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It's Great to Be Here!


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What’s up everyone! It’s great to be here! I have been reading this board for several months and I am absolutely addicted. I finally decided to sign up so I can talk to everyone about all the new exciting happenings. For years I fumbled blindly around the internet for Skins news…reaching for every scrap. This place defiantly satisfies my cravings. It’s nice to know that there are so many people as crazy about the Redskins year round as I am. Thanks to the owners for making such a great site!

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Welcome arkowi!

I live in Atlanta but from D.C.

I've been to Luray before.Love the Caverns and the mountains in that area.:welcome:

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You think it was addicting just reading, wait until you start posting. It becomes a sickness! A sickness I tell you!

Can we start a new Forum called "Extremeskinsaholics Annonymous"?

I think I need to attend a few EA meetings to discuss my addiction.

Hello, my name is WallyG3, and I'm an Extremeskinsaholics. :alcoholic

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I like my redskin potatoes sauteed in a little garlic butter. However, they are also excellent in potato salad. They do not hold up as well as traditional potatoes for baking.

See my latest thread 'Life-changing Choices: The Redskin Potato and You!'


Welcome Arkowi (interesting screenname btw...whats it mean?)...and Luray is beautiful..took my kids there recently. You came to the right place to discuss potatoes (and, occasionally, football) :cheers:

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Originally posted by WallyG3

Hello, my name is WallyG3, and I'm an Extremeskinsaholics. :alcoholic

We actually have a quiz to see if you qualify.

If you pass... we begin a 70-step program.

70 steps you say?!?! Yep, ExtremeSkins is just a hard habit to break :D

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