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a few notes about the game.

#1. When we pulled in, the Eagles fans were already trashed. Lets see. I saw one old man roll up to an girl who must of been 12 and started talking dirty to her, then he told her to **** off because she wasn't receptive.......must of been her extreme YOUNG AGE, her grandfather did not step in, I did and told him to piss off. She was also wearing a skins hat.

#2. I saw two fights in the parking lot and one big one early in the game. Saw at least a dozen Eagle fans dragged out by their necks from the endzone sections.

#3. Finally I couldn't even sit there without being directed yelled at by the Eagle fans about how awesome their team is and how they are the greatest NFC East team of all time. One woman was funny though. She had on a Superbowl jacket for us and said "Attention Eagle Fans, if you want to see something superbowl related, please refer to my jacket......otherwise, just go back to your "best record in the past 3 years"" Even when I didn't respond, they just got louder. Finally with about 2 min left in the 1st half. We rolled out.

#4. I get to the parking lot and see that a car has illegally parked in front of me....blocking me in. What do I do? I get the cop to call a tow truck. The tow truck was there in like 2 min and while he was getting this guys car ready to tow...he really jacked up the frame. There is a surprised and pissed person right now out there....most likely without his car back yet. Not sure where he was from....but we took of picture of me posing while it was being literally pulled away with its front tires still locked...but leaving plenty of rubber on the lot.

So......recap time. There is a reason the Eagle fans are considered the worst in the league. While most team have a percentage of fans who are jerks (us included), Philly's percentage of these jerks is far greater. Also, I got a car towed.

Later :puke:

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Originally posted by Offseason Bufford

Dude, nothing personal against you. You're the type of fan who I really believe isn't like that.

However, You and my 90 year old Grandmother who still lives in Philly do not cancel out the jerks.

I'm sorry.

Bufford, it's okey, I understand there are quite a few 'bad apples' among Philly fans. However, whenever I go to an away game, or home game for that matter, I rarely see incidents. Philly fans give opposing team fans ****, it's true, but I think things sometimes are magnified when it involves Philly fans. It is sort of like people are looking for incidents. That pepper spray incident last year, for example, was started by an argument between a Cowboy fan and a Redskin fan.

Anyway, sorry to hear you didn't have a good time.

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understood. My perception is based on a home game from 99 or 2000 when I was in the upperlevel at home against Philly. I saw a grown woman pour her beer on a little girl and when she got arrested or pulled out....whatever. She was talking about coming back and kicking their asses. So, that's my current stigma.

I just left tonight believing that the last thing those people who got in my face deserve is a title of any sort. Those specific people deserve another NFC title game loss that is even worse that last years. No titles, no rings, no honors, just another late 1st round draft pick and some cap room.

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You can say things like that about fans of any team. It's just posh to dump on Eagles fans. Nobody talks about the fans that boo the Bills, or the Bucs, or the Colts, but the Eagles fans can never escape what the "dirty 30" did at the draft five years ago.

The whole bottle throwing incident from Cleveland is swept under the rug, but throwing snowballs at a drunk santa from a decade+ ago is still talked about...

I really don't care if opposing fans want to keep on believing that Philly fans are "the worst fans in the league" but it gets old hearing about it over, and over, again when it's not as black and white as some like to make it out to be.

Anyway, sorry you had such a bad time, Bufford. Wish it was more enjoyable for you... both on the field and off.

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Having never experienced Philly fans I cant speak about them. But I will tell you the worst fans I have encountered are Detroit fans. I was at the Silverdome twice, and both times I was just absolutely ridiculed before, during, and after the game. Both times were the closest Ive been to being in a fight at a game.

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First of all, Raiders fans are, without doubt, the worst fans in the whole NFL.

Having said that, though, Eagles fans are, by and large, hooligans. Rationalize and deflect all you want, Iggle Nation, but them's the facts.

This is why I must root for the Rams tomorrow. If the Rams get homefield advantage in the playoffs and make it to the Super Bowl again, I can deal with them winning it all again (even though their owner is a gold-digging skank). However, if the Eagles go to and win the Super Bowl, I will hurl the biggest hurl that's ever been hurled.

