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Attention all Redskin fans!!!


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Be safe tonight. :cold:

Here in VA it is about 15 degrees with a -10 windchill. In Boston right now it is -4 degrees with a -40 windchill. These will be record lows by the morning all across the east coast. Make sure you have multiple layers and no skin showing. Put the fire on and get cozy and stay warm :cheers:

I am sooooooooooooooo happy we got our windows replaced today :cheers:

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That would be several loose fitting layers of clothing and make sure one of them is a wind breaker of a sort. And don't forget the hat. You are aware of the amount of heat lost there, ( okay..that one is wide open). Older homes keep a little water trickling to keep from freezing pipes. Not hat we know about that cold weather stuff around here. :)


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Originally posted by panthro

Sure is nice living in San Diego. We had highs in the 70s this week.

Sorry you guys. I just couldn't resist.

SD is one of the cities my wife and I are giving serious consideration to. Arizona being another. Virginia comes 3rd.

Only a fool likes dealing with this crappy weather.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

SD is one of the cities my wife and I are giving serious consideration to. Arizona being another. Virginia comes 3rd.

Only a fool likes dealing with this crappy weather.

SD is probably the most beautiful city and best climate in the entire country. Easy access to the beaches and to the mountains. Surf or ski....

The downside is the cost of living - very expensive and getting worse.

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Originally posted by cowboykilla

Anyone thinking of moving out of VA is loco as Cypress Hill says. VA is THE state of all states. It's the cradle of civilization for the western hemisphere. I just walked a mile home in the freezin' arse cold and it didn't do me no harm.

VA runs it.

I ran way too many miles in HS and college in the cold weather of the mid-atlantic. When I got to SoCal, it was like heaven.


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Originally posted by Die Hard

SD is one of the cities my wife and I are giving serious consideration to. Arizona being another. Virginia comes 3rd.

Only a fool likes dealing with this crappy weather.

At one time y'all were looking at San Antonio.

Is it out of the running?


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Originally posted by panthro

Sure is nice living in San Diego. We had highs in the 70s this week.

Sorry you guys. I just couldn't resist.

i concur! i love calling home and rubbing this in. and in the summer too, when it's 90 degrees with 99% humidity.

tony, if you're going to move out here, get to it. home prices ain't getting any cheaper! my wife and i are moving east in the relatively near future, and we'll be able to buy outright with our equity (as long as the market doesn't crash).

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Originally posted by dchogs

tony, if you're going to move out here, get to it. home prices ain't getting any cheaper! my wife and i are moving east in the relatively near future, and we'll be able to buy outright with our equity (as long as the market doesn't crash).

It's wisest to purchase a car/home outright so you don't have to pay interest. Or to put as much money down as possible to reduce the interest your paying.

All great advice when you have the cash :)

If I could move out there tomorrow... I would. Unfortunately, I'm not at a stage that stage in my life yet. Maybe another 3-5 years. I'm married... so it's going to take me that long to wear down my wife to move that far away from her family :laugh:

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