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Buzzards are expected to sign WR Darrell Jackson, not Terrell Owens

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The Buzzards are expected to go after WR Darrell Jackson in free agency. Jackson is a good receiver, but he had the dropsies this year. :laugh:


-- Eagles Eyeing Jackson? -- from FFMastermind.com

The Plain Dealer reports the Eagles will try to sign a receiver in free agency. No, it won't be WR Terrell Owens. Look for Philadelphia to make a run at WR Darrell Jackson. The offense used by Seattle under HC Mike Holmgren is that same system used by the Eagles

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Originally posted by WallyG3Slice

That may be better for them than TO. Jackson is a great receiver, and comes without the headaches.

Ya, not to mention he'll probably come at about half the price of T.O., too.

Although I don't know how much that would matter to the perennial Salary Cap Champions.

Now that I think about it, them signing the cheaper option makes all the sense in the world.


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Well, this is pure speculation, of course. I doubt they've been told of the Eagles' plans.

Jackson would certainly be an upgrade. But, if that is ALL they plan on doing, it still seems terribly half-assed. They could still use and easily nab a dominant receiver.

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The Eagles need a big name to augment their current players. TO fits the bill and they're going after Darrell Jackson? They are taking this "we win as a team" thing too far. EVERY Super Bowl team has at least two top-tier players on offense. The Iggles have McNabb and nothing else.

This is a team that is missing ONE piece. A receiver that strikes fear into the hearts of defensive coordinator. TO is tailor freakin' made for them and they're passing him by for Darrell "I can't catch the ball" Jackson. It's really beyond me.

They can't believe that Jackson is the missing piece to get them over the hump and into the Super Bowl. He'd maybe vault their WR corps from "bad bordering on mediocre" to "lower-tier mediocre".

The Iggles FO never ceases to amaze me.

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The Eagles WR's are taking too much abuse about the dropped balls. Thrash and Pinkston don't have a rep for dropping passes.

They should be allowed a pass for once. As much as McNabb throws the ball in the dirt, he sees much less criticism regarding his lack of accuracy.

Let's not forget the previous NFC Championship game, McNabb through the ball right to Rhonde Barber for a TD when the Eagles were about to go in for a score.

Let's not forget that McNabb threw the ball right to Ricky Manning on one possesion. Chris Collinsworth lauded Pinkston for running a bad pattern on one INT, but the ball was thrown right into the defenders hands anyway.

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Regardless of who they pick up in free agency, they really should spend their first rounder, if not their second rounder as well, on WRs. The WR crop in the first two rounds is very solid this year, and they should be able to find some talent (well, more talent than they have on the roster right now).

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

The Eagles need a big name to augment their current players. TO fits the bill and they're going after Darrell Jackson? They are taking this "we win as a team" thing too far. EVERY Super Bowl team has at least two top-tier players on offense. The Iggles have McNabb and nothing else.

This is a team that is missing ONE piece. A receiver that strikes fear into the hearts of defensive coordinator. TO is tailor freakin' made for them and they're passing him by for Darrell "I can't catch the ball" Jackson. It's really beyond me.

They can't believe that Jackson is the missing piece to get them over the hump and into the Super Bowl. He'd maybe vault their WR corps from "bad bordering on mediocre" to "lower-tier mediocre".

The Iggles FO never ceases to amaze me.

Rec- 68 Yards- 1138 TDs- 9 Age- 25

Rec- 80 Yards- 1101 TDs- 8 Age- 30

Looking at those #'s who would you take?

The first is Jackson this year, the second is Owens. While I think Owens is a superior WR, Jackson is only 25 and has put up 2 1000+ seasons. He isn't a dominant receiver, but he IS a #1 and would boost the Eagles WR corps. I'm pulling for them to sign Owens, but think of it this way: they can probably get Jackson and someone like Ahmed Plummer for the price of Owens. With Vincent and Taylor likely leaving, CB is another position they should probably address. I would be happy with either of the two. BTW- here are some statistics from the top WR this year, curtosey of snap.stats.com

Player Targeted Drops %caught %1st Down

Owens 146 11 54.8 37.7

M Harrison 142 7 66.2 42.3

Coles 158 11 51.9 34.2

Boston 115 9 60.9 36.5

Meshawn 74 6 60.8 44.6

D Jackson 130 12 52.3 41.5

Pinkston 86 7 41.9 25.6

Thrash 96 6 53.3 26.1

R. Moss 172 9 64.5 44.2

C. Johnson 154 3 58.4 42.9

R. Gardner 115 8 51.3 26.1

A. Toomer 152 5 41.4 31.6

Boldin 165 10 61.2 37.6

Holt 183 5 63.9 45.9

Bruce 119 5 58.0 41.2

Moulds 121 3 52.9 28.9

H. Ward 156 8 60.9 38.5

Rice 124 6 50.8 35.5



Now, statistically speaking, for fun of course, lets compare Coles and Jackson this year.