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Bills fans are actually pretty good... I went to the Skins/Bills game decked out in Skins gear, and I only got ridiculed maybe three times the entire game... After the game people felt sorry for me... No one said a word to me afterwards... Oh and us 'Skins fans, even before the game, were pretty quiet and respectful...

I also went to the Eagles/Bills game (Got the tickets for $30, muhahaha) decked out in 'Skins stuff, and the Eagle fans were all over me... I found it amusing, though... Needless to say after they won they wouldn't stop yapping their gums in my direction... Good thing we beat New England that day.

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The last several years, the Cowboys and Eagles fans at FedEx have been the worst of the visitors. They dont think twice about getting up during a play and doing the obnoxious e-a-g-l-e-s chant, or screaming "Five Rings!....10 in a row!...etc.", and give far too much crap to those around. I am generally a non-violent person, but being around that kind of rudeness makes my blood boil and nearly got me into my first fight since my teen-years.

Unfortunately, the Redskins have done nothing on the field against them to give us Skins fans any ammo to fire back at them. Fans from opposing teams rarely have much crap to talk when they are losing.

Too bad that the Skins have not been able to do squat against the NFC East the past decade. I place a large amount of the discomfort of being at FedEx squarely on the shoulders of the team owners, staff, and players.

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Frankly, anyone who goes to a game and forgets it's a game needs to have their head squashed in a trash truck.

People wrap their own self worth up in their football team so much that they fail to realize that other people are here to enjoy the game, win or lose. Sportsmanship is long long gone from this country, and it's damned shame.

People are so selfish these days that in order to have fun, they have to act like complete as$holes at everyone else's expense, then high five their drunken buddies when they cause enough trouble that someone gets hurt or otherwise has their (expensive) day ruined..

Woo, that's my idea of fun.

Not to mention it hardly becomes a place for kids anymore, and that's a damned shame.


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Originally posted by TexasEagle

You can say things like that about fans of any team. It's just posh to dump on Eagles fans. Nobody talks about the fans that boo the Bills, or the Bucs, or the Colts, but the Eagles fans can never escape what the "dirty 30" did at the draft five years ago.

The whole bottle throwing incident from Cleveland is swept under the rug, but throwing snowballs at a drunk santa from a decade+ ago is still talked about...

I really don't care if opposing fans want to keep on believing that Philly fans are "the worst fans in the league" but it gets old hearing about it over, and over, again when it's not as black and white as some like to make it out to be.

B*ll****. I am a season ticket holder and the Eagles/Skins game is easily the worst game in the season to attend because of the Eagle fans. There are more fights at an Eagles game than any other game attended...coincidence???

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There is no way I would bring a child younger than 10-13 (depending on size/maturity) to FedEx... ESPECIALLY to the Club Level where there is always a large number of fans from opposing teams who forget thier manners.

Hell, I tend to cuss a fair amount at the games too, and I feel bad when the all-too-frequent "****" slips out and there is a kid around. I try to watch myself when kids are around, but I have found it impossible to hold back that "****" occasionally.

Hooligans abound at football games, and its no place for kids who are too small to kick someone in the nuts. :)

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I have to agree with you regarding the Eagles games, but the few times the Ravens have been to FedEx have been even worse... I see old bald fat men in the parking lot getting into fights with other old bald fat man and young thugs ONLY after Ravens games.

Sadly, it looks like they are coming to town again next season :(

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its Hip to hate the Skins when you're within a few hundred miles of us. If you're old enough to attend the game as an adult, you're old enough to be really upset when we were winning a lot and either you didn't have a team (Baltimore) or you never won it all (philly). I'm not as mad as I was last night (wishing I had thrown a few punches), but I am still mad enough to want Philly to lose another NFC title game.

My only words on the way out were "If the Bills are the kings of choking when it really counts.....Philly must be the Queens"

that didn't go over well

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It's definitely worse for the Eagles games than anything else. Nothing like rolling out of the stadium in the third quarter through the bus lot and passing bus after bus with New Jersey plates.

Bufford -- did that car you had towed have Jersey plates? Nice job, man.

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I don't get to go to many games but out of the ones I have gone to, last nights fans were the worst. When ever I tried to discuss the teams all I heard was crap. It made me resort to letting them know the are known as the playoff choke artist of the NFL and all I would hear back is F*** the Redskins.

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