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Vinny Cerrato Q AND A


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Q: What do you think of Norv getting the Raiders job?

A: It's great for Norv. Al Davis is looking for an offensive guy; Norv is from california and always wanted to get back to California. I think he'll be fine with keeping some of the coaches. It's a good situation for Norv. But he'll have to get a strong defensive staff. He doesn't partake in a bunch of defensive stuff and I'm sure he'll just run the offense.

Q: How was the Senior Bowl?

A: It was good. A lot of the big name higher draft pick senior guys weren't there and the juniors can't be there. It was a chance to get a look at a lot of guys who were later first rounders and then in the second round and middle-round type guys. It was good for our coaches because it was their first opportunity to get a look at a lot of these guys and talk to them. It was a good experience for our whole staff.

Q: Joe is pretty specific about what he wants, how much have you talked to him about that and how much does it help that he's so specific?

A: The biggest thing is that we've identified the types of players who fit into the offense. It helps in that respect. And then the type of person. A lot of it was very similar to what we were looking for. Now we're looking for tight ends, H-backs, more so than before. There's always a little difference between what different staffs want. We sat down before we went to the Senior Bowl and watched the offensive tapes and got a feel and we watched some of the defensive tape [Monday] so we get on the same page. It'll keep working through that through free agency and through the draft, where we'll all be on the same page. For the next two weeks our coaches will be grading free agents and then we'll sit down and meet. It'll probably take seven or eight days to give us the hit list and pecking order we want for free agency.

Q: Is what Joe wants that much different?

A: No. The biggest difference is in the tight end position, the intelligence factor. We'll have an H-back and a tight end so you have to have one guy who's a physical blocker and another guy who's a move guy who can play in different spots. They have to line up at fullback and tight end. But the intelligence is very important and the ability to catch the ball.

Q: One report suggested you wouldn't take Kellen Winslow Jr., because he doesn't fit the mold of a Gibbs tight end. Any truth to that?

A: We'll consider everything. Part of what the H-back needs to do is catch the ball. So everything will be an option. But defense is where we have the most holes right now.

Q: What are the little things you pick up on at the Senior Bowl?

A: You get an opportunity to see their practice habits and how they react if they're a defensive guy and they get beat on a play. You get a chance to sit down and talk to them in an environment that's conducive to that, where you're not in a big hurry. You get a chance to see how they react to playing against good players every day and playing in pro practices.

Q: Who are some guys you've picked in the past who opened your eyes at the Senior Bowl?

A: The best example is Terrell Owens. Coming from a small school he wasn't intimidated being down there. We ended up taking him in the third round because of that. Another was Lance Schulters in the Blue-Gray game just because he stood out. Every time you heard a big hit and looked around it was Lance Schulters. A lot of times at those games I like to see who stands out. At the Senior Bowl what you're looking at is how a small school guy reacts to playing with the big boys and you see if he's intimidated and see if it's too big for him.

Q: With Gregg Williams, do you feel you have a sense of what he's looking for in a guy?

A: It'll be what we're all looking for. But I think I have a pretty good feel and we'll get a better feel as we go along, especially when we sit down and watch the free agents and why this guy doesn't fit and why this guy does. So when we get to the draft meetings it'll be a lot easier because we've been through it one time already.

Q: Gregg is known as being adaptable so will he say get the best guy or get a particular kind of guy?

A: The best thing that the coaches do is they let players do what they do best. They take advantage of the abilities they have in the guys playing and they put them in position to make plays. As we go along we'll add more of the exact types who do exactly what they want them to do.

Q: What impresses you with Gregg's defenses?

A: The aggressiveness. The biggest thing is how they get after the quarterback and how aggressive they are and they always have a lot of guys going to the ball.

Q: Where do you see the aggressiveness?

A: In the pass rush. And there's not just one guy making a tackle. It's a group of guys.

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Q: Joe is pretty specific about what he wants, how much have you talked to him about that and how much does it help that he's so specific?

A: The biggest thing is that we've identified the types of players who fit into the offense.

