this executive order? I never heard any kind of followup, just a bit of the hubbub it raised (http://www.earthrights.org/news/eo13303.shtml). Reading the actual order-- http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/05/20030522-15.html

I always thought it was a little weird to have a war, then to have American companies reconstruct the country, but always outwardly say "Iraqi Oil will pay for reconstruction." I'm sure we all know that Haliburton (which Cheney has ties to) is one of the major contractors in the Iraqi reconstruction effort... so I guess Haliburton is getting paid from revenue generated from Iraqi Oil.

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Originally posted by IAMBG

I feel while Oil was a factor in GWI it isn't in GWII.

Kuwaits liberation was #1 followed by protection of interests.....

Yes, people forget that the conquest and plunder of a sovereign nation in the modern era is not a common occurrence. To let it slide would have been to give a green light to similarly-inclined individuals as Hussein.

Also, when people say the war is about oil, they're only saying it because it's a Republican in the White House and/or because they think that by saying so that lessens the justification to fight such a war.

Problem is--Oil is still the lifesblood of the world economic system. It provides MUCH MUCH more than just fuel for planes and cars, but is vital for plastics and other materials, even used in agriculture.

So in essence, the naive or hateful, when they invoke oil, are saying it's wrong to go to war over an absolutely critical resource, something that is akin to water at this stage in history.

But, this current war has NOTHING to do with oil, except in the most tangential way--Hussein's oil profits would have allowed him to conitnue(with UN/Russian/German/French collusion) to reward terrorists, train them, shelter them, and maybe restart his WMD program in earnest. After all, who would need anthrax if you've got a nuke.

It's bad enough that North Korea may have nukes, the last thing the world needs is nukes in Arab hands(at this juncture in history)

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Originally posted by Chief skin

It is all about the oil, if those uncivilized savages were just sitting on a bunch of sand and killing each other over their misconstrued concept of religion the U.S. government wouldn't give a $hit.

That doesn't really make it about oil. If they were in tents and living in the desert in 7th century conditions and isolating themselves, maybe it wouldn't be an issue.

But Islam spread mainly by the sword and continues to want to impose its will on others, not merely to expel foreign influence. And Pakistanis don't have oil do they?

Do the Moros have oil?

Nigerians...well, they have oil there, but you get my drift.

Problem is, oil is where some of these countries get their wealth and make their impact on the international scene.

BUt Canada, the US and Venezuela and other nations have oil and there's no worry.

They just said they killed one of the Italian hostages and it was filmed. There is something to this culture WORLDWIDE with this obsession with killing and mutilating people and filming it and then laughing and getting their jollies off from it.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Yes, people forget that the conquest and plunder of a sovereign nation in the modern era is not a common occurrence. To let it slide would have been to give a green light to similarly-inclined individuals as Hussein.

Also, when people say the war is about oil, they're only saying it because it's a Republican in the White House and/or because they think that by saying so that lessens the justification to fight such a war.

Problem is--Oil is still the lifesblood of the world economic system. It provides MUCH MUCH more than just fuel for planes and cars, but is vital for plastics and other materials, even used in agriculture.

So in essence, the naive or hateful, when they invoke oil, are saying it's wrong to go to war over an absolutely critical resource, something that is akin to water at this stage in history.

But, this current war has NOTHING to do with oil, except in the most tangential way--Hussein's oil profits would have allowed him to conitnue(with UN/Russian/German/French collusion) to reward terrorists, train them, shelter them, and maybe restart his WMD program in earnest. After all, who would need anthrax if you've got a nuke.

It's bad enough that North Korea may have nukes, the last thing the world needs is nukes in Arab hands(at this juncture in history)

I wuz gonna say all that, but...errr...........

Thanks, you said it better. I am a man of two lines in my posts. ;)

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Where our oil comes from:

Sources of U.S. Oil Imports (millions of barrels per day, 2001):

Canada: 1.79 - Saudi Arabia: 1.66 - Venezuela: 1.54 - Mexico: 1.42 - Nigeria: .86 - Iraq: .78 - Norway: .33 - Angola: .32 - United Kingdom: .31 - Total: 11.62.

(Source: Energy Information Administration).

Sources of U.S. Oil Imports (%, 2002): Saudi Arabia: 16.9% - Mexico: 15.1% - Canada: 15.0% - Venezuela: 14.4% - Iraq: 11.4% - Nigeria: 5.9.%.

only about 30% of the USA's oil imports came from Arab countries in 2002. Since USA oil imports are about 55% of USA oil consumption, only about 15% of USA's oil consumption is provided by Arab countries.

About 40% of oil in the USA is used to produce gasoline.

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But, let's also remember that the price for gasoline is not solely tied to the oil imports, we haven't built a new refinery in decades because of the environmentalists, we have too many 'special' blends to fill and the current refineries can't keep up with the demand. Also, adjusted for inflation, gas was more expensive coming out of the Carter presidency.

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It is all about the oil, if those uncivilized savages were just sitting on a bunch of sand and killing each other over their misconstrued concept of religion the U.S. government wouldn't give a $hit.

I agree....

We commited troops to Iraq in desert storm because of the strategic importance of the region. That comes down to oil.

One stated reason Bush commited troops to Iraq this time was because Iraq had oil and her oil revenues could help to financially rebuild the country. He restated that in his press conference two days ago.

Oil is definitely a large component of why we are there... Not that we want to own it but that we want it to be secure so we can purchase it........

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