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Champ Bailey is the best Corner in football.......


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Right now it appears as though the problems that Champ had are technique problems. Losing the receiver when looking for the ball and the occassional sit down on an out and up or other such patterns. Those are coachable and though he should know better, ( means some of it was in his head I think), a good DB coach will recognize this and fix it. The other problem was the defense being called. Champ and Fred were consistently playing 5-10 yards off the receviers and and this allowed for alot of catches in front of them as well as letting the receiver get on top of them. Should change, hope, with the new DC.


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Jay, I feel your love for Champ. Its nice to have some big time players on our team. The anti-Champs on this board are not judging him strictly on this year. But if you add this sub par season(pro bowl or not) to the fact that there are so many holes on the defense. Signing him to a qualifying offer so that someone else signs him gives us more draft picks and cap space.

Try to look at the whole picture. And there are more reasons that he turned down the initial contract offer than anybody but him knows, so its trivial to pretend to have all those answers

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Hey PC, Champ ALWAYS bites on the stop and go. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is NOT what a TRUE cover corner does.

I watched DG and PIEON DIEON play. Two of the best corners play, IMHO.

ChUmp gets beat too often, for the money he's asking.

If he want's a reasonable contract, I would welcome him aboard.

If not, let's move forward in this matter

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No. Champ does not always bite on those moves. But he has given up a couple of big plays, read TD's), by being sitting down on the move. This does not make him a bad cover corner. This makes him a very good cover corner with a problem. Know this. I watched Darrell too. And Deion. Deion was more of a jamming corner at his best. Not giving the receiver enough room or a chance to do the double moves too often. However, he did go for the move himself enough times. I can take you back to his 2 holding calls against Westbrook a few years ago which were both results of falling for a double move. Darrell also fell for the move on more than one occassion. Both these guys had superior speed that let them make up for the mistake.

All things right now are leadin towards a franchise tag on Champ. One article even has Williams making sure that Champ was going to be around when he took the job as DC. Says to me that guys who knopw a helluva alot more about football than I do seem to think Champ's more than just pretty good. We'll see.


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Champ Bailey making the pro bowl THIS YEAR shows how much of a joke the pro bowl has become, a bunch of players getting by on reputation alone; it had NOTHING at all to do with his play on the field this year, if you think Champ Bailey is the best CB in the league, you are wacko; he was not even the best CB on our TEAM this year! And this, coming from a former Fred Smoot Hater, he was my LEAST favorite Redskin at the beginning of the season, but this season made me a Smoot fan, after he was willing to play with his injuries. I think Bailey is good because of his athletic ability, but I hope if he stays he can forget the way he played this year and go back to the way he used to play.

One more thing, Lavar had no business going to the pro bowl either, to me the only defensive players that played well were LB Armstead, S Iffy Ohalete, and CB Fred Smoot. I like Lavar, but how many times was he nowhere to be found when teams threw simple short passes to his side for easy touchdowns, about a half dozen! He is much too undisciplined, and gets burned way too much.

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Originally posted by DrunkenBoxer

Career Defining Game Changing showings:

Manning: 1

Champ: 0

take from it what you will.


I agree with this statement. And to the person who posted that offenses don't test Champ often,did you watch any of our games this year?? Teams no longer fear Bailey because they know that the worst thing that could happen is an incomplete pass. The man has hands of stone and rarely,if ever,makes that game changing interception. Don't get me wrong,he's a very good corner but this thread is discussing who's the best cb in the league and after today's performance,that would be Ty Law. :2cents:
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Some of you guys in here are stupid. You are judging Champ on one season when he was not 100% healthy, Had a bad D-Coordinator, and had to guard his man about 9 seconds every pass play because of the weak d-line!!! Then you say, yet he got burned and all that stuff. Ty law never got burned?? Everyone CB, I don't care who you is, is gonna get burned by a WR for a TD sometime in their career. Why do you think Gregg Williams and Gibbs want him so much. Some of you people truly know nothing about football.

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I think you are missing the point entirely.

Not sure what else to say at this point since its all been said. It's obvious why williams and gibbs want him on the team. He is an excellent cornerback who helps the team win sometimes. I don't think you're paying attention to the complaint here. We're pissed that champ hasn't made a play his entire career.

