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Dog Advice


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Hey Everyone, I was hoping I could get some advice, me and my boyfriend are thinking about getting a puppy but we live in an apt. and I'm not sure what would be the best breed for that setting and a breed that is not hyper and will not tear up the place :) I was also looking for one that won't grow that big even when its older than a puppy. If any of you know of a breed that is calm and easy to house train

I'd appreciate any advice

thanks :!:

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Well I'm biased a bit.

We had a black pug. Awesome dog.

But as always, be careful of the source. There are many breeders out there that have no scruples other than the almighty dollar. They think nothing of in-breeding the animals. Which leads to defects and health issues.

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My wife and i have 2 pugs and an akita...i highly recomend a pug...loveable, playfull, but are also not rambunctious. Excellent apt dog, shed a little but not heavy. Akita if you change your mind on the size is my fav. very intelligent, calm as can be, very loyal, the best home security you can have!

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In a apartment you need to probably have a small dog that doesn't have a lot of need for a ton of exercise. I would also get a dog that has hair, not fur, so you have less problems with shedding.

Get a Shih Tzu. Good lap dog, rarely barks, doesn't shed, loving as you could want, and if you do want to make it buff, it can handle pretty good exercise with walks.

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Originally posted by ptskinsfan

Hey Everyone, I was hoping I could get some advice, me and my boyfriend are thinking about getting a puppy but we live in an apt. and I'm not sure what would be the best breed for that setting and a breed that is not hyper and will not tear up the place :) I was also looking for one that won't grow that big even when its older than a puppy. If any of you know of a breed that is calm and easy to house train

I'd appreciate any advice

thanks :!:

If you don't mind spending money a Bulldog is the way to go. They don't need a yard, just a little walk everyday. Are very lazy and like to just sleep :)

They are the cutest dogs and are very loveable. Great around kids if you plan on having some in the future.

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If you're in an apt - and especially if you're gone during the day, I'd suggest you do one of two things no matter what breed you get:

1) crate train a puppy and keep it in a crate in the apt while you're away; puppies tend to get into trouble to amuse themselves, and it's never as cute as it is destructive. Read up on crate training as it's a very useful and humane tool.

2) adopt an older dog (e.g. 2-3 years old) that's mature and won't go through the hyper puppy phase while you're in your apt. I'd still recommend using a crate while you're gone during the day, but a dog that age should already be housebroken.

I'm not big on small dogs (no pun) so I can't help much with breeds. Yorkshire Terrier's (aka Yorkie's), however, occurred to me right off the bat. They're "purse sized" and all of the one's I've seen have been very mellow.

I also understand that you can train your toy sized dog to go potty in a cat's litter box, which might come in handy for you. Look into that.

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What ever you do, stay clear of a Jack Russell. A) Their hyperactive, B) Their absolutly stupid, and C) Their absolutly stupid. The absolute dumbest dog I've ever been around. Ex. we had a glass living room table where we use to eat diner at. When we had a plate on top of the table, the dog decided the best way to get to the food, was trying to jump through the bottom of the table to get to it. You figure after a while the dog would realize this isn't working.......but no, the damn dog tried it ever day.

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Good point, Wop. JRT's are extremely active. They're little dogs that act in every way like big dogs, and they need a yard. Every dog park I've ever been to has had the owners of JRT's bring them in with the big breeds rather than in the smaller breed portion of the park, and the JRT's end up terrorizing every dog there despite their size.

The Brits love them to pursue rats and other vermin into their holes on farms and kill them. That should give you an idea of what you're dealing with.

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Like others said a yorkie is a good way to go, stay away from the Jack russels. I would add that a beagle is not a very good apt dog just because they like to bark a lot,and can be hyper.

If your lifestyle doesn't fit with the hours it takes to train a puppy then an adoption of a older dog is a good alternative.

All the dogs I have gotten are adoptions,except when I was younger and lived in the country and had time to train a pup.

Good luck.

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We have a Corgi which I think would be a great apartment dog. They are short (10"-11" at the shoulder) but sturdy (up to 30 lbs.) and they have a great "big dog" temperment. They like to go for walks but they are just as happy hanging around the apartment. They just like to be with their people. And they love kids.

The negatives are that they shed heavily twice a year and if you live where a corgi would need to go up and down stairs they are so low to the ground that it would make life difficult for the dog and for your son, if he had to carry a 30 lb. dog. I read that some of them bark excessively, but mine doesn't.

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Originally posted by Sonny Joe Hog

I read that some of them (Corgi's) bark excessively, but mine doesn't.

This has been my experience too. Remember, they're herding dogs so by nature they're high strung and vocal. That may not be the best thing for an apartment, especially with a first-time dog owner.
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Shih Tzu's are very quiet. Rarely bark.

There is another incredibly mellow small dog out there. It's the No. 1 lapdog in England. Remarkably mellow. Can't remember what they are. But they are like Prince Charles Spaniels or something. Cute and quiet and just like to lounge.

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