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Who was better, Brady or his OL?

Even Madder

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He is not the next Montana but the current Tom Brady, who knows what his future is like, it is bright right now.

Even Madder I don't think this is the same OL that they won the superbowl 2 years ago. Their best OL player wasn't even playing last night.

The other issue here is how dumb is Carolina, never giving their front 4 a break, they don't rotate much so they were very tired towards the end of the game.

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I think the most unheralded aspect of the Pats win was their running game. They out-panthered the Panthers. Had they stuck with the running game, I believe they'd have blown out the Panthers in the 2nd half. They were incredibly effective with the run. And that made it MUCH easier for Brady to sell the run and do a good job with play action and play fakes.

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Originally posted by Tarhog

They out-panthered the Panthers

This is because of Coaching. Billicheck is a genious of taking away the teams main threat and having them beat them in a different way. Turns out Carolina's main threat might be the QB not the running game afterall.

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You're right about the run.

They obviously decided that Julius Peppers was the weakest link and just ran over him.

I thought both the run blocking and pass blocking were absolutely dominant yesterday. Brady was untouched and they plowed big holes for Antowain Smith.

No sacks. No pressure to speak of.

I'm not knocking Brady or Smith. I just think the OL was a thing of beauty.

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You are right heavy jumbo pats O-line was great brady avoided many sacks as well and for a team to have a great running game, again it starts with a great o-line thus o-linemen will never get the credit they deserve. Brady is the real deal and like i said, if he does win few more SBs, he should be put ahead of montana.

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This is a no-brainer. Brady should have convinced everyone by now that he is the real thing. In the first half, before they started to wilt, the Panthers got pressure on Brady. Still, he managed to get the job done. His ability to slide in the pocket the pocket to avoid sacks is probably the thing that impresses me most about him. With all of the so-called scrambling QBs, this is a lost art, but noone in the NFL does it better than Brady. Couple that with his quick release and you see why he wasn't sacked during the post season. He is a great QB.

And I do not like the Patriots and was rooting against them yesterday.

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Really, that O-line is in the bottom third of the league, talent-wise.

A lot of it is Brady. He processes the defense so quickly, he almost always finds the open receiver in 3 seconds or less. You can send 8 pass rushers and not sack the guy when he's getting rid of the ball like that.

But it's smart coaching, too. You notice all the roll-passes? The moving pocket is one of the oldest tricks in the book. You have to be clever to design an offense that allows you to get rid of the ball so quickly. And the play calling mixed in just enough run to keep the Panthers honest. There were a couple of draw plays where Jenkins and Buckner were in Brady's face only to watch Kevin Faulk run right past them with the ball.

Fellas, that O-line plays pretty well and overachieves, but that ain't the reason the Pats have one 2 Super Bowls in 3 years. They've won IN SPITE of that line.

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A lot of it is Brady. He processes the defense so quickly, he almost always finds the open receiver in 3 seconds or less. You can send 8 pass rushers and not sack the guy when he's getting rid of the ball like that.

Do you realize that Brady averaged two sacks a game this year? He was one of the top 10 most-sacked QBs in the NFL.

But in the playoffs, no sacks.

So the question is, what changed? Was it Brady or the OL? I'd argue that Brady looked just like Brady -- only with more time to throw. No pressure to speak of. How many times did he get hurried? Knocked down? Pressured? It was rare, and when they got close it was so weak that he could just sidestep the rush. I don't remember him ever getting hit before he released the ball.

That says it was the OL that stepped up, not Brady.

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He's a damn fine QB.

The biggest and best stat any QB puts up is the W, and he's put up quite a few in his first 3 years. 2 rings, 2 cadillacs for being MVP... led the league in TDs last year and threw only 5 INTs this year.

The kid may not be the next Montana yet, but he's damn sure on the right road, and further along it than anyone else.


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Brady scrambled a few times and moved around in the pocket to buy time. He also threw the ball away on occasion and took a nasty hit by Dan Morgan that was close to a personal foul.

You can't fault the QB for taking what he was given. As mentioned earlier, Woody (their best OL) was out, so i'm not sure how dominant they really were.

It was a combination of things. You can't point to one thing over another, but you have to be crazy, CRAZY to think that Brady isn't special.

How many 2 minute drives does he have to engineer to get his props? He's not Montana, yet, but he's a winner and only 26.

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Guys, as good as that o-line was, it has a few things working in its favor.

1) Short drops and quick releases. Except for Koppen and Light, all those guys are mediocre talents at VERY BEST. Woody was injured.

2) The Panthers were getting tired on the D_line and this wore them down.

3) DId you watch the first half, EM? THe Panthers were breaking through on a very consistent level AND were stuffing the run, GENERALLY(Smith had 26 carries just to get 83 yards or whatever it was and that was after he broke a couple lol)

--Problem was, the Panthers were being held on every pass play.

Was I the only one who would notice a Panther's outstretched arms mere inches from Brady as a Patriot not in front of him or even to his side tore at his jersey or held his other arm?

They got away with a lot yesterday that should have been called. Let's can the Hog comparisons please.

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Let's not forget Brady's RUMBLE up the gut for a first down when his receivers were covered.

IMHO, they worked well TOGETHER! Sometimes the OL covered Brady's @rse, sometime he covered them with his quick release and mobility in the pocket. Then again, he pulled a Ramsay, stood tall under adverse conditions, took the hit and made the completition.

Let's not forget this is a team game.

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How can anyone not give Tom Brady any credit?

The kid just won 15 games IN A ROW, and people are saying it's the system?

Jeez, what does a guy have to do to get everyone's respect. I mean, I know the media has made him "the next Montana," but he isn't convincing everyone on the message boards that he's for real, somehow.

His record is ridiculous since he's been the starter, and for those who say "it's the system, they're winning because of the coaching," well, with Bledsoe in there, who's about as talented a QB as there is in the league, they were mediocre or worse. The same guys were there, for the most part, but as soon as Brady comes in, they improve by leaps and bounds.

It doesn't take all that much analysis to infer that Brady himself was the catalyst of that improvement.

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By the way folks, when you say that a player is "The Next Joe Montana" that means that he's not on the same level as a Montana yet, but will be there soon. I see so many people say, don't compare him to Montana untill he wins 4 Super Bowls. Well If and when Brady wins 4 super bowls, he won't be the next Joe Montana, he'll be in a class of his own.

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Brady has now worked TWO Super comebacks in three years. That is more than coincidence.

Before yesterday's game everyone was saying that Damien Woody's absence would allow the Panthers to dominate the Pats and Brady. It didn't happen.

Add to that all the comebacks and close-in wins of the past 3 years that Brady has engineered with different line combinations and I say Tom is the real deal :D

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Nah, it wasn't the line guys, I'm telling you.

Yes, they played very well, but you don't go an entire postseason without a sack without starting to look at the QB first.

Come on, that line is not as talented or skilled or productive as the Chiefs, we know this. It's the short drops and Brady's ability. Trust me on this.

I watched the Carolina pass rushers get in, but get held. It was only when they wore down that they didnt' need to grab at Peppers jersey anymore and they ran at him.

If the Panthers O had gotten it together earlier, you'd have seen a markedly different rush.

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Originally posted by Equality

:puke: I am tired of people saying that, I mean you can say that about EVERYONE.

Except quarterbacks who lose.

You can have the highest rating in the world, throw the prettiest passes anyone would ever see, if the team doesn't win, it means absolutely nothing.


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