Champ has none of the upside of a Ty Law. Absolutely none. Zilch, nada, never has happened unlikely to ever happen. At this point downright unreasonable to expect.

What champ can do is mimic the movements of a reciever and knock down balls as well as any man in the league. That's all he can do, and its a lot. So, when he loses that ability, we see nothing but downside. Smoot gets beat, so does LAw, but they make plays too. Plusses and minuses. Champs MO is no minuses. He has never been a player who accumulates plusses. EVER. Don't start questioning that, or you look like a fool. I don't think you are questioning that though, I think you're just not paying attention.

Champs value is in the fact that he can sometimes play like a rock and not get any minuses, even against the best in the game. That's who champ is, and it is valuable.

But don't call us stupid for thinking that maybe, just maybe, champ may not be worth what he thinks he is; for thinking that to be considered the best and to be paid like it, you can't just break even.


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It's really hard to believe all of us are on the same team. I still would like to know who on are defensive had a good season last year? No one the entire unit sucked but all we can do is put down a DB because he's a free agent that wants a good contract. The fifth overall pick will cost and whoever he is hasn't done a thing for our team. He'll get 10 to 12 million for what he does in college. I can't name one player from our defense that had a good year we stunk the entire year. We have a new coaching stafff and a new direction please bashing Champ. because he aint leaving and if he did he'll probably be laughing at us just like Stephen Davis is. I read a lot of people saying get rid of him and now he's going to the Super Bowl and we have a giant hole at running back. We dont need another hole at DB because our best DB is a free agent. Let's think about filling the other areas of need it's not at DB it's at D-line, TE, RB, and Safety.

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

I guess Ricky Manning Jr is better then Mr Bailey to you haters on the site also since he just got his 3rd pick of the day?

Considering that Manning JR is a rookie , I would say that he is pretty darn good even if he was up against the worst recievers in the league.

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

Champ wasn't and isn't our problem our D Line is the problem if we want to be playing this time next year. Let's think about our problems and stop trying to create new ones by getting rid of one of our best players. This isn't Playstation and you just cant keep plugging in new players. Champ has been on our team the longest and other players look to him as a leader and one of our best players.

I was with you all the way until that last sentence. I don't think Champ is a leader, it just isn't his personality. He's more like a guy who quietly goes about his business, you'll never see him have any rah-rah speeches to increase the team morale.

That isn't a bad thing. A team needs players like that, yet they don't need too many. I'd rather have a self-motivating player, than one that needs a boost from others or has to get himself ready to play.

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Originally posted by Hitman56

Since when is 2 interceptions and 9 passes defended worthy of a Pro Bowl selection? I watched Champ get burned game after game this year. I'm not saying that Smoot is a better corner. But he was better this year. Let me see Champ not bite on the stop and go just once and I'll change my tune.

Well your tune should've changed a while ago, because he rarely got beat on the stop and go. I did see a pattern of Champ giving up catches on plays where he looked back to checked back to look at the QB. That is an indication that he's worried about the run, which our defense absolutely sucked at.

Usually a corner won't look back at the QB or ball until the reciever does, yet when a corner looks back at any other moment it is because the defense is doing poorly in other areas and he's trying to overcompensate for it. That is exactly what happened on the Booker TD.

I continue to be surprised by the amount of posters who don't realize that Smoot would've played worse, matched up aganist the best reciever on a regular basis.

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Originally posted by spearhed

Fact is Chump turned down huge $ to stay. Take that for what it is worth, but it is significant. Champ got to the Pro Bowl because his is popular, not because he got burnt often, once DCs started to throw at him. He cried because he wanted to return punts, so they let him-remember that??-he embarrased himself. Champ the 2-way threat?-NOT. He is not worth the money. If the DLine was better our secondary would be too. But Champ did zilch, zero this year to warrant that money. Wasn't Lavar talking about him and some other guys that were laughing after one of our many losses this year?

Wow. Talk about horribly misinformed...

...Champ said he didn't want the type of contract that Arrington signed for, so he obviously didn't want more money than the offer gave him. His problem with the contract, which his agent explained, was the structuring and the insertion of an option bonus. Why people continue to ignore that is beyong me.

Also, LaVar never said who was laughing after one of the losses. Yet ignorant people simply decided it must be Champ because they get a hard-on from making up facts about him.

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