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Democratic debate tonight--opinions?

Ancalagon the Black

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I can give you some insight that all the candidates should review the U.S. Constitution and start practicing what it says. As far as opinion, I would watch Bloomberg or Fox channel instead. I could only praise them if they ex-patriated and went to France where their politics would reign. All in all, I do not think you will miss much and vote Republican in November!

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The questions have been pretty tough so far. It's more like an interrogation than a debate, but I guess that's to be expected with Fox News running a Democratic candidate debates.

They've hit on a lot of the issues that turn off conservatives: gay marriage, gun control, anti-war stuff...

It's definitely right-slanted and making Lieberman look good.

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Originally posted by TLusby

I can give you some insight that all the candidates should review the U.S. Constitution and start practicing what it says. As far as opinion, I would watch Bloomberg or Fox channel instead. I could only praise them if they ex-patriated and went to France where their politics would reign. All in all, I do not think you will miss much and vote Republican in November!

Alway good to hear that in depth analysis:rolleyes:

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In my opinion Kerry, Lieberman, and Edwards had the best debates. Peter Jennings got on my nerves all night .. I can't stand that guy. Dean was highly unspectacular and Clarke was awful.

I'm sorry but Clarke is absolutely not capable of being president. I thought the way he handled questions tonight was a joke. It's preposterous that he's even running .. I think his numbers will be hurt some by tonight's performance.

I know Al Sharpton has never been a serious candidate but does he have any understanding of how the government works? Has he ever given a legitimate answer to anything revolving around policy in any way? Not to my knowledge .. the guy's an obnoxious jerk who's got nothing but substanceless catch phrases.

Kucinich was Kucinich .. what do you expect. Even for Dennis though I thought he had an unusually poor showing.

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Originally posted by Ford

I know Al Sharpton has never been a serious candidate but does he have any understanding of how the government works? Has he ever given a legitimate answer to anything revolving around policy in any way? Not to my knowledge .. the guy's an obnoxious jerk who's got nothing but substanceless catch phrases.

Al Sharpton makes Clarke look like the poster boy of virtue. As much of a fraud and hypocrite that Clarke is, Sharpton is in a class by himself. Sharpton is, by far, the biggest charlatan in American politics next to Jesse Jackson and Billary Clinton(s). Al Sharpton is nothing more than a street thug with a suit. Al's participation in this election is nothing short of a publicity stunt and PR exercise for his real business: Shakedown, Inc.

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"I believe that getting rid of Hussein was a good thing, but we should have done it through the UN......." - Howard Dean

Please, this f*ckin moron will effectively hand over our sovereignty to the UN and The Hague. Can you believe these jack asses actually have the nerve to say such things especially in the wake of 9/11? I am even more disgusted that there are so many stupid fools and simpletons out there that subscribe to this garbage.

Damn morons.

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Originally posted by The Elated OaktonSkinsFan

"I believe that getting rid of Hussein was a good thing, but we should have done it through the UN......." - Howard Dean

Please, this f*ckin moron will effectively hand over our sovereignty to the UN and The Hague. Can you believe these jack asses actually have the nerve to say such things especially in the wake of 9/11? I am even more disgusted that there are so many stupid fools and simpletons out there that subscribe to this garbage.

Damn morons.

Oakton, No one cares about your little rants with no point other than to promote Bush. I don't disrespect your views which I disagree with like a 12 year old hiding behind a computer, so please .. feel free to keep your mouth shut.

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Originally posted by Ford

Oakton, No one cares about your little rants with no point other than to promote Bush. I don't disrespect your views which I disagree with like a 12 year old hiding behind a computer, so please .. feel free to keep your mouth shut.

Spoken like a true modern day liberal. If you actually care to debate my point of contention in the aforementioned post, then by all means bring it on. And if you dislike my opinions and comments so much, then use your f8cking brain and select "ignore this user".

Otherwise, to borrow your words, please feel free to log off and throw your computer away because someone displaying such a level of stupidity shouldn't be allowed to own one.

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Originally posted by The Elated OaktonSkinsFan

Spoken like a true modern day liberal. If you actually care to debate my point of contention in the aforementioned post, then by all means bring it on. And if you dislike my opinions and comments so much, then use your f8cking brain and select "ignore this user".

hard to take you seriously when you use f*ckin moron and then Jack Asses, but spell it wrong. Oh yeah, then throw in 9/11 like it should be used as a weapon for one side or another (even though it will be).

Nobody is telling you to change your opinions. Being a sheep is cool for some people. However, try voting for a person and not a party. It's possible you know.

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Originally posted by ..........

hard to take you seriously when you use f*ckin moron and then Jack Asses, but spell it wrong. Oh yeah, then throw in 9/11 like it should be used as a weapon for one side or another (even though it will be).

Nobody is telling you to change your opinions. Being a sheep is cool for some people. However, try voting for a person and not a party. It's possible you know.

Buff is back :cheers: :40oz: :pint:;)

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