Q: Is what Joe wants that much different?

A: No.

Q: With Gregg Williams, do you feel you have a sense of what he's looking for in a guy?

A: It'll be what we're all looking for.

Is it just me (and I'm not the biggest Vinnie fan, so I guess I'm not unbiased) or does he come off as a little defensive? They ask specific questions about what Joe wants or what Gregg wants, and he spins it into what "we're looking for" or "we've identified." Who's we, Vinnie?

Seems like there are some pretty big differences, and it's more than just H-back. Joe wants a big RB. Joe wants blocking TEs. Gregg wants a DL. How can he say that what Joe wants isn't all that different from what they've got?

And I had to chuckle when he was asked about players that stand out in the Senior Bowl and he could only mention players that "we" drafted at the 49ers.

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I don't know EM, even fans say "we" drafted such and such a guy, so I don't have a problem with that. Vinny also never says that what they've got already isn't all that different from what Joe wants. I'm pretty sure he's just saying that they are similar in what they consider priorities in free agency except for tight end, which the front office did not consider a priority for Spurrier.

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Uh, how come Vinny is mentioning Terrell? I mean, he's front office for the Skins now, so why is he bringing up his days with the 49ers? I mean, I could care less what he did with that team. Hell, he could have hated Terrell, and just thrown that comment in there to make him look good. Where are all the great hidden gems he found for US at the Senior Bowl? Pat does not qualify as a hidden gem.

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Q: One report suggested you wouldn't take Kellen Winslow Jr., because he doesn't fit the mold of a Gibbs tight end. Any truth to that?

A: We'll consider everything. Part of what the H-back needs to do is catch the ball. So everything will be an option. But defense is where we have the most holes right now.

Sounds like the majority of the FA aquisitions and the draft may be on the defensive side of the ball.

FB/RB and TE might be the only offensive players looked at this year.

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OH GREAT!!! Vinny is back to his REAL job of doing online chats! No one does a chat like the great Vinny Cerrato......

A few things to take from this beauty Q & A....

1 ) He's included the words "WE" in his responses only because he was present in the meetings with Coach Gibbs and was actively involved in the fetching of coffee and other breakfast items.

2 ) States Norv will "just run the offense"....thanks for the tidbit Captain Obvious.....

3 ) Vinny claims that the Senior Bowl is a great place to see players' practice habits. How would Vinny know about practice habits when his sole responsibility is to hold Mr. Snyder's shade umbrella in the hot July and August sun?

4 ) "H-BACK"....way to learn the lingo Vinny!

Great chat Vincenzo... Its about time you got back to what you're best at!!!


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Q: One report suggested you wouldn't take Kellen Winslow Jr., because he doesn't fit the mold of a Gibbs tight end. Any truth to that?

A: We'll consider everything. Part of what the H-back needs to do is catch the ball. So everything will be an option. But defense is where we have the most holes right now.

Very interesting,he basically is saying the defense will be fixed probably free agents.And who ask him about HB the guy said Te.So that obviously tells you they like Winslow has a HB which would be his perfect postion because he lines up everywhere at UM WR,TE,FB and constantly moving. Part of what a HB does is catch the ball?I think they like Winslow alot and if the defense is fixed they'll take him.

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Originally posted by Even Madder

Is it just me (and I'm not the biggest Vinnie fan, so I guess I'm not unbiased) or does he come off as a little defensive? They ask specific questions about what Joe wants or what Gregg wants, and he spins it into what "we're looking for" or "we've identified." Who's we, Vinnie?

Seems like there are some pretty big differences, and it's more than just H-back. Joe wants a big RB. Joe wants blocking TEs. Gregg wants a DL. How can he say that what Joe wants isn't all that different from what they've got?

And I had to chuckle when he was asked about players that stand out in the Senior Bowl and he could only mention players that "we" drafted at the 49ers.

First thing that came to my mind. ;)

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Is it just me (and I'm not the biggest Vinnie fan, so I guess I'm not unbiased) or does he come off as a little defensive? They ask specific questions about what Joe wants or what Gregg wants, and he spins it into what "we're looking for" or "we've identified." Who's we, Vinnie?

