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Mo. Redskins22

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The Redskins are set to play the Denver Broncos on Aug. 9 to open the preseason schedule. This is great because I live in Missouri and they never broadcast Redskins preseason games here, it will be nice to see them in action.

The link is http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3880-2004Feb1.html

Sorry if this is posted already.

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

wait a second, does this mean the Skins have to go through 5 preseason games for the 2nd time in three years?

Isn't that a good thing this year?

Of course, seeing more Skins games is always good.

Just saying, more time to evaluate the guys that will improve our depth and prove they are "Gibbs' type."

Higher chance of injury does suck.

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