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ESPN:"Ray Rhodes was our 2nd choice!!"

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Mort said that had Gibbs not decided to come back to the Skins we were prepared to immediately hire Ray Rhodes.


On a sidenote Boomer, Micheal Irvin, Tom Jackson and Steve Young all said that the hiring of Gibbs will soon have us battling for a championship.

Boom even admitted that, "Snyder has finally done something that brings the city back together and that no one can criticize". TJ peed on the love fest by interjecting, "But it took him 40 mil in wasted money to get there." :puke:

On balance everyone thinks it's a great move and they expect the Skins to pull a Parcells in his first year.

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We saw this tidbit in the Post as well. Rhodes had the best interview according to the Post. I think we ALL would have had a serious bit of depression if he was the guy we hired. Of course, ANY of the guys we hired would have led some to worry. Only Joe could bring the Redskin world together in one happy umbrella.

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Rhodes was not my first choice, or second choice for that matter. But it would be unfair of me to categorically state he would have been a disaster. You never know, its possible he'd have gotten this thing turned around.

Don't get me wrong. I'm as happy as anyone here that we'll never know.

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I felt it was a smoke screen and Snyder paid Spurrier to step down before Atlanta hired Gibbs. He knew Gibbs wanted to come back to coach doesn't anyone think it's kind of strange that Spurrier hasn't had a press conference yet? He may be embarassed ashamed but he is still a big name coach. He quit by leaving a message and look what he said. Snyder heard Gibbs was talking to Atlanta he pushed Spurrier out by giving him a few million to shut up and leave. Gibbs is talking about he couldn't coach anywhere else so why was he talking to Atlanta? It may be a conspiracy theory but when you read the WP and the time line it makes a lot of sense. Spurrier didn't want to answer no questions because he was pushed out and Snyder knew he would be to if Gibbs went to Atlanta. Gibbs was the reason Atlanta told Reaves he was going to be fired with 3 games left Snyder found out and told the bum Spurrier he had no choice but to step down. That's why Spurrier didn't know he quit his ancient was working out a settlement with Snyder if he had quit why would there be a settlement? Snyder had to talk to an African American for the job or face a fine but it was Gibbs all the time.

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

I felt it was a smoke screen and Snyder paid Spurrier to step down before Atlanta hired Gibbs. He knew Gibbs wanted to come back to coach doesn't anyone think it's kind of strange that Spurrier hasn't had a press conference yet? He may be embarassed ashamed but he is still a big name coach. He quit by leaving a message and look what he said. Snyder heard Gibbs was talking to Atlanta he pushed Spurrier out by giving him a few million to shut up and leave. Gibbs is talking about he couldn't coach anywhere else so why was he talking to Atlanta? It may be a conspiracy theory but when you read the WP and the time line it makes a lot of sense. Spurrier didn't want to answer no questions because he was pushed out and Snyder knew he would be to if Gibbs went to Atlanta. Gibbs was the reason Atlanta told Reaves he was going to be fired with 3 games left Snyder found out and told the bum Spurrier he had no choice but to step down. That's why Spurrier didn't know he quit his ancient was working out a settlement with Snyder if he had quit why would there be a settlement? Snyder had to talk to an African American for the job or face a fine but it was Gibbs all the time.

It doesn't matter how he got here. The fact that he is here is all that matters.

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How does Mort know that our first choice was Ray Rhodes? Did Dan Snyder sit down and have a conversation with him? The fact of the matter is, Snyder knew when Spurrier resigned and probably before that that Gibbs would be our Head Coach.

Rhodes was never going to be our coach it seems, more speculation for Mortensen.

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Originally posted by Art

We saw this tidbit in the Post as well. Rhodes had the best interview according to the Post. I think we ALL would have had a serious bit of depression if he was the guy we hired. Of course, ANY of the guys we hired would have led some to worry. Only Joe could bring the Redskin world together in one happy umbrella.

How could a guy who really doesn't even want to be a head coach have the best interview???:paranoid:

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Guest Xtrmskn04

I don't see how this could possibly be true. However, I am gald we never had to find out. Hopefully by the time Gibbs retires again, he will have groomed someone to take over.

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Originally posted by Xtrmskn04

I don't see how this could possibly be true. However, I am gald we never had to find out. Hopefully by the time Gibbs retires again, he will have groomed someone to take over.

There were reports that he wanted Russ Grimm to be that guy. DAMN THOSE STEELERS TO HELL FOR NOT LETTING US AT LEAST INTERVIEW HIM!!!

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This whole Spurrier-to-Gibbs handoff has enough lies, misdirection, coded messages, half-truths, paybacks, payoffs, public beatings, secret rendezvous, double-agent emissaries and media manipulation to fill a novel -- in fact, it makes The Godfather look like a Nancy comic strip. :laugh:

All the interviews were a ruse. Everything was a setup, right down to the slam-dunk of the Washington Times, which went to press with a breathless, Redskin-planted Jimmy Johnson scoop only to be hung out to dry within hours by the Post with news of the Gibbs hiring.

Rest assured there was no second choice, certainly not Rhodes.

However, there may have been a desire to give props to Rhodes publicly, as one of the few top NFL guys working outside the Redskins organization who's on friendly speaking terms with Snyder and Cerrato.

See the big picture, guys.


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