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As we all thought, trades in the NFL can't start until March 3. The ONLY way the stories on Brunell make sense is if that knowledge was false knowledge and trades could take place now. But, knowing that isn't the case should clarify what's happening in the pursuit for Brunell.

Think it through fellas.

Obviously the Skins are a team that wants a good veteran QB. Whether as a backup or starter or competitor, who knows, or cares. Brunell would be among the best available. Jacksonville has to pay this guy $2 million on March 1 just to keep him around. So, the presumption is that he'll be cut. The Redskins decide to slip in a few sweet nothings.

"How about a fourth rounder," or whatever, we whisper. This means, in football parlance, you keep him until March 3, sign him and give him $2 million that counts against your cap, then give him to us for a middle pick, while you eat that cap hit and make it easier for us to work out a deal.

Obviously, this isn't exactly a sweet deal for Jacksonville. But, it gets them thinking. What would make it worth keeping this guy past March 1 in trade? They leak the talks. That gets teams like Miami who assumed they'd have it easy in free agency to come to the table. The Jags even plant that teams are considering a second-round pick.

This is THEIR price for eating the $2 million. No team has offered that to them. Period. No team would have to. The Jags aren't going to carry this guy all year. They aren't going to carry him at $2 million either. You see, unless they have a gentleman's agreement with a team BEFORE March 1 for that second-rounder, they are cutting Brunell.

If they hit March 1 without a team promising to give that No. 2 pick, then they wouldn't dare risk keeping him. Simply put, once March 3 hits, Brunell becomes worth a No. 4 or No. 5 pick again. Other QBs are free agents. Teams will make moves for them. Then Jacksonville eats a cap hit for a guy they could have gotten almost the same limited amount for without taking a cap hit.

While it IS possible a team that is desperate for Brunnel -- including the Skins -- could make the second-round promise, the fact is, it's HIGHLY unlikely to happen. And I'd put money on the fact that Brunnel will be released on Feb. 28, because the Jags simply can't risk holding on to him.

On Feb. 9 they can talk all they want about keeping him. That helps them get some team to promise. If they can't get that, he's a free agent.

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I think that this move still could happen. That is why we have all been giddy like schoolgirls that Gibbs is our coach again! He might be the only guy that could get Brunell here, for minimal cost, trade and pencil him in as a backup.

Oh and still have the ability to make Brunell happy about it!!!!!

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Great insight Art ... I do think that some teams may step up the effort to acquire him and I wonder if the Redskins may have thrown out the idea of up to a second rounder if they could get JAX to help convince Brunell to take a backup role.

What are the Redskins draft choices this year? I know that we have a # 1 & 2, but after that, I thought that we only have a couple more. Do we have a 4th round pick?

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Originally posted by Art

As we all thought, trades in the NFL can't start until March 3. The ONLY way the stories on Brunell make sense is if that knowledge was false knowledge and trades could take place now. But, knowing that isn't the case should clarify what's happening in the pursuit for Brunell.

Think it through fellas.

Obviously the Skins are a team that wants a good veteran QB. Whether as a backup or starter or competitor, who knows, or cares. Brunell would be among the best available. Jacksonville has to pay this guy $2 million on March 1 just to keep him around. So, the presumption is that he'll be cut. The Redskins decide to slip in a few sweet nothings.

"How about a fourth rounder," or whatever, we whisper. This means, in football parlance, you keep him until March 3, sign him and give him $2 million that counts against your cap, then give him to us for a middle pick, while you eat that cap hit and make it easier for us to work out a deal.

Obviously, this isn't exactly a sweet deal for Jacksonville. But, it gets them thinking. What would make it worth keeping this guy past March 1 in trade? They leak the talks. That gets teams like Miami who assumed they'd have it easy in free agency to come to the table. The Jags even plant that teams are considering a second-round pick.

This is THEIR price for eating the $2 million. No team has offered that to them. Period. No team would have to. The Jags aren't going to carry this guy all year. They aren't going to carry him at $2 million either. You see, unless they have a gentleman's agreement with a team BEFORE March 1 for that second-rounder, they are cutting Brunell.

If they hit March 1 without a team promising to give that No. 2 pick, then they wouldn't dare risk keeping him. Simply put, once March 3 hits, Brunell becomes worth a No. 4 or No. 5 pick again. Other QBs are free agents. Teams will make moves for them. Then Jacksonville eats a cap hit for a guy they could have gotten almost the same limited amount for without taking a cap hit.

While it IS possible a team that is desperate for Brunnel -- including the Skins -- could make the second-round promise, the fact is, it's HIGHLY unlikely to happen. And I'd put money on the fact that Brunnel will be released on Feb. 28, because the Jags simply can't risk holding on to him.

On Feb. 9 they can talk all they want about keeping him. That helps them get some team to promise. If they can't get that, he's a free agent.

I hate to admit when you're right.

But you're right.

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Originally posted by Bufford T Justice

I hate to admit when you're right.

But you're right.


After my posts, something like this should probably be in your sig line. I mean, it's rote when I speak, so, if it must be said, it'd save you time to have it as a staple or something I'm sure :).

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Originally posted by Art


After my posts, something like this should probably be in your sig line. I mean, it's rote when I speak, so, if it must be said, it'd save you time to have it as a staple or something I'm sure :).

And by god when he's rote, he's rote. And you know what? He's rote. :silly:;)

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Originally posted by Bufford T Justice

Don't push it.

you're lucky to get this response from me on FedEx!


Oh, I don't view it as luck. But, you keep wiggling it little flirt. You used to be so much more. I don't view it as luck when that flashes out in the open. But, perhaps you know best.

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