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Democratic debate tonight--opinions?

Ancalagon the Black

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I think the GOP f@#ked up royally by sending the dogs after Dean so early. Bush would have EASILY walked over him. It will be a closer race now.

The ticket that scares me the most?


That ticket will give Bush fits.

As for the debate, that should end Clarks campaign, but it wont. He clearly doesnt have any idea what he stands for, or even what he said he stands for a few days ago.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

I think the GOP f@#ked up royally by sending the dogs after Dean so early. Bush would have EASILY walked over him. It will be a closer race now.

The ticket that scares me the most?


That ticket will give Bush fits.

As for the debate, that should end Clarks campaign, but it wont. He clearly doesnt have any idea what he stands for, or even what he said he stands for a few days ago.

agreed .....except think a Kerry/ Edwards or Kerry/Gephart ticket would be more lethal.

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I agree with your assessment. Dean having the early lead may be a blessing for the Democrats!

As for a possible Bush/Kerry debate, I'm glad some have such high expectations of Dubya and debating. Kerry will clean his clock and look good doing it. Maybe Dubya can wear his jumpsuit! :)

I would think Edwards would scare the GOP more. I look for an October surprise from the dirty tricks group. OBL or a new war.

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Originally posted by ..........

hard to take you seriously when you use f*ckin moron and then Jack Asses, but spell it wrong. Oh yeah, then throw in 9/11 like it should be used as a weapon for one side or another (even though it will be).

Nobody is telling you to change your opinions. Being a sheep is cool for some people. However, try voting for a person and not a party. It's possible you know.

Why don't you try typing in "f**cking" and see what happens? You get this as your output after submitting your post: *******.

Go ahead and tell me what the hell is wrong with using 9/11 as a legitimate example in that case?

And because I happen to agree with much of the Republican Party platform and with much of what Bush has done, that makes me a "sheep"?

You, sir, are not very bright.


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Originally posted by ..........


If I'm not bright, you might be eligible for disabled services.

You spelled Jackass wrong, not ****ING or ****.

Then again, I'm amazed that Sheep can type without fingers.

Kudos....we should take you on the road.

:rotflmao: ownin this thread man :rotflmao:

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Originally posted by ..........


If I'm not bright, you might be eligible for disabled services.

You spelled Jackass wrong, not ****ING or ****.

Then again, I'm amazed that Sheep can type without fingers.

Kudos....we should take you on the road.

Pardon me for the typo, Jackass.

Of course, a simpleton like you will not even touch the substance of this "discussion".

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Originally posted by The Elated OaktonSkinsFan

What's wrong Ford, do you still need a proxy for everything in your life?

Sometimes it's better to cut your losses and close your mouth, Elated. How many more times are you gonna say simpleton and charlatan and think you're sounding smart? Your clearly have very few words capable of coming out of your head and you've taken to the tactic of repeating them over and over again to the point of embarrasment.

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Originally posted by Ford

Sometimes it's better to cut your losses and close your mouth, Elated. How many more times are you gonna say simpleton and charlatan and think you're sounding smart? Your clearly have very few words capable of coming out of your head and you've taken to the tactic of repeating them over and over again to the point of embarrasment.


I see, so I should be embarassed because YOU feel that my vocabularly and its usage is limited. Does using a thesaurus make you feel especially "capable"? Sad. The best part of you may very well have been swallowed.

My suggestion to you is to debate on substance.

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Originally posted by The Elated OaktonSkinsFan


I see, so I should be embarassed because YOU feel that my vocabularly and its usage is limited. Does using a thesaurus make you feel especially "capable"? Sad. The best part of you may very well have been swallowed.

My suggestion to you is to debate on substance.

wtf are you talking about? You are seriously detached from reality man.

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Originally posted by The Elated OaktonSkinsFan

"I believe that getting rid of Hussein was a good thing, but we should have done it through the UN......." - Howard Dean

Please, this f*ckin moron will effectively hand over our sovereignty to the UN and The Hague. Can you believe these jack asses actually have the nerve to say such things especially in the wake of 9/11? I am even more disgusted that there are so many stupid fools and simpletons out there that subscribe to this garbage.

Damn morons.

Why is it inappropriate to bring up 9/11 in this context? Isn't it a mitigating factor in a lot of what is presently relevant in American politics.

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Originally posted by webnarc

Why is it inappropriate to bring up 9/11 in this context? Isn't it a mitigating factor in a lot of what is presently relevant in American politics.

I wouldn't bother asking questions of substance with this group because they are apparently incapable of responding in an intelligent manner. This thread, thanks to ****** (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean) and Ford, had denigrated into someting one might find at igglephans.com.

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Originally posted by The Elated OaktonSkinsFan

I wouldn't bother asking questions of substance with this group because they are apparently incapable of responding in an intelligent manner. This thread, thanks to ****** (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean) and Ford, had denigrated into someting one might find at igglephans.com.

oh man......don't be that guy. Go back a read your 2nd post in this thread and there you will find where it all went down the crapper. People here call the guys running a lot of names, but you started cussing and ranting.......and it made a lot of people laugh. So......we ran with it.

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Originally posted by The Elated OaktonSkinsFan

I wouldn't bother asking questions of substance with this group because they are apparently incapable of responding in an intelligent manner. This thread, thanks to ****** (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean) and Ford, had denigrated into someting one might find at igglephans.com.

Then why is it appropriate to bring up 9/11 in the context of Dean's comments? "I believe that getting rid of Hussein was a good thing, but we should have done it through the UN......." - Howard Dean". Maybe the counter point will help me figure it out.

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Originally posted by ..........

oh man......don't be that guy. Go back a read your 2nd post in this thread and there you will find where it all went down the crapper. People here call the guys running a lot of names, but you started cussing and ranting.......and it made a lot of people laugh. So......we ran with it.

Depends upon how you define rant. Was I explicit and animated? Sure. So what? Nothing wrong with a little passion as long as you are able to support your opinion. I think I have done that and, should you disagree, then please feel free to attack my position instead of engaging in empty ad hominem attacks.

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