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Old & Young- fondest memories of Joe Gibbs


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The humility he showed when talking to Jack Kent Cooke. I also remember meeting him a Charlotte Motor Speedway about four years ago. He cut a conversation with an elderly couple short when he found out I was a Redskins fan. Spoke with me and my wife for a few minutes and signed an autograph for my son. Very down to earth. Thanks Joe.

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The humility he showed when talking to Jack Kent Cooke. I also remember meeting him a Charlotte Motor Speedway about four years ago. He cut a conversation with an elderly couple short when he found out I was a Redskins fan. Spoke with me and my wife for a few minutes and signed an autograph for my son. Very down to earth. Thanks Joe.

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My fondest memory of Joe Gibbs is pretty much my own stupidity. After going OOOOH-and-5 to start the 1981 season, I was already calling for his head. He went 8-3 the rest of the way to finish at 8-8 and had us in the Super Bowl the following season.

I guess you could say Joe Gibbs taught me a lot about patience and not to judge too quickly. Heck, I was all set to give Spurrier another year to righten the ship. Now THAT is patience.

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My fondest memory of Joe Gibbs is pretty much my own stupidity. After going OOOOH-and-5 to start the 1981 season, I was already calling for his head. He went 8-3 the rest of the way to finish at 8-8 and had us in the Super Bowl the following season.

I guess you could say Joe Gibbs taught me a lot about patience and not to judge too quickly. Heck, I was all set to give Spurrier another year to righten the ship. Now THAT is patience.

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The seat cushion game was actually against the Falcons in the 1991 playoffs.

So many memories, the two playoff wins at Soldier Field in 86 and 87 are right up there. But I have to go with the 1987 Title Game against Minnesota. When Gibbs dropped to his knees, I think I did the same thing. The 1987 team by far his least talented of the three SB winners-- that aftermath of that game was as satisfied as I've ever been.

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The seat cushion game was actually against the Falcons in the 1991 playoffs.

So many memories, the two playoff wins at Soldier Field in 86 and 87 are right up there. But I have to go with the 1987 Title Game against Minnesota. When Gibbs dropped to his knees, I think I did the same thing. The 1987 team by far his least talented of the three SB winners-- that aftermath of that game was as satisfied as I've ever been.

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The 1982 NFC Championship win against the Cowboys. That started it all! :D

Never forget, however, that there were "Joe must go!" chants at RFK in either '88 or '89 when the team wasn't playing well. I couldn't believe it when I heard about it on TV. Thank goodness he's back!

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The 1982 NFC Championship win against the Cowboys. That started it all! :D

Never forget, however, that there were "Joe must go!" chants at RFK in either '88 or '89 when the team wasn't playing well. I couldn't believe it when I heard about it on TV. Thank goodness he's back!

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The Playoff run and Superbowl XVII Win. My Dad Died that September, and that helped me to heal, and go forward, and I felt the Skins won for my Dad. We watched the Skins together all my life, and I knew he was smiling up "there".

Riggins tearing up the Playoffs, rushing for more yards in the Playoffs than in the season. The We Want Dallas Chants... Then

when Riggo broke that big run, tha sealed the Super Bowl, I cried huge tears!.

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