This is Coles stat line:

Rec- 82 Yards- 1204 Ypc-14.7 TDs- 6

This is Jacksons stat line:

Rec- 68 Yards- 1138 YPC- 16.7 TDs- 9

Coles dropped 11, Jackson dropped 12.

Coles was also targeted more than Jackson, and Gardner and Koren Robinson are comparable #2s.

I'm sure I'm missing something here, but why is everyone so low on Jackson and so high on Coles? I would take Coles too, but statistically Jackson and Coles aren't so different.

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Originally posted by Eagles_Legendz

With Vincent and Taylor likely leaving, CB is another position they should probably address.

I'm sure I'm missing something here, but why is everyone so low on Jackson and so high on Coles? I would take Coles too, but statistically Jackson and Coles aren't so different.

1) It will be very interesting to see Johnson's defense next season sans two lock down CB's.

2) I think we covered this before, EL, but you have to remember that Coles hit a mid-season slump due largely to ineffective play by Ramsey and the OL.

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Jackson may have decent numbers but he's not somebody who will force you to change your gameplan. Our defense was abysmal this year and he didn't do any damage against us. TO would have.

He is too similar to what the Iggles already have, in my opinion. He does not have enough speed.

I just can't picture Gregg Williams going to bed the night before we play the Iggles next season tossing and turning because thoughts of how we're going to stop Darrell Jackson are running through his head.

He just doesn't have that extra something and TO does.

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Originally posted by rellim

Let's not forget that McNabb threw the ball right to Ricky Manning on one possesion. Chris Collinsworth lauded Pinkston for running a bad pattern on one INT, but the ball was thrown right into the defenders hands anyway.

It was a timing route and a quick slant, Pinkston is suppose to establish possession and IMMEDIATELY catch the ball. He did neither. That isn't McNabb's fault, if he waits to see if Pinkston has possession over the corner than he allows the corner to recover and make a play. That is why he's suppose to take a one-step drop and throw it in the right spot. Pinkston &^&*ed up, period.

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

Jackson may have decent numbers but he's not somebody who will force you to change your gameplan. Our defense was abysmal this year and he didn't do any damage against us. TO would have.

He is too similar to what the Iggles already have, in my opinion. He does not have enough speed.

I just can't picture Gregg Williams going to bed the night before we play the Iggles next season tossing and turning because thoughts of how we're going to stop Darrell Jackson are running through his head.

He just doesn't have that extra something and TO does.

Yes, I agree with that, but he is a clear upgrade at this point, and if not signing Owens and signing Jackson allows them to bring in another CB, then I'm all for it. That is what I'm saying here.

Oakton, I realize that Coles troubles can be partially attributed to the lack of quarterbacking consistency. But he still had the ball thrown to him 30 times more than Jackson did and only put up 65 more yards and 3 less TDs. I don't care how poorly your QBack and OLine is playing, if you have 30 more passes thrown your way, you should have a larger disparity in stats than that.

And, in regards to your CB point, it will be interesting if the Eagles don't address it (I think they will- I actually think Vincent will probably re-sign). But, if he doesn't, then this upcoming season will be like the last one :). Taylor missed more than half the season and Vincent missed 5 or 6 games. So, it isn't like they had their top tier CBs all year. However, the defense clearly wasn't as good without them playing so I would definetely support another CB being brought in.

Final point- Jackson did have a lackluster game against Bailey/Smoot, but I suppose if we are comparing individual games, we should then analyze the fact that he put up the most impressive statistics out of any WR matched up against Chris McAllister- 145 yards and 2 TDs.

Look, I'd like to have TO, but Jackson is a good young player familiar with the WCO. The Eagles need some compliment to McNabb and Westbrook.

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Originally posted by Eagles_Legendz

Oakton, I realize that Coles troubles can be partially attributed to the lack of quarterbacking consistency. But he still had the ball thrown to him 30 times more than Jackson did and only put up 65 more yards and 3 less TDs. I don't care how poorly your QBack and OLine is playing, if you have 30 more passes thrown your way, you should have a larger disparity in stats than that.

Simple, EL - screen passes. Lot's of screen passes. How many screen passes did we see this season? :doh:

I suspect we won't seem very many under Gibbs.

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Originally posted by The Elated OaktonSkinsFan

Simple, EL - screen passes. Lot's of screen passes. How many screen passes did we see this season? :doh:

I suspect we won't seem very many under Gibbs.

I can feel your pain there. The "Pinky pass". Eh. Gotta love the coach hoping that a 170 lbs. stick man can catch a one yard pass and break 3 tackles for a first down. :doh: That is a pass I hope I NEVER see again, but I know Reid will keep running. This is another reason I want Owens, he may actually be able to do something with that pass.

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Koren Robinson took the sole responsibility of being the #1 receiver. Darrel Jackson was drawing the #2 cover guy. This much is obvious.

He's a good, solid receiver. He was my second choice for a WR pickup last year, but a distant second. I'd take him ahead of Peerless though (who Atlanta spent a #1 pick on), since Jackson seems to not disappear as much.

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