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my final thoughts on the tough guy poll


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what is all boils down to, is that football is all about wins and losses...on the football field. i am a redskins fan, i love the redskins...they are 'sports' to me. i know, in my mind, that patrick ramsey is one of the toughest guys i have seen in a while and i don't need some poll sponsered by fox and ford to tell me.

we are winners because the skins are our team...we have a great young quarterback, a hall of fame coach, and the best fans in the NFL...and no poll, or commentator, or journalist can change our minds or take these things away from us...so lets forget all this stuff; its fluff, its advertising, its nothing...and its for damn sure not football.

hail to the redskins


p.s - i did vote

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I agree totally, but we wouldn't have our panties all in a wad if Patrick hadn't lost out on a truck. We felt like we owed it to him and many of us gave up sleep, time with our families, etc. in order to give Patrick something we feel he deserves. We played within the parameters set up by Fox only to be the victims of a screwjob in the final hours.

Patrick is tough as nails no matter what Howie Long and his cohorts say, but he deserves that truck and we deserve the pleasure of getting him that truck, goddammit.

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My final thoughts are that it was totally unfair to weed out the multiple posts at the END of the competition with Ramsey WAY ahead. If they were going to do it, they should have been doing it the entire time. Just shows that the people who run things on the Fox site are a bunch of second-rate lowlifes who only care about desired results and not real results.

All this has done is lower even further an already low opinion of Ray Lewis. I've never liked the guy and, with he and Fox in cahoots, I never will.

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Originally posted by arkowi

what is all boils down to, is that football is all about wins and losses...on the football field. i am a redskins fan, i love the redskins...they are 'sports' to me. i know, in my mind, that patrick ramsey is one of the toughest guys i have seen in a while and i don't need some poll sponsered by fox and ford to tell me.

we are winners because the skins are our team...we have a great young quarterback, a hall of fame coach, and the best fans in the NFL...and no poll, or commentator, or journalist can change our minds or take these things away from us...so lets forget all this stuff; its fluff, its advertising, its nothing...and its for damn sure not football.

hail to the redskins


p.s - i did vote

Originally posted by OrangeSkin

I agree totally, but we wouldn't have our panties all in a wad if Patrick hadn't lost out on a truck. We felt like we owed it to him and many of us gave up sleep, time with our families, etc. in order to give Patrick something we feel he deserves. We played within the parameters set up by Fox only to be the victims of a screwjob in the final hours.

Patrick is tough as nails no matter what Howie Long and his cohorts say, but he deserves that truck and we deserve the pleasure of getting him that truck, goddammit.

I agree with both of you. This is all gonna be a non-issue in a couple weeks.

What really pi$$es us off is the fact that when we thought we were really making a major stand and gonna do what we set out to do, it was all of a sudden pulled from under us and taken away. I don't think anyone would be upset if he were in a tight race with Ray, and lost by a small margin, or even blown out. But what gets us is when it was so blatantly thrown in our face that, "We don't care about what the fans feel.".

We know Ramsey is a tough SOB, so I don't think we're trying to prove anything to ourselves. It just us trying to show him how much we respect and appreciate his hard work, this past season, on a national scale.

So, give it a month, a week even, this'll be totally forgotten. We'll be back on to millions of threads about the draft, free agents, etc. Normalcy will be back, soon.

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Well, call me an oddball, but i have always thought it strange that we want Ramsey to be recognized for being a punching bag.

Hardly something I'd want on my resumé.

"Survived horrible beating. Was tossed around like Rag-Doll, yet kept getting back up to get tossed around some more."

I mean, yay, valiant effort, but I'd just as soon forget how badly he was protected, as I'm sure he would, and as I'm sure Jansen, Samuels, Thomas, Dockery and miscellaneous center would.

I say drop it. For Patrick, it's a dubious honor at best.


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Hey, I said from the beginning of that contest that there was no doubt that Patrick was/is a tough guy. Knew that from his first appearance against Tennessee,(actually, knew that form his first camp.Photo showed it in his face). It was just the way we found out how tough this past season. OUCH. That said I voted and supported him. Who knows what happened and certainly Fox may want to do some 'splainin, but this was...oh hell. What arkowi said.


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As I have said before. I NEVER want to see Pat in a tough guy poll again. He should be on his feet and not on his back. No league records, no playing through multiple injuries, no getting beaten up game after game.

Lets look forward to Pat in the pocket throwing downfield and not in an internet poll for how well he handled getting crushed.

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