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Why is Spurrier going on vacation immediately?


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I've seen in several reports that Spurrier is to leave for a 2 week vacation; starting this Sunday. Why on earth is taking a vacation now; when they are major decisions to be made right now.

1. Does Spurrier stay or go?

2. If Spurrier stays; what assistant stays or goes? Also, given that there could be as many as 10 openings; assistant coaches will be snapped up as soon as the head coaching positions fill up. You'd think; we want to get the best assistants available.

3. Also, if Spurrier really wants more input in personnel or have someone other than Synder/Cerrato; wouldn't he want to discuss that.

There's plenty of time to go on a vacation after those decisions are made. Steve can spend the end of the month on vacation.

This leads me to believe this man really isn't commited to what it takes to turn things around. Also, it give me a sneaky suspicion that he's leaving. He has no intention of coming back. A deal has already been reach on his resignation or possible trade to another team.

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Spurrier is going on vacation for a number of reasons, but I think the main one is that he is frustrated by the expectations and scrutiny of us Redskins fans :(

How could people actually ask for a guy to remember the names of his players and which teams he has just played when addressing the media at a post-game news conference? :laugh:

How could people actually expect Spurrier to be able to motivate a football team to do better than lose 27-0 in a nationally televised game to a team that is hated more than any other in town? :)

And last but not least, how could anyone actually go back and read Spurrier's ridiculously arrogant quotes upon taking this job and then expect him to deliver a contending team in just two short years?

I'm telling you. These Redskins fans. And the local media. They never stop do they?

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Every coach goes on a vacation after the end of their teams season. :rolleyes:

Even if Spurrier didn't need to take a vacation, because of the post season, and NFL rules about player movement , and hirings of coaches on playoff teams, there is very little that can be accomplished until Spurrier gets back, with plenty of time to address areas of need and devise a plan of attack. Plus the added benefit of rest, and recharging the batteries to come in 100% ready to do the job at hand.

Spurrier is leaving Monday, so I am sure he and Snyder will have a talk Sunday before his vacation.

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