I kinda like Vinny, so maybe my bias goes the other way, but this interview (and these responses in particular) come across to me as him wisely and relatively deftly not divulging what Gibbs & Co. specifically want. "We" is the coaching and scouting staff together, collective choices, which is how everyone, in particular Gibbs, has been pitching the "front office/personnel" answer.

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There's always a little difference between what different staffs want.


"what he's not from florida? forget him then."

"I want wide recievers. Lots and lots and lots of wide recievers."

"I don't need good assistant coaches."

"pass protection? what in the world is that?"


"I want a power running game."

"I want intelligent TEAM players. And several TE's. "

"And strong defenses and special teams."

"I want the best assistants I can get."

"We WILL protect the QB."

Yea, that's similar to me. :laugh:

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Originally posted by Eparadox

Uh, how come Vinny is mentioning Terrell? I mean, he's front office for the Skins now, so why is he bringing up his days with the 49ers? I mean, I could care less what he did with that team. Hell, he could have hated Terrell, and just thrown that comment in there to make him look good. Where are all the great hidden gems he found for US at the Senior Bowl? Pat does not qualify as a hidden gem.

That's kind of silly. The question was, can you name a player you found at the Senior Bowl that he drafted, and he gave the best example he could have. He basically said that TO - who is one of the best WRs in the league, btw, despite his personal problems - was drafted because they found him at the Senior Bowl. TO makes his point a lot better than, say, Rock Cartwright or Sage Rosenfels.

Just because the player who was the best answer to his question was drafted when he happened to be working for another front office doesn't mean he should pretend it never happened when he's asked a question about how important the Senior Bowl can be when it comes to draft choices.

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If gibbs came in with gardner and mcants as the only serious options in the passing game, you might see gibbs go 1-2 on recievers as well, especially if that one two punch results in coles and jacobs.

second, steve only drafted one player from florida.

third, steve was on board for the hiring of the most prominent defensive coordinator available at the time in marvin lewis.

fourth, he spent the offseason saying his number one priority was getting a line to protect ramsey. Fiore, Thomas, Friedman....

fifth, intelligence was a huge part of spurrier's wish list.

sixth, everyone wants better special teams and defense, and neither spurrier nor gibbs will have (had) much to do with either.


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Only drafted one florida player.........but brought in 500 other rejects his first year .....

New WR's to the skins under spurrier; coles, Jacobs, P. Johnson, the three from florida last year (jackson, Anthony, and whoever),

3rd, spurrier didn't hire him, snyder did. Spurrier didn't even partake of the defense most of the time, and didn't even know some of the offensive players by name.

4th yea, he brought in OL talent. But had pathetic schemes and it took 1.5 years for him to learn that TE's and RB's need to block on occasion....

5th Maybe. but he and his staff didn't show a whole lotof it, way too often.

Anyway, I put that up there to be funny. Not get in a *itch session on the merits of spurrier. I was leery of him in the first place; and I didn't want marty when he was hired either, so it wasn't bias against spurrier's philosophy. marty was a has been, and Spurrier was a big gamble.

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Quit hating Vinny is our guy so deal with it.

His acquisitions last year on the offense sans Trung were great.

I hope we do pass on winslow for defense though its sounding like my preference of S Taylor isnt one of them unless vinny is doing a very good job of the smokescreen.

I see nothing wrong with him mentioning how a lesser known guy picked in the 3rd round became one of the better WRS in the league even if he was on another team.

I just hope our few picks produce similar results except the headcase of course

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Man, it seems like Vinny can do no right in a lot of people's eyes. The Cerrato hatred is kinda wierd, actually.

He does a simple chat that basically is so plain vanilla that there isn't much to glean from it, yet he still gets ridden into the ground.

Pretty unfair, if you ask me (not that anyone did :D ). As ND said, he's a part of the organization, so you all are just going to have to deal with it.

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