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Now Ratbird fans are suggesting that they played "possum" and "outwitted" us!!!

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Does this qualify as revisionist history?

From BigRavensFan.net...


Full Grown Raven

Posts: 131

Posted: 2/1/04 12:25:06 am

Re: re: Ramsey the human punching bag



Couldnt it just be possible that we ravens fans have played Possum with you guys.

All the threads on " Oh no we have no chance" just to throw off the scent and lull you into a false since of security ( and Browns, Steelers)

then when all Brownies and sqeelers are alseep

make our big push overnight.

We might have coordinated this via email as to not give ourselves away via the message boards ( or at least any that the other teams know about).

Whats to make you think that we did not do it in the last three rounds hyothetically speaking of course.

Whose to say that I have not been lurking the Redskins boards looking for tips that YOU POST IN PUBLIC on how to win ( hypothetically speaking of course)

If all these hypothesis are true - then you lost suckers and you were outwitted.

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Maybe EM. the redsins fan in me that actually kinda cares says possible, but the realist/cynic says it's Lewis and always was. As for DarkLadyRaven, oh she's been lurking alright. Watching the threads dealing with the contest both here and on hardcore. Actually, she's made pretty good use of the search feature too. 2 can play that keeping an eye on things game. :) Frankly, no way they staged that comeback and I'm pretty sure she know's it. As well as other Ravens fans as well. Course, that both sides took it that seriously was and is a surprise to Fox I'm sure. It was a gimmick contest and I for one won't lose too much sleep over the results.


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I was voting when it happened, and it's just not possible to move the poll that much that fast. Even if you assume that there's a lag in posting the results to the poll (didn't seem to be, but let's assume), it wouldn't take hours to report tens of thousands of votes.

So it wasn't a last-minute surge by Ravens fans.

So you have only a few options:

(1) Lewis was the pick from the start, and the poll was a scam.

(2) Someone hacked the poll and added tens of thousands of votes for Lewis.

(3) Fox Sports "fixed" the votes to eliminate multiple votes from the same person, and Ramsey had 10X the number of repeat votes as Lewis.

(4) Fox Sports switched the results at the end to maintain some semblance of a "surprise" for the show.

Anything I missed?

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Originally posted by Even Madder

Anything I missed?

I think you covered it pretty well, but you overlooked the RayRay Factor.

Let's break it down like Inspector Clouseau would...

Fact #1. RayRay drinks coffee.

Fact #2. "Coffee's for closers ONLY."

Putting 1 and 2 together leads one to the inescapable conclusion that...

"Ray Lewis and his crew took some FOX execs hostage and threatened to gut them if he didn't get HIS truck."


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DEUCE: Who are you? What's your name?

FOX EXEC: You see this watch? You see this watch?

DEUCE: Yeah.

FOX EXEC: That watch costs more than you car. I made $970,000 last year. How much you make? You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy, I don't give a sh1t. Good father, fEck you! Go home and play with your kids! You wanna work here, close! You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you cAcksucker? You can't take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit?

DEUCE: But I drive a Ferrari and my signing bonus alone was more tham a million dollars.

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Originally posted by BCS: BattleClownSnookems

Does this qualify as revisionist history?

From BigRavensFan.net...


Full Grown Raven

Posts: 131

Posted: 2/1/04 12:25:06 am

Re: re: Ramsey the human punching bag



Couldnt it just be possible that we ravens fans have played Possum with you guys.

All the threads on " Oh no we have no chance" just to throw off the scent and lull you into a false since of security ( and Browns, Steelers)

then when all Brownies and sqeelers are alseep

make our big push overnight.

We might have coordinated this via email as to not give ourselves away via the message boards ( or at least any that the other teams know about).

Whats to make you think that we did not do it in the last three rounds hyothetically speaking of course.

Whose to say that I have not been lurking the Redskins boards looking for tips that YOU POST IN PUBLIC on how to win ( hypothetically speaking of course)

If all these hypothesis are true - then you lost suckers and you were outwitted.

E-mail notifications and coordination? If they did, that's sad. I'm the only one whio voted that we just lost...

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how come i dont see "who gives a s**t because its only a stupid contest that wont count for anything anyway and was it my imagination but didnt steve mc nair receive the truck on the show today?" as an option on the poll? i know that ramsey is on tough guy and we dont need some stupid poll to tell us that. the guy just bought himself a brand new truck so he doesnt need it anyway. lets bet those wussies on the field where it really counts. now thats something we can talk